
Calling Myself

l stories of characters in the same universe

StingRaymond · ファンタジー
19 Chs


Although, not to this extent. She seemed more calm when dealing with problems, although he was quite sure that it was mostly because she didn't have a job anymore. He was sure that she had tried to convince herself that there was nothing she couldn't handle. And maybe there was nothing to handle, but he was starting to wonder if there really was something that bothered her so much. She usually worked late at night, so perhaps there was a big project that was stressing her out? Maybe that's why he'd never seen her so upset before. Not that he cared all that much about his mother's work. But sometimes it was nice to see his parents so busy.

"We've got some bad news," his father said, sounding quite tense. "Apparently they caught an animal outside the city, it escaped from a cage and now it's run wild inside town. And apparently it's rabid. I guess they don't even know what it looks like yet, but they say they've seen a man wandering around with a large dog around his neck." His father shook his head, clearly annoyed. Aishitani furrowed his eyebrows, thinking hard. Could it be a stray cat or a rat? Probably. But then again, what did he care about animals? They had nothing to do with him. Well, other than giving him nightmares every once in a while, but even those weren't as bad as when the guy who kidnapped him turned up. At least these nightmares weren't as gruesome either. Still, they were enough to keep him awake most of the nights.

"Are they planning on releasing the thing to hunt it? Or killing it?" Aishitani asked after another few seconds of silence.

"The police don't seem sure as to which is the correct course of action. And they've offered to take care of it. Apparently there aren't as many people who know about the animal, but they're sure they won't miss it."

Aishitani nodded absentmindedly. Even though he wasn't really paying any attention to what his father was saying and instead focused on his surroundings. His eyes landed on the clock above the stove and frowned a little as he realized that it was already eleven.

"I don't suppose you know if it ran away somewhere else, do you?" Aishitani questioned.

He knew that his mom didn't go anywhere without taking him with her on these trips. So if they lost track of its location, he doubted that they would realize it. Unless the person in charge of it somehow managed to catch up to them. Then his mother would definitely know that something was amiss.

His dad took a second to think, staring blankly at the screen of his phone as his eyes went from the corner to the right.

"I don't know actually. They didn't give me a location, so I couldn't ask them. If they knew where it was they would have told us." He said.

Aishitani nodded slightly. It was a fair assumption. He figured as much. It wouldn't surprise him at all that his parents would keep that sort of information to themselves. It seemed that they wanted to protect him, especially since they had just recently found out about his abilities. They didn't want to push him into going out and doing things he wasn't ready for yet.

Well, that might be understandable considering his family was famous and all. But they should at least tell him when they needed him to do stuff, especially if they felt that he was too young. And he was still learning to control his powers. Just because he could see ghosts didn't mean that he could control them or stop them. It'