
Chapter 4: Bitter

After the mall I came home to my mother. I figured you would be confused I live in an orphanage with my friends but as soon as I walked in my friend and confidant Mary, who runs the orphanage says," Meet your new mother!" She was a pretty woman who had all my things in her hands. Meaning my few outfits left for the week. Here is why it is bitter, as soon and I mean as soon as we left earshot of Mary she said," You are not my daughter. You are my maid, you shall do what I say when I say it and I will have my way with you with not a single peep out of you, got that?" I said yes and kept walking to the car that I will be in. When I got to the basement or my "room" to clear it and clean it I was called upstairs. She told me to go to her room and I did. She instantly started to rub me and told me to lay down and I complied. She pulled off my skirt and I blanked out. I woke up took a shower because I was already naked from where she defiled my skin. I packed my bags and texted Crystal about what happened that day and it went like this:

Me: I need your help

Crystal: With what?

Me: Escaping from my rapist foster mother. At twelve park down the street and I'll sneak out and come to your car.

Crystal: Okay, I'll be there

My bags and belongings are packed and the apartment was ready for me and Crystal that I snuck out to view earlier that day. The clock chimed 12 times and I understood what I needed to do. Hopefully my "mother" was still out partying at the club. I saw Crystal's red car and went to it. I told her the address and I was there two hours later. She just so happened to have her stuff with her and it was late so asked if she wanted to stay. She said yes and we went inside and started to kiss and I can't tell you the rest because ya know PG-13 folks. The morning came and she was gone with a note," Bye. See you later went to work.