
Calling Myself

l stories of characters in the same universe

StingRaymond · ファンタジー
19 Chs


Jaethol Mollene, a dwarf, was born in the kingdom The Noble Mountains of Quyckemark. He was later abandoned by his parents at the Kingdom's door.

His story is similar to many other dwarfs, but his story is also about his determination and love for his fellow dwarfs to be accepted as equals.

He's a perfect example of how every person, no matter how insignificant they seem, can play an important role in the world and make a difference. It's all about finding your purpose and following your passion.

King Zeozz of the Noble Mountains of Quyckemark was a wise and just ruler who believed in a united kingdom where all people were equal. He adopted the young dwarf Jaethol Mollene and raised him as his own son.

King Zeozz taught Jaethol about honor and justice and the importance of leadership by his own example.

Jaethol was eventually given his own house in the court of King Zeozz and became a close advisor to the king.

His wisdom and insight played an important role in guiding the Kingdom to peace and prosperity.

This is because he demonstrated exceptional skills and courage from a very young age. He was often asked to help with dangerous rescues or difficult diplomatic missions, and always rose to the challenge.

His early achievement of knighthood was not only a testament to his abilities, but also a sign of the immense trust placed in him by his superiors.

He was well liked and respected by those around him, and this early appointment to the highest ranks of his profession reflected his talent, charisma, and leadership potential.

King Zeozz was a just and good king who worked hard for the people of the Noble Mountains of Quyckemark.

He was a strong and powerful leader who left a legacy of peace, stability, and prosperity in his kingdom.

His passing, though saddening, was the beginning of a new era for the Kingdom of the Noble Mountains of Quyckemark and a chance for the people to come together and celebrate the achievements of a great ruler.

There was a period of uncertainty after the passing of King Zeozz, but the people soon rallied around Jaethol Mollene and he was named the new King of the Noble Mountains of Quyckemark.

Jaethol was a young ruler but he had already demonstrated the qualities of a great leader and had the support of the people.

As King, he continued to work toward the common good and to protect the Kingdom's interests. He also worked to ensure that the legacy of peace and prosperity established by King Zeozz would be passed on to future generations.

Tonjen Lane, the leader of the Brown Wolf Crew, is a charismatic and powerful force. He is driven by the desire to protect and support those who are most vulnerable in their society. This is a noble goal, and he works tirelessly toward achieving it.  


Tonjen has a strong commitment to fighting for justice for all people, regardless of their race or religion, and this is reflected in the way he leads the Brown Wolf Crew.  


His dedication to his mission, coupled with his strong personal principles, make him a truly inspiring figure.

Theonan of Ustego is a cunning and ruthless faction leader whose main goal is power and control.  


He is willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants, including violence and deception.  


He represents one of the greatest threats to peace in the country, and is determined to achieve his goals by any means necessary.

Those who stand in his way better watch out, because they may find themselves eliminated without even seeing it coming.

Theonan of Ustego and Tonjen Lane reached an agreement to have peace between the two factions.

But when Theonan left the meeting, he gave his faction's arrow warriors the command to throw fire arrows at the Dominion of Sondhra faction, who were still in the meeting fixing their horses.

This attack was an act of betrayal and it triggered a massive battle that raged on for days.

The two factions fought fiercely and many people were killed or injured in the conflict.

The battle was finally resolved but a lasting resentment remained between the two factions.

Sadon Giarriose is a patient and powerful man who has big plans for the future. He is a strong and determined individual who knows what he wants and will do everything possible to achieve his goals. He isn't afraid of taking risks or stepping outside the bounds of traditional ways of thinking, and it is this determination that drives him to always seek out new opportunities and to always look for new ways of doing things. He is someone who is never satisfied with the status quo, and is constantly looking for ways to improve things for him and the people around him.

Sadon Giarriose is a patient man. He has a plan to create his own faction and dominate the XZP world.

He has been working on his plan little by little for years, and now it's time to put it into action.

With this plan in place, Sadon will be able to rise to power and rule the XZP world with an iron fist.

He is determined and powerful, and he will not give up until he achieves his goals. He will do anything necessary to make his dreams a reality, and he is sure to become a force to be reckoned with.

Sadon Giarriose becomes the third leader of the Dominion of Sondhra faction.

The faction had previously been led by Aessah of Vand, but she has since been replaced by Sadon.

Sadon now leads the faction and seeks to lead it to great heights.

He hopes to someday become as great a warrior and leader as Tonjen Lane, and he is doing everything he can to make this dream a reality.

It is a daunting task ahead of him, but Sadon's determination and ambition will surely help him to succeed.