
Calling Myself

l stories of characters in the same universe

StingRaymond · ファンタジー
19 Chs


You are now in prison. You feel alone and abandoned. Your life has been changed forever. You are now known as an murderer and a criminal, not the hero you thought you were becoming. Your actions have had consequences and now you must face them. Will you ever find redemption and be treated as a hero again or will you have to accept your fate as a criminal. This is a huge question that you must try and answer by your future actions, will you be a good person and try to get the respect of society or will you do evil actions and be worse than the queen.

You have two choices either to change your ways and to try and earn back the respect of society and try to be a good person again or to do evil actions and become worse than the queen. You have two paths which will you decide to take?

You have decided to end your own life. You feel like there is no way out. This is your choice. You write a letter to your family explaining what you have done and why you are taking this option. You also write a final message to the people of the world. You write about how you are sorry for your actions but you felt like there was no other way out. After you have written your letters and final message you hang yourself and end your life. The world is shocked and sad when they hear and read about your final decision but they eventually move on and forget about it. Your story is an interesting one.

And then  came the dark period where they were fighting over different issues...

How different were the issues?

1. They had political differences.

2. They had cultural differences.

3. They had economic issues.

4. They had differences over the control of resources.

As they were fighting over their issues the other powers started to take advantage of them by attacking them one by one.

Some kingdom managed to keep their independence

The others lost everything and became  part of the other powers...

Their resources were used to build the empires of the enemies...

All the glory that was gained through hard work was lost for just few selfish interest.

For the next 1000 years people had to fight against powers and their selfish interests.

Andrew was gifted with the powers of controlling and summoning light.

But he was not trained to use these special powers.

And one day his powers went out of control, and he destroyed everything in the kingdom of Sondhra.

His father King Dedeco was enraged at his son and banished him from the realm.

He became an outcast in the outside world. Many people feared him because of his powers.

It was hard for Andrew to learn to control these powers. But there was a little hope inside him that one day he would master his powers and find redemption.

It was not easy for him to manage his powers with no training or guidance.

One day he got into a fight with some people because of some misunderstanding.

The fight turned violent and he unleashed his powers, and in an instant destroyed everything in front of him.

He could not believe what he had done. He was filled with sadness and guilt for the destruction he had caused.

He promised himself that he will never use his powers again until he had perfect control over them.

He decided to go on a journey to find a place where he could learn to master his powers.