
Buying skills with real money. Improving my life in the real world.

When life decided to grant him a blessing in the form of a gamer system Evan was happy. But that happiness didn't last. He slowly lost his family, his loved ones, and those he needed in his life until he felt like he couldn't sink any lower. But he finally gave in and used his real money to pay his system for the chance to improve his life. A chance to finally be more. And man he is going to love it. If only things were cheaper!

Silverfang · ゲーム
23 Chs

The Date!

Evan was bouncing his knee up and down after checking his stats. Everything was great on that front. He had grown well and showed that he had been improving nicely! Especially with the way his learning prodigy skill came to help him yesterday.

Name: Evan McLean

Race: Super Human

Level: 20

HP: 400/400

MP: Locked

Ki: 80/80

Str: 41 (+29)

Agi: 44 (+21)

End: 44 (+37)

Int: 53 (+13)

Sense: 44 (+21)


Uncanny luck: Boosted luck that makes you seem like the luckiest guy in the world

Martial Prodigy: For each martial art you learn you gain bonuses to your stats based on each style and their rank. And you have the skill to match. Each rank in the martial art is equal to 1 year of training in them.

Karate III: +6 to str and end

Muay Thai III: +6 to str and end

Kick Boxing III: +6 to str and end

Tiger fist rank II: +4 to str and end

Jujitsu rank II: +4 to agi and sense

Dragon fist rank IV: +4 to all stats

Tae Kwon do rank II: +4 to agi and str

Jeet Kune Do Rank III: +3 to all stats

Wrestling rank I: +2 to str and sense

Ki Initiate (Rank II ki user): Gain ability to empower yourself with ki. 1 ki point add +1 to strength or endurance. Any amount of ki used only stays for 2 minutes at a time until more ki mastery is gained

Tough stuff II: Your body grows healthier and is now tougher +8 to end, +10to HP per level

Healing factor II: Regenerate 4 HP per minute, recover from exhaustion 20% faster

Learning Prodigy V: You are now able to learn things both body and mind related much faster! Your body is now at the super human level of adaptation! X10 learning speed.

Gymnast II: Your body is way more flexible now! And you are more aware of your space, +4 agi and sense

Strategist II: +6 to int from thinking fast and better now!

Enhanced Reflexes II: React faster! +4 agi and sense

Enhanced Human Physique: Stat limit of all stats has risen from 100 to 200!

Super Human physique: Stat limit of all stats has rise from 200 to 400!

Yep everything was growing smoothly. What wasn't going smoothly was his situation of asking out Miu and Zara today! He hasn't been on a date since Cassie! He was incredibly rusty!

He knew both women had their eyes on a seeing a movie at a Martial Arts movie theater in china town. But after that he didn't know where to take them.

He was checking the shops, restaurants, book stores, clothing stores, and everything to see where they would want to go.

Then he realized one thing. He remembers Cassie telling him that she was happy to go anywhere as long as they were together.

So swallowing the panic he got up and dressed in a nice pair of flexible slacks, some nice walking shoes, and a basic short sleeve button up shirt with a collar. He put om his sunglasses as it was a hot day and went out to see the girls at their shared room. It was noon now so everyone was either taking a break from training for lunch or they were enjoying a hot day at the nearby pool for their training.

Evan knocked on the door and saw Miu open it up while wearing a tank top and some shorts.

Evan blushes at seeing Miu so casual but also so natural with her beauty. He hair was smooth and cascading down her shoulders. Her eyes shone in the light and her plush lips curved into a smile at seeing him tongue tied.

He gulps down his nerves as Miu enjoys the show of Evan getting flustered then focuses on his goal. She leans against the open door and awaits his confirmation of his goal.

He squares his shoulders before asking, "Now that I have made it into the regular fighters team would you and Zara be up for enjoying a day to hang out and relax together? Like- Like a date?"

He meekly closes his eyes at the end while creaming to himself, 'You just HAD to stutter at the end you fool!'

Miu smirks with eagerness and with teasing before tilting her head to the side, "Hmmm I don't know. We better see how far you have come first to see if you have earned a date from us huh?"

Evan is confused and forgets his embarrassment for a moment before it comes back ten fold when Miu turns her head into the apartment and yells out, "Hey Zara! Think Evan did well enough in the selection exams to take us on a date today as a group?!"

Zaras voice is heard from inside and it makes Evans insides glow with pride at her answer, "I'll say! He definitely earned a date with us from his skills and strength he showed yesterday! Let's get ready and head out! Can't keep the hard working man waiting right?"

Miu giggles at the excitement in her friends voice before turning back to Evan and saying to him, "Give us five minutes and we'll both be out and ready to go see a movie with you with whatever else you have planned for us. Sound good handsome?"

Evan nods with a gulp and opens up his skill board while looking like he is scrolling through his phone instead to any onlookers.

Miu giggles again and heads inside to change and prepare with Zara.

Evan looks through his skill board and notices something new.

[Visual Learner Rank I: Using your higher than average intelligence and reflexes as a fighter you can copy any movement you see and recreate it using your own body. You will need to practice it to make it natural. But you will bot forget the action easily. If you don't perform the action within 8 hours of seeing it you will lose the action and have to rewatch it being used to remember. Cost 2,000$]

Once Evan saw this he immediately bought it for his training needs! Imagine being able to just walk through any gym or dojo and just learn from casual observation!

He will need to be wary of the 8 hour time limit but it shouldn't be a problem if he finds some videos to watch and analyze in his room then go to the gym to practice it all!

He will need to upgrade it when he has time but as it is now it will do wonders for his training regime when he has a chance to apply it to his learning prodigy skill.

He hears the door open to a pair of beautifully dresses ladies in the form of a slightly blushing Zara and an eager and smiling Miu.

Zara is in a beautiful and alluring white blouse with flower designs along the sleeves and along the bottom edge of her shirt hem. Her black slacks add a mature but sensual flair as they hug her legs tight allowing her to show her toned and fit figure while still having enough flexibility for movement. Her shoes are flats but using basic dress shoes meant for gender neutral people.

She blushes as apparently her and Miu were busy with her hair. It was no longer in her tight, scalp hugging, fighters braid, it was now loose and hanging down as dread locks to her mid back. With some small colorful beads all throughout the lengths to add a variety of movement and to catch the eye.

Evans eye was hooked. He couldn't bring his gaze away from the mature but sensual look Zara unintentional went with.

He stammers out, "W-wow! Z-Zara! You l-look beautiful!"

Zaras only response is to go beet red and look to the side while on the inside she is thinking, 'He actually likes it! Thank you Zoey and Miu for date outfit tips for my build! Aaaaah!'

Evan still hasn't removed his gaze from Zara before he hears, "Ahem!"

And he turns towards Miu. She decided to go with a nice pair of flat shoes that are easy to walk around in and look like kung fu shoes. But her clothing really plays into her heritage as she is wearing a pair of trousers from chinese design. It goes well with her qi pao dress that reaches her mid thigh. She giggles as he sees her hair is tied up into a pair of hair buns giving her a cute panda like look to her.

He goes to compliment her but she holds up a hand saying, "No need! You're awe struck face speaks volumes already! Shall we all head to the theater?"

They all nod and as they head to the trolley to head to china town the gym members all stop their training to admire the trio. Many men are captivated by Zara as they never see her in such fancy yet casual clothing. And for Miu their mouths drop open from seeing her in such garments due to being used to seeing her in yoga outfits or her receptionist uniform.

Many female members are confused at seeing Evan as they remember him being rather slim and lean. But now he looks like he has filled out. With many well toned muscles! They all snap pictures to keep them for later and all wonder if Zara and Miu are willing to share in the hunkiness that Evan is now showing.

The trio of date goers all head to china town and chat on the trolley. Evan learns about Mius family owning a restaurant in china town called Panda cuisine and Zara met Miu there a decade ago when she came to china town for a tournament in the area to grow her skills.

She grabbed some food and since they were the same age they hit it off as teenage girls do when they find common interests. That interest being foreign cuisine.

Zara blushes as Miu tells Evan how she came over in shock to see a single teenage girl her age, chowing down an entire hot pot soup bowl meant to be shared by around 3 people.

Zara defends herself by saying, "Hey I was hungry! I had finished a tournament and needed something filling!"

Evan decides to put the final nail in the coffin and ask her, "So what you're saying is that you are secretly a Saiyan and your father is Goku? At least given your appetite and your penchant for growing stronger right?"

Miu is giggling like crazy while Zara is stammering for a response. She trips over her own defense trying to mount an efficient one before giving up and grumbling about annoying but accurate analogies and how dare Evan be an otaku.

The trio reach the theater and but some tickets to the movie that is a classic called Bloodsport.

Evan was grinning while holding out his arms for the two girls to lead them inside. Both girls grin and hook their arms while being ready to enjoy an exciting movie with a handsome man.

Unknown to them all though they had been tailed by the final two members of the eternal reserves. They had a plan. And they were ready to enact it here with the opportunity they had been given.