
call me yours

A hot girl moves to California and meets her best friend Becky.Will she fall in love with this mysterious boy Alfred or will she chase her dreams?she goes through a lot of challenges but will she overcome the most important one?

staicyrose · ゲーム
6 Chs

chasing the possibilities

Becky's words rang in my mind was I going to chase the possibilities .I had dreams to chase and a life to live .I had a busy schedule at the campus our law professor didn't care about that, we had a hell lot of assignemts to do. I as usual had not even attempted one .Mrs Cathrine was sure to send me out for the third time in a row but what could i do I hated law and everything about it. My heart was into art and that's all that mattered.Things were about to change I was to go after what i loved most .

'' Hey Elsie ,'' looking back it was Andrea my former classmate at Havard junior high .'' Hey Andrea what brings you here long time no see.'' I'm now enrolled in this university arts management is my new course . This was a dream come true I had to tell Andrea what was on my mind maybe she could come handy.''Want some coffee,'' said Andrea with a smile on her face . Sure I would .''So how's life here it's been long since we last met I remember we were pretty good friends .''Yeah and that is still the case and as for this place cant say much about it .It holds both the bad and the good memories but have you seen Becky you guys were best friends before you moved to Washington .

The chit chat went on for a while I just couldn't believe that Andrea was back much less in this place she was my favourite kind of person she always had a smile on her face and always seemed to have answers to all questions concerning life.''We'll catch up later need to settle in was nice meeting you Elsie. Meeting her regained all my past memories who could forget little Andrea with her glasses and that time she painted her mum so hilariously thinking about all this made me laugh a little. For a while i forgot all my problems and enganged in some remembering.

Woops!I almost forgot to pick my clothes at the dry cleaners which wasn't that far from where the cafe was ,paying the bill i rushed out in order to get there on time. On getting there Herbert the dry cleaners nephew was waiting for me he was a little bit short and blond plus oh my he had the the looks no one could deny that fact a few days ago he was the same person offering to escort Becky home and from that day i knew something fishy was going on though Becky denied it a couple of times . ''Thanks Herbert,'' I said with a gracious look on my face. Now i was relieved my apartment was two blocks away and I was not quite in a hurry. I got into wings and things for some window shopping

The dresses were really fancy and the price wasn't a joke . i would rather shop at the midtown boutique the prices there were more affordable. After some exciting episode of that i had now to get home I walked slowly thinking of how i would ditch law for arts but all this was so tiresome but one thing i knew is that i had to chase the possibilities .Reaching at the apartment Becky had already made dinner which was quite a relief for me how i hated cooking i would have rather take some take out or buy a burger for dinner and go to bed .I hated those lousy Sunday nights with the neighbour playing some annoying sad songs Aaaargh! i just couldn't stand it .We need to do something intresting .What about we listen to a less boring type of music.Listen to the song below

Just listening to the song made me realize a lot of stuff and think about my place in people's lives after that I had to get to bed so that wouldn't be late to join art classes this would the biggest step of my life and not only that I would be chasing the possibilities. The warm sun rose and as I woke up I felt so refreshed and ready for whatever life would throw at me. The best part was we would be in the same class with Andrea.i looked up to her she looked always seemed to be the person who knew her goals in life not like me I had no expectations except the one of being the best artist in the world.Walking into art class was like a dream come true. I walked in and sat next to a blonde girl.

She looked quite lonely and a little bit deserted a looked at and gave her a warm smile .She smiled back as if no one had smiled at her in a long time Jessie the school's queen walked up to her she didn't look really friendly to her.''Did you finish my assignment nerd,''Jessie said with an angry voice. I knew i had to stand up for her though i didn't really know her.''Don't dare talk to her like that she neither your toy nor your worker.''Jessie couldn't leave without a fight .The art class teacher walked up to us.Not wanting any more trouble Jessie walked away but it was quite evident that she wasn't done with us .After art class the art class teacher called me aside for a while.''After you drawing the famous painting I saw potential in you something i have not seen in people for a long time hope you'll stay here with us,''She said leaving. I still couldn't believe his words. No one had ever seen my potential but what hurt the most was that own family didn't support me in this but i had already made up my mind about all this. It was time to grab some lunch i just knew the place

Becky made some really good pasta i and the best thing was she had invited me for some . After getting their we did a little bit of chitchat and not forgetting the delicious serving of pasta