
Brother .

Ray and Chris left after making sure the two had made up. Ray was still suffering from a broken heart to have fun and Chris wanted to be home with his wife-to-be.

"Camilla am home," he said. Her head popped up from the seat in the living room.

"How did it go?" she looked excited.

"When we left they were all over each other," he said.

She giggled and motioned him to come over.

Chris walked over and fell into her arms, "My baby did good"

They laid down together, he was holding her waist with his face buried in her chest. She moved her fingers in his hair.

"Will Jack be alright?" he asked.

"Alfred is a charming man who knows what he's doing and Jack is a baby although he doesn't want to admit it. And as I see it Jack only shows his side soft in front of Alfred who knows how to handle him "

"I hope he doesn't hurt him cause I will kill him on the spot" Chris murmured.

"I know love, you don't want your men to be less effective " she chuckled.

He looked up, "Not with Jack. His special so that's why I keep him close to me "

"I actually noticed since the day I met him. You both seem close just like brothers "

"His is my brother. His parents used to work for us, his mother was our cook and his father was my father's driver " he said.

"So the son took over after the father retired "

"Yeah but his father didn't retire, he died in an accident trying to save my father, and when his mother found out her heart could not take it. Jack lost both his parents in one day cause of us " Chris let out.

"So you felt guilty and made him your driver to pay for his father's death?" she asked.

He shook his head, "Dad adopted him, so legally his my brother. But Jack never wanted to be treated differently, so he still lived his life the same as before. After we graduated he decided to be my driver even after dad and I protested ".

"I think he feels he needs to pay you both back since you still treated him well after his parents died".

" But Dad and I never wanted that. Dad had suggested sending him aboard to overtake our branch there but he turned it down to be my driver. And since no one could convince him we let him be "

"I suppose your mother never allowed any of it?" Camilla asked.

"She wanted to protest but the guilt of his parent's death was too big for her to ignore and in the end, she gave in "

"I think Jack feels like he doesn't deserve anything you offered cause he still thinks of himself as a housekeeper's son "

"But we never treated him like one and he keeps pushing us away"

"Maybe Alfred will change him " she giggled.

"You put too much faith in him " Chris hid his face again in her chest.

"You just don't want to see it but he's a good man " She rocked him "Now rest you must be exhausted "

Chris fell silent and let her warmth and caressing put him to sleep.

"Good night Jack's brother " she smiled watching him slumber.

Back at the club,

"Don't you still want to drink?" Alfred asked Jack.

"I wasn't in the mood, to begin with but had to come cause the boss ordered me," he said.

"Then let's leave, am hungry and would want some real food " Alfred got up.

Jack grabbed his phone and they walked out.

Alfred noticed Chris and Ray's spot empty they must have left already.

Jack walked to his car but Alfred stopped him, "You can't drive after drinking " he said.

"Am perfectly fine " he said.

"Let me drive," Alfred said his green eyes threatening

Jack moved back letting Alfred take the driver's seat. He sat next to him in the car.

He made a phone call and then started the car.

They drove to a restaurant, and Alfred seemed to be familiar with the place.

"Welcome Mr, Goldber" the waiter smiled at him and lead them to a table.

"The usually I presume?" he asked after they took their seats.

"Give us a second," he said. The waiter left and Alfred turned to Jack.

"Check the menu and see what you would like," he said

Jack looked at the menu and frowned thinking about what to choose. Finally making up his mind, Alfred called the waiter who took their orders.

"Minutes later they were served with a bottle of wine was brought over.

" Did you order that?" Jack asked

"No, but they always do that even after asking them to stop it " he smiled.

"Come here much, your treated like a VIP" Jack tasted the food.

"Am VIP but not because I come here always, the owner is a friend " he said.

"Hmmm," Jack nodded.

They are as they talked Alfred telling Jack about his trip and Jack telling him how Camilla was driving the boss Chris with her cravings.

"Let me drop you home then I will head to mine after, " Alfred said as they walked out.

"Let me take a taxi and you use my car " Jack suggested walking to the street to grab one.

Alfred stopped him, "No, I want to drive you there myself, now come on it's getting late " he dragged Jack back to the car.