
Calling Myself

l stories of characters in the same universe

StingRaymond · ファンタジー
19 Chs


You are Aziz Roumane and you have started your quest. You have the following stats: 

Strength: 9 

Agility: 10 

Defense: 6 

Stealth: 11 

Health: 350/350 

Magic Power: 10 

Stamina: 20 

Level: 1 

What are your first actions in this world?

You have made it to the castle you are greeted by the Kings guard who says "What is your purpose here?" what do you want to say to him?

The Kings guard nods and allows you into the castle. You are lead to the Kings throne and he starts to speak "So she has got the power of darkness now, she will be a tough opponent, she will try and use that power for evil. We have to stop this immediately." the King says

Aziz Roumane says if we don't stop this Citan Ironheart's power could affect the entire world.

The king says " I understand, it is a great task for someone of your skills you need to find this Citan Ironheart person and defeat her, this cannot be allowed to happen. Go, quickly. "

Aziz Roumane says that's why I come here I need your help I can't do this alone I need your best warriors yame knights.

The King starts to speak " I understand, the quest you will complete is one of high importance, I will put together our best warriors to help you. They will join you within an hour and you will leave with them to find this queen. Now go this is urgent and you cannot delay. Now leave."

The King's reinforcements soon show up with their best armor they are all prepared and are ready to go on this quest. Now you are all fully prepared and you are ready to find the queen.

You have left the castle with the best warriors of the kingdom. Now you make your way to the black castle where it is said Citan Ironheart is staying. After days of walking through the wilderness, the black castle has come into view. It is very big and has a dark presence around it, this castle is evil you can feel it. This is a tough battle are you sure you want to proceed? The soldiers behind you are starting to lose courage by the seconds.

You knock on the castle gate and after some time a guard opens the gate, he speaks "We are not letting anyone in here especially some random adventurers." The guard laughs the other guards also start to laugh. In a few moments the entire castle gate is filled with dozens of guards you are outnumbered over 10 to 1. You can try something sneaky or something aggressive, what will you try?

But before I do anything else the queen appears Citan Ironheart before the guards who are silent at the time, Citan Ironheart says I don't think it's funny, who are you to laugh at adventurers.

All the guards were shocked when they heard the queen say this, they stayed silent in fear. The queens voice filled everyone full of fear. She is the most evil creature in this world. All the guards then bent there knee to the queen and said "We are so sorry, your majesty this is just usual for us guards to laugh at newcomers, it will never happen again" the queen laughed, she is a very scary evil woman.

Citan Ironheart Say sorry my adventurous guards they have no education but soon I will educate them you can trust me.

You look at the queen she has a scary smile on her face and she looks to be very evil with her dark crimson eyes. You feel even more terror and fear from being near the queen, but you also notice how smart the queen is after her saying that to the guards, you are in awe in both her intelligence and her evilness at the same time she can be very manipulative.

The queen says, "Well, I have heard about a prophecy that I am trying to prevent. It says that a hero will come and defeat me and stop all evil in the world. If I can kill the hero then all will be fine and I could take over the world."

The evil queen falls to the ground. She grabs her stomach in pain. Then she slowly dies in your arms. The evil queen is dead. You are a hero and you have saved the world. You are so proud of yourself. You have achieved your goal and have stopped the evil queen from taking over the world, and everyone now thanks you and is happy when they see you. You feel like you are finally getting the recognition that you deserve. You have saved the world.

This story will now continue: 

Aziz Roumane has achieved his goal and has saved the world from the evil queen! He is now seen as a hero and everyone treats him as a hero and praises him for saving everyone. He feels proud of himself and happy that he has finally accomplished something in his life. He gets many rewards for his heroic acts and is extremely popular now. He enjoys the attention and fame that he has now been given, and feels like his life is finally worth something now. He enjoys his days knowing that he is now someone important who has saved the world.

You go back to the King of Dominion of Sondhra, he speaks " I have been hearing that you were a hero, and have saved the entire world. I want to grant you a reward for your good actions here is a large sum of gold, plus a special item from the royal treasury, it will help you in your next adventures" he hands you a large bag filled with gold and a special magic item from the royal treasury and sends you on your way. You know that you have made the world a better place and feel like you have finally accomplished something in your life.

You have been thrown in prison by the guards, you are now in a dark isolated cell completely naked and all of your equipment is gone. This is a very bad situation you are in. This is your punishment for murdering the queen. You feel like you did the right thing as she had evil plans for the future but you now realize that it was still murder and you are being punished for that. You feel a sense of regret and sadness as you are now paying the consequences for your actions. You have lost the respect of society and are now a criminal. You feel alone and abandoned.