
By Chance by Anjelica Doone

Emma Smith didn't want to leave New York. There were so many beautiful yet tragic memories she just can't leave behind. But she knew there is more to explore and she wants to have a better future. Opportunity knocks in and a door was ready to open for her. New Jersey wasn't really her plan but she doesn't have much of a choice. Going to a big university, maintaining a scholarship, looking for a new place to stay in, applying for a part time job and meeting new faces makes it more hard for Emma to adjust. Just when everything is about to go smoothly, Drew Payne steps in and changes went in to Emma's life.

Anjelica_Bernales · 若者
18 Chs

Chapter 13: It's Over, James

"Emma?" James gasp.

I moved right away and march towards the stairs.

"Wait Emma!" He jog.

I continued walking but he took a grip on my shoulders causing my feet to stop.

"What do you want James?" I blurted.

"I didn't know you were here Emma. I swear. I was even surprised to see you on the elevator. I was just getting a room for tonight." He explained.

"Oh well. Luckily I was just moving out so I guess we won't be seeing each other then." I continued walking.

"Can we just talk for a moment? Please?" He pleaded.

I want to walk away but I can't. I don't want to face him but fate has already decided that I should. And I think it's the only thing I need for me to move on.

"Okay. But not now. My mom is waiting for me on the lobby. Let's just talk tonight after I'll get back." I responded.


I went downstairs and I can feel like my tears are gonna explode. 'Inhale, exhale' I said to myself as I took a one last breath before facing my mom.

"Hey mom." I smiled.

"There you are! What took you so long?" She asked as she stood up from her seat.

"I was just.." I don't wanna lie anymore but I don't even want to tell her about what happened earlier. "Having some you know, girl stuffs." I giggled.

"Oh well I think we should better get moving." She grab ahold of my left arm as we walk towards the door.

I saw a cab and wave my hand to call it. As soon as we got inside, the driver asked us for our destination.

" 2039 John F. Kennedy Blvd please." My mom responded.

The driver nod in reply and drove on the road. I turned my head to face the window on my left. I looked passed on the people walking and I can't help but think of James. Faded old memories of ours keeps on replaying in my mind. I want him back. I really do. But the thought of what he did to me makes me think of all the realities in life. I can't forget the day I saw him together with Hailee. It was a cloudy afternoon in the fifth of July and I was strolling on the mall looking for a fancy dress that I could wear for our date. It was already our third year anniversary and James planned that we should celebrate it by having a dinner at the finest restaurant in Brooklyn. It was his treat ofcourse. I decided to go on shopping without him since I don't want to ruin my surprise outfit for him. I was just about to pay for the dress when suddenly, I saw James walking from afar. I was about to hide cause' I didn't want him to see me. Well I just knew he would be mad because I actually lied to him. I told him I was going somewhere with my mom. But something caught my attention. A beautiful blonde hair lady was with him. She looks very familiar. I rush outside to see who she was and to my surprise, it was Hailee. The way they held each others hands as James kissed Hailee's forehead before saying goodbye was really the worst thing I've ever seen in my life. It felt like my heart was crumbled into pieces. Well at first I thought Hailee was just helping James for our date tonight but when I looked at their hands being tied together and their sweet affection to each other made it all clear to me that they are hooking up. Tears came flooding into my eyes. James turned around and saw me. He was so shock to see my unexpected presence and he rushed towards me. I want to run away but I can't. My feet are too heavy and I don't know why. He stood infront of me, trying to explain everything but I can't hear the words he was saying. All I could hear is the sound of me crying. I couldn't stand around looking like a pathetic fool so I decided to walk away. I could hear his footsteps following my direction but I ignored it. I ran outside and called a cab directly. I went inside and I could still hear James shouting my name. I can't help but cry. Reminiscing those times was just unbearable. The feeling I'm bearing right now is just too painful. For a moment I forgot that I was in the cab with my mom.

"Hey Emma." My mom finally broke the silence.

"Oh I'm sorry." I started wiping the tears in my eyes. She looked me in the eyes and smiled. I can tell that she had already read my mind.

"Sssh hush now. Everything will be alright." She placed her arms around me and I can't help but feel relieved. She is the greatest thing God has ever created and I'm so grateful that I have her in my life.

"You should stop crying. These tears are ruining your pretty face." She wiped the remaining tears and I rolled my eyes in her remark. We both just laugh.

We finally arrived and my mom handed the bill to the driver. We stepped outside when my phone vibrated. I grab my purse and reached for my phone. I saw a text message and I opened it.


It was a message from Drew.

'Ugh please not now.' I thought to myself. This is just my first week in New Jersey but I had already been through a lot. Two weeks from now and classes will start. I can't imagine myself stressing over boys and stuff. I need to focus on my goals and scholarship. I ignored his message and put it back to my purse.

It was a long day and we are so tired after searching almost the whole place. But it was all worth it cause' finally, we found the perfect apartment. It is just two blocks away from the university and the price isn't so expensive. Now all I need to worry about is my part-time job. 'And James' My subconscious alarmed. Oh right. I almost forgot. I told him we are going to talk tonight.

"Oh mom I almost forgot. I need to be back in the hotel right now cause I still have some errands to do."

"I was just also about to tell you that I am meeting someone." She laughs.

"Mom?" I look at her with suspicion in my eyes and she laugh.

"I know what you're thinking." She chuckled. "We're still on the process of getting to know each other. Don't worry I will let you meet him someday. I promise." She smiled. I just hugged her in response.

"Just be home safe, okay?" I uttered.

"Ofcourse, I will." She replied.

Minutes later, I was back in the hotel. I was a lil' bit shock to see James sitting on the lobby. 'Was he really waiting for me here the whole time?' I can't help but wonder. He seems to be sleepy already. He rub his eyes as soon as he saw me walking towards him.

"Hey. I was waiting for you the whole time." He smiled.

"Oh." I was in awe.

"Are you hungry?" He stood up from his seat.

"Kinda." I shrug.

"Me too. How about we eat first? I know you love pizza." He grin.

I don't feel good about this. He's acting like everything seems to be okay when actually it is not.

"I don't think this is a good idea James. I just want to end this things between us in the right way. I just want to move on." I started walking upstairs.

"Wait Emma!" He jog after me.

"You want us to talk right? Now talk." I screamed. Drops of tears are already falling in my eyes.

"I'm sorry Emma. I am just trying to make things up for you." He bowed his head.

"You know it will never be okay between us James. You know it won't." I cried.

"Let's work it out Emma. I'll do everything, I promise. People make mistakes Emma but I swear I won't do the same mistake again. Just please give me another chance. I know what I did was wrong. But I love you so much Emma. I can't stand living alone. I need you in my life." He started crying too.

"I'm sorry but it's over James." I was about to enter the room when he took a grip of my hand and I was shock to see him bending his knees to the ground.

"Is there really nothing left between us?" He sob. I just bowed my head and nod in reply. He stood up and he placed his arms around me, hugging me tight.

"Well I guess if I really love you, I should let you move on." He let go of me and he put his warms hands on my cheeks. "Take care Emma." He smiled and walk back to his way.

I just stared at him for a little longer. I rushed directly to my bed and cried.