

They arrive and notice a huge gate of bright white light and a man standing in front of it as well as a number of people Tajida moves to the front, at the front he sees the other kingdoms with each being easy to differentiate by the color of their robes looking round his gaze caught that of another warrior, a lady in her mid twenties from her robe she was from Betan kingdom she had red wine eyes, long eclipse dark hair, skin like a pearl taken from a waterfall from her look Tajida knew she was strong and she had a wealthy upbringing but he could see her looking down on him surprised all he did was smirk and look away he could see the Dakad kingdom whose robes where golden then his attention to the man in front of them knowing if he was addressing them he had to be a Serene, monks who watched the balance between gates he introduces himself and goes straight to the rules for this tournament.

Rule 1: *once in the other realm it's every man for himself*

Rule 2 : * within each region on the other side there are two enemies; the beast trying to kill you and the opponent trying to take your card*

Rule 3: *although there is rule 1, there can also be a groups of 4*

Rule 4: *the tournament takes 7 days depending on how long it takes to get the victors; 7 summoners, when gotten the tournament automatically ends and every human is transported back here*

Rule 5: *one person cannot have more than 2 summoning cards because more than that will not work in our world rendering it useless*

The regions within the realm are five in total; Clover, Sandflik, Metra, Jozan and Frerik regions. The monk begins murmuring some words under his breath the gate begins to open wider displaying an overwhelmingly bright light Tajida wakes up in a forest of trees more than 20 metres high looking around and finally in front of him sees a 3 ft tall boar with metal horns rushing towards him he was surprised and began to run