
Call Of The Dao

This is a story of a young boy, Lin Feng, whose passion for cultivation dies once he opens his meridians, he decides to leave his family and settle on a small Mountain, to kill his boredom, he starts painting, carving, farming and other hobbies. What he doesn't know is the things he thinks are normal can make cultivators lose their minds. Join Lin Feng in his daily normal life. The cover isn't mine, just found it on google. If the artist wants it removed just dm me and I will removed

Senior_elder · 東方
53 Chs

chapter 35

In the light church, Mu Lei was preparing for a confrontation with the light god. She knew it was inevitable, so she dealt with it while her hands were still not full.

Mu Lei knew she was still far away from having the ability to kill a god realm cultivator. The most her absolute physique could do was ensure her survival were she to encounter such a cultivator.

Her chances of winning were low but not zero, but she wasn't going to a fight that she didn't have a chance of winning. That would be against her usual way of doing things.

Before this, she had asked the 'great observer' for help, and the latter advised her on using formations since she was already knowledgeable in the field.

The 'great observer' gave her a powerful formation technique that she was currently studying. The formation technique lacked a name, so she called it the nameless formation technique.

"I have already comprehended up to the third layer of this technique?"

Mu Lei thought to herself excitedly. Once again, the mysteries of the absolute physique was revealed, fast comprehension. Indeed, the absolute physique, as the name suggested, was absolute when it came to helping in matters relating to cultivation. Fast cultivation speed, fast comprehension, impurity-free cultivation were just a few of its uses, with other uses remaining a mystery for Mu Lei to discover in the future slowly.

The fast comprehension speed could be seen by just how rapid Mu Lei was able to comprehend up to the third layer within just a few minutes of starting to comprehend the technique. Formation masters who spent countless years understanding a technique would be bitter if they knew of Mu Lei advancements.

Usually, to become a formation master, one needed to have a high comprehension speed which Mu Lei already had, so she had already gotten into the dao of formations. The only problem was that it would take forever to advance in her dao.

Dao comprehension was an endless path that needed one to cultivate continuously. It was different from normal cultivation. Having a strong dao comprehension meant if cultivators of the same level were to face-off, the one with a stronger dao heart would win. It was also impossible to have the same level of dao comprehension as no dao was the same as the other.

Even if two people started comprehending the same dao, the level would be different even if they were both at the same level. There was no stronger dao, only a stronger understanding of the dao.

While Mu Lei was setting up the formation, an old man dressed in white robes arrived at the skies of the light church. This old man was the same who was coughing blood a while ago. He had changed his clothes and was now spotless. If the statue still existed, one would be able to tell the old man was a perfect mould of the statue or was the statue the perfect mould of the old man? What was certain was he was the light god.

"Where is that little priest?"

The old man asked loudly, contradicting his saintly looks.

Everyone suddenly stopped what they were doing as the voice sent a shiver down their spines. An invisible pressure that demanded reverence was subjected to the light church believers.

A stream of white light came from the main church and stopped near the light god.

"What instruction does the light god have for this little messenger?"

The high priest of the light asked the light god.

"Don't test my patience."

The light god answered the priest. He knew the priest was intentionally pretending he didn't know what circumstances had brought him here.

"What happened to my statue?"

The light god suddenly spoke while gazing at where his statue was supposed to be. Although he suspected someone had tampered with it, he didn't expect it to be gone.

"It was blocking the sunlight, so we removed it."

The high priest answered with an annoying smile.

The light god almost attacked him, seeing his face that demanded punches, but he decided against it. He wasn't someone to lose his temper over a few pathetic provocations.

"Are you challenging my authority? Maybe you didn't get my question. I'll ask again, what happened to my statue?"

The light god asked while flaunting his aura. He wanted to remind the priest of his position. He was the big dog here.

"You idiot, are those ears for decoration or has your old age made you senile? Maybe you should retire and give others a chance."

The priest answered while struggling due to the aura the light god was releasing.

The light god was stunned. How come the priest was so unreasonable? It was like he was purposefully doing it to provoke an attack from him.

Thinking of this, the light god sneered inside.

'You are a million years too late to affect my emotions.'

The light god thought to himself. There was something fishy going on with the priest's behaviour. He unleashed his full divine sense to scan his surroundings. Indeed, something had changed. The light church believers looked different than they were before. That was the only thing he could conclude.

"Are you answering or not?"

The light god asked. He was starting to get impatient, and his senses were beginning to act up.

The priest had a panic-stricken expression, he knew this was a matter of life and death for him, so any mistakes would only result in his demise.

Suddenly the priest had an idea.

"Didn't your wife tell you what was going on?"

The priest asked while fishing a green hat from his space ring and throwing it to the light god.

The light god was startled by his question, what did his beautiful wife have to do with this? She was at home enjoying tea, so why bring her up?

The light god caught the hat and examined it. He had to appreciate its craftsmanship.


The light god suddenly discovered what the hat implied. His eyes turned blood red in anger. His aura was released recklessly. It seemed his greatest insecurity was touched. The light god remembered how his wife was growing less satisfied by him in bed. He had suspected she was seeing another man, but he could not determine the conjecture despite exhausting countless methods to test the theory.

So seeing the priest's actions was enough for him to determine he was the culprit. He mobilized his qi and prepared his strongest attack. He wasn't going to let the man who was plucking his fruits go.

In the skies, a huge illusionary palm appeared, the palm was so huge it covered the whole church plus some li around the church, no doubt if this palm was to fall, half of the star population was bound to be destroyed, the shockwaves would be enough to spread across half the star. And this was him holding back, if he went all out, the star would alert other god realm cultivators, and attacks would bombard him, even if he managed to escape, the universe would mark him as a threat that needs to be destroyed, hence he wouldn't be able to enter another star. His life would be doomed to float in the endless space and probably be devoured by space storms.

The palm was about to smash the church when something incredible happened.


A loud sound could be heard. The light god that was supposed to be floating was nowhere to be seen.

Below where he was supposed to be floating, a huge crater had formed. Inside the hole lay the light god with tattered clothes. He was not dead, only knocked out. His endurance could be seen as he had not died from a star-level attack, such was the power of a god, though he was only at the early stage.

The crater could have been bigger if the light god didn't realize the counter-attack sooner and tried to resist it.

Mu Lei came out of her hiding place and stopped in front of the crater. She walked to the crater and observed the light god. She took out a slip that she had already prepared and put it on the light god's head. The slip disappeared in his head.

Mu Lei instructed the high priest who was sweating buckets to carry the light god into the church.

The priest wiped off his sweat and carried the light god as instructed, though he was still shaking wildly.

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