

Camilla was up before Chris. He was still soundly sleeping, bending down she kissed his lips and pulled the covers over him.

She washed her face and moved to the kitchen to make breakfast for her guests. Getting busy she didn't hear Jack walk out of their room.

"Morning, sister-in-law" he smiled.

Camilla smiled back, "Morning handsome .how was your night?"

"Warm " was all he said.

Camilla laughed, Jack walked over, "need help?" he looked around. She pointed to the frozen chicken, "I need it without bones then cut into pieces "

He nodded and got to work. Camilla went back to cutting the onions she had started.

"Did you get your suit for the wedding?" she asked.

"Yeah, Dad bought it over last week "

"The closer the days the more nervous I get "

Jack chuckled, "Why, you getting married to someone you love and we are all going to be there with you "

"That makes me feel better "Camilla laughed, " And you are you ready for your wedding?" she asked.

Jack nodded, "Alfred has proved himself to be someone I need by my side no matter what "

Camilla giggled, "I can't wait to see you two married "

They were almost done with making breakfast. Jack placed the finished food on the table.

"We asked him about having a baby last night," Camilla said. Jack turned to her.." and what did he say?" he asked.

"That whatever makes you happy will make him happy," she said.

Jack smirked, "He's always like that, letting me take the lead on everything"

"But what do you think about it?Have you both made plans?"

Jack shook his head, "We are always busy and haven't had time to talk about anything. But us raising another little person will have to wait cause I don't think am ready for that "

"I understand and your right. You both are always up and down so it would be hard. But you just have to sit down and talk with your fiancee about your plans " Camilla said.

The last dish was placed on the table. "I will wake up Chris after am done making his coffee.So you can go ahead a d wake up the others " Camilla told Jack.

He left to do what he had been told.

Rachel and Ray woke up then he moved to his room. Alfred was still sleeping.

"Al, wake up .breakfast is ready " he kissed his lips. Alfred smiled and opened his eyes. Jack was laying next to him with his face close to his.

"Why don't we stay in bed for more minutes " he moved his arms to Jack's waist pulling him closer.

"No, we have to get up now. Or you will be late for work and you will miss breakfast " Jack tried pulling away.

Alfred moved his face to Jack's neck taking in his scent.

"Hmmm, you smell so good.Let's just stay in bed " he murmured.

"So you won't eat the breakfast we made," said Jack. Alfred turned to his face and smiled, "You made breakfast?"

Jack nodded, "I made it with sister in law, although she did most of it " he laughed.

"But you still made it with her " Alfred asked.

"yeah ". Alfred was up now..." then let's go have some "

Jack chuckled watching Alfred get up with a smile.

"Morning Camilla " Rachel walked out..."Morning girlfriend "

"Bestie, morning " Ray appeared hugging Camilla.

"Get off me, am still angry at you. She pushed him away and Ray frowned. " Rachel did this fool give you a hard time last night, cause if he did I still have some strength to hit him "

Rachel pulled Ray away, "No, he was really sweet. didn't trouble me at all " Camilla smiled and let them move away.

Alfred and Jack walked in, she hugged Alfred with a smile, "Morning Jack's doctor " she giggled.

"Morning Camilla, the breakfast smile nice," he said...

"Thank you but your fiancee had a part in it too " she whispered. "I know " he whispered back.

She watched them sit down and excused herself to go get her better half.

"Babe, time to wake up " she moved to the bed. Camilla got under the covers and held Chris's body in her arms.

"Mmmm" he moved but didn't wake up.

"I made your favorite dish " she kissed his nose. "Am afraid Alfred and Ray might finish it before you even have a taste "

Chris's eyes flew open, "I forgot they where still here "he growled. Camilla snickered " everyone is at the table already, lets go join them "

Chris nodded but he didn't get up, Camilla smiled asking him why he wasn't getting up.

"I want to but I have no energy. Maybe you can help me " he pulled her and moved to place her under him.

She laughed, "which part exactly needs my help?" her hands moved to the buttons of his pajama.

He bent down gently kissing her neck, chin, and moved to her lips, stopping there. He pried deep into her mouth with his tongue waking something inside him.

She pulled away," and breakfast?" she asked. Chris's lips were right up above hers brushing asking for more.

"it can wait for a few minutes " he was back to her lips with his hands pushing down her pajamas, his warm hands caressing her skin. She breathed letting him do what he wanted.

"Why is Camilla taking so long, is waking up Chris that hard " wondered Ray.

"Ugh..uhh...ahh.." they all fell silent after the sounds came out of the closed room. It seemed Camilla and Chris were busy with themselves.

Ray frowned, "REALLY?...with us here and they still go ahead and do that "

Rachel pulled him down, "Have your breakfast " she said.

Alfred and Jack both chuckled and went ahead with eating.

Chris came out later in a bathrobe and moved to the table.

"Morning Rachel, morning Jack," he said ignoring Alfred and Ray. The others answered back.

"Hi, Alfred and I are here too " Ray shouted.

"And am not blind but since you announced your presence" Chris turned to Alfred, "Alfred how is your morning ".

Alfred smiled, " wonderful and how is yours?" he asked.

Chris smiled, "Better than the rest of all of you "

Alfred didn't reply and nodded, but Ray sneered.

Chris selected the food from the table carefully putting it on a plate. Then placed everything on a tray with a cup of coffee and milk.

"You guys can finish and leave for work, Camilla won't be able to see you off," Chris said moving away.

"And you? Don't you both have work to do?" Ray asked.

"We do but unlike you Ray, Camilla, and I can skip work cause we are our bosses " Chris turned to the other, "Rachel and Alfred thanking you for coming over and making my wife happy. And brother you have the whole day off "

Chris disappeared to their room.

"What should we do today?" Alfred turned to Jack.

"Don't you have work " he took a sip of his coffee. Alfred shook his head, "I don't, am free for the next three days "

Jack smiled, "let's just go home then " Alfred raised his left eyebrow with a smirk, "I like that idea "

They excused themselves to go get ready to leave. Leaving Rachel and Ray at the table. Ray turned to Rachel with a full smile.

"Sugar bear why don't we go home too " Rachel glared getting up.

"I have work to do and I suggest you also hurry up before your father starts calling you for being late " she walked away.

Ray sighed, "why is everybody picking on me?" he cried.