

Carley disappeared from the lives of the boys she grew up with. Boys, who were always her protectors, but even they couldn't protect her from the monster that is depression. Her mother whisked her away to get her the mental health she needed after the deaths of her father and twin brother. Now she has returned to find the five boys she loves are now dangerous men. But even mercenaries need someone to kiss their booboos. Enemies lurk around every corner for them so there is only one way to protect this fiery woman version of the girl they failed at protecting once, and that is to bring her into C.H.A.O.S.

Rose_Sugar_9138 · 都市
13 Chs

Chapter 2: Unexpected Lunch


It's finally lunchtime. When I get to the cafeteria doors I find Jase Alto blocking my way.

"You're eating with us Carley," he says. It's not a question, but a demand.

He holds the door open for me to enter. I got straight to grab a tray, but he smacks my hand away. I turn to him with a glare.

"I'll get your food. Tell me what you want," he demands again.

"I'm capable of getting my food," I grouse.

He cocks a rich auburn eyebrow at my reply with a dare in his eyes to defy him.

I roll my eyes and huff. I allow him to get both of our food and drinks.

I follow Jase to the table outside in the courtyard where Lachlan and Weston are waiting. The former is drawing in his sketch with charcoal while the latter is talking to another guy I cannot see due to the people blocking him from view.

"Hey, baby girl," Weston says I sit down between him and Jase with Lachlan on the opposite side of the table.

"Care to tell us where you've been, sweetheart?" Jase asks about halfway through my grilled chicken salad.

"Seriously, Carley," Lachlan breathes. He looks up at me, pausing his drawing. "I tried to call you and your mom multiple times, but your phones were turned off." Those shadows are still in Lachlan's eyes pleading with me to tell him what happened to us.

I cannot deal with his emotions right now, instead, my eyes dart around not wanting people to listen in to our private conversation. I notice most people are avoiding our table and some have wary looks when they notice us.

"Guys I tried so many times to..."

"Well if it isn't the Choas whore? I thought you were dead," I hear a woman say so I turn around to find her.

There she is my high school tormentor, Julia Snipe. "If it isn't the wicked witch of Jones High. Sorry to disappoint you sugar, but here I am," I snark back at her.

Julia's eyes narrow on me in disdain. "Developed a backbone I see. I'm just going to have to break you all over again. Maybe this you will manage to..."

"Don't finish that sentence Julia," Jase warns drawing her attention to him.

"Oh Jase, I'm free tonight if want to come over and have some fun," she purrs seductively at him. My little biodegradable fork snaps under the presser I place on it.

Jase's eyes slide to my broken cutlery. He chuckles under his breath. Before he can turn back to Julia to address her she is yanked away by tattooed fingers.

"What do we have here? Couldn't get into my pants last night so you thought you would try Jase tonight huh?" The man tuts at her. "Oh come on Julia, we know where you've been. There isn't a dick on campus you haven't ridden, other that Chaos'," the man says in a mocking tone.

I turn to look at the man she is talking to. I'd know this man anywhere. Just as I know Jase, Lachlan, and Weston. Arson.

"Only because your whore's pussy seems to have sunk its teeth into you five," she snaps at him with a frown on her blood-red lips.

A deep cruel chuckle leaves his lips. "The only snatch with teeth around here along with who knows what disease yours is. Heard that the math professor you were with has chlamydia. Might want to go get tested there, Jules." A cruel smile graces his lush lips. His dimples are now hidden behind a dark well-kept beard.

"Fuck you, Skaggs!" She snarls at him before turning on her heels and slapping him in the face with her hair. All the while he just laughs at her retreating form.

When she can no longer be seen, Arson sits beside Lachlan. I turn around to come face to face with his golden eyes boring into me. I feel as though if he looks hard enough that he might be able to read my mind.

"What happened to you? Where did you go? I thought you might have been kidnapped if it weren't for your mother disappearing too," he questions.

I chose to ignore him, instead looking for the missing letter in their acronym.

Jase sighs deeply. "He isn't here, sweetheart," he says with disappointment.

"Why isn't he here? Where is he?" I ask desperately needing to seek out my former best friend.

"In prison," Jase says before looking away from me.

"In prison!" I squeak. "How did that happen?" I ask in alarm.

"You weren't here so we owe you no explanation," Arson snarls at me. He has never snarled at me before! I used to get a side of him no one else did, a gentle side. What happened to make that sweet boy this angry man before me?

"Air, I had a good reason for leaving. Yeah, maybe I should have called but how could I without a phone? I didn't have any of your numbers memorized and neither did mom."

He scoffs at my words so turn my attention back on Jase. "Can I go see him?" I ask.

"Not sure he would want to see you, sweetheart. He is not the same," Jase says shaking his head in disappointment.

"I care about him. I want to see him," I assure him in an urgent voice. Being away from my best friend for over six years feel as though I've been missing a vital organ.

"Stop acting like you care," Arson sneers at me. "If you cared, you wouldn't have ghosted us."

"It wasn't intentional! It's not like I wanted to vanish from you in the first place. You are my boys," I snap back at him. Though they aren't boys now as they? No, they are now dangerous-looking men.

"I missed all five of you," I say in a hushed voice.

"Yeah, well, you have a funny way of showing it," Arson snaps having heard me. He stands walking over to a girl standing by a tree making eyes at him.

Weston makes a sound of disgust. "There he goes again," he mutters.

My gaze travels over to Arson to find him with his hand up that girl's short skirt and his tongue down her throat. My upper lip curls up in a sneer at the sight.

Jase vibrates beside me with a silent chuckle. He leans over to whisper in my ear, " Are you going to let your boy disrespect you like that, sweetheart?"

At that moment I know Jase can see my body tremble with fury. How dare he touch another woman like that with me here!

The guys stand around me. Jase holds his hand out for me, so I take it coming to stand. He kisses my temple.

"Go get our boy. Remind him who owns him, " Jase whispers in my ear. The way my body responds to him is as though he is uttering filthy sexual words instead of telling me to go dominate his friend.

Do have the right to own Arson? Any of them? I'm the one who left them. My mind is made up for me as soon I see the unzip his pants and reach inside.

I stomp over them with the other three CHAOS boys right on my heels. I grab Arson but the waistband of his jeans, yanking him out and away from the girl he was balls-deep in. He stumbles back in surprise and lands on his rear.

I jump on him, straddling him and hiding his body with mine. I grab a fist full of his umber hair with one hand and his chin in the other. We curse in unison at one another.

Dawning enters his gaze when he realizes who has him. He glances around at the other three looking down on us and blocking us from the view of onlookers with their large bodies.

"Don't speak, Arson!" I snap at him harshly. "I don't want to hear another excuse out of your mouth," I snarl with venom. "Do you realize how bloodthirsty it makes me seeing you with another girl?"

"You were gone," he hisses at me. His golden eye glare at me with defiance and hurt shining in them.

"You're right I did leave. I'm here now. I'm not leaving again. Chaos in mine. You're mine," I say succinctly in a hard confident tone.

I reach between our bodies with my hand not entangled in his hair. His golden eyes shutter close as he bites back a groan before they locate back on mine.

"Who owns all five letters that make our acronym of C.H.A.O.S.?" Jase says. We look up at him. He has a satisfied smirk on his handsome face. "For whom did we grow to power?"

I have no idea what he is talking about, but Arson Skaggs is mine.

Arson grunts underneath me in response to him. I look at him with his heavy-lidded liquid gold eyes hidden behind thick dark lashes. He has the sexiest bedroom eyes. The frown on his face has turned into a maniacal smirk.

"Welcome back, Carley. Nice to see you finally know what you want. I'm yours huh? Does that mean you are finally to fight for us? Possess us? I want you to. They want you to, " he teases.

I cannot believe he is teasing me! I squeeze him and don't mean his hair.

"I'm going to do more than just fight for you. All five of Chaos are mine including your bodies," I say lowering my voice seductively.

Arson chuckles huskily underneath me. "Let me get you a crown, baby. You just staked your claim on us in front of the whole university."

I release Arson. Jase reaches his hand out to me, helping me to rise to my feet. He helps me step over the man left lying on the ground. Lachlan helps him up so he can right his clothing.

The boys fan out behind me and that's when I notice all the phones pointed at us.

This is not how I expected my first day at this university to go. I roll back my shoulders. I take a deep inhale holding for a count of four then releasing it all.

"Carley! There you are darlin' I've been looking all over for you!" Oh yeah. Did he see or hear what just happened? I forgot he was here too. This might get complicated.