
But you Promised

This is a story about Mai who is about to graduate college and start her own path in life. Unfortunately other powers have a different say in the matter entirely and she now finds her self in a new world with 0 memories and very few useful skills. This will be a steamy romance novel that involves an unruly king, national secrets, and of course Mai's heart. In addition, some chapters will include recipes so you can eat it as well!

Taahlaa · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Why me?

I checked the weather channel this morning, and it said 95% snow, and I know what you're thinking—that's pretty high; there should be snow outside. So why does it feel as though it's the middle of summer with the sun trying to cook me? It reminds me of those videos from Australia where they can crack an egg and fry it on the pavement.

No matter how much I complained, the sun continued to send wave after wave of unrelenting energy towards me. I had tried to open my eyes earlier, but they seemed glued shut and unwilling to open. Yet, when I did open them, I wish they had remained closed. What I was seeing couldn't be real.

It was as if I were teleported to the set of an ancient civilization movie. The road was perfectly smoothed out, and on either side of me were large white walls with an Asian aesthetic. The wall continued on until there was a crossroad. Whoever lived there probably had loads of money to spare, but I didn't see a single person in any direction.

I blinked my eyes a couple of more times to make sure they weren't playing tricks on me. How did I get from the heart of downtown Vancouver, with its skyscrapers, to this almost tranquil setting? There were no tall buildings or planes visible on the horizon. In fact, there was almost no sign of anything.

I must be dreaming. There is no way that I could possibly have just appeared in some ancient city. That wouldn't make sense, and things should make sense. I think I should pinch myself just to make sure.

I pinched down so hard with my two fingers and let out a low groan. It definitely hurt; I think I might have bruised myself doing it. which starts an entire new level of observation. You see my skin—it's not the light colour I've had all my life. No, it's extremely pale; I'm pretty sure the sun is out to cook me alive, and I'm going to burn to death.

This cannot possibly be a transmigration, can it? Wouldn't that imply that I died here on Earth, right? But how could I have possibly died? All I remember was going to bed before my last final exam. A deep sadness filled me as I thought of all the experiences I was going to miss. All of my efforts had gone into a future that was unlikely to materialize. I slumped further into the ground, probably making whimpering sounds that were close to sobbing if anyone was close enough to hear me. Luckily, no one was around to witness my complete meltdown. Although, who wouldn't have this kind of reaction in this circumstance? I'm never going to see my friends and family again! I hadn't even had a boyfriend to explore that portion of my life with. My parents were very strict school first, and then I could date people.

Wait, it's not just my skin that's different; instead of the shortish, purple wavy bob I had cut and dyed only a week ago, I find thick, long tendrils of raven black hair tied up into an elaborate bun.

Okay, so let's review the facts

1) Unless someone drugged me and took me to a strange location to film my reaction to this, I'm not on Earth anymore.

2) Different body... It is definitely not the one I was born into.

Which can only lead to one conclusion: transmigration.

But that brings up a whole new set of questions. Who is this girl? What is her connection to a demon, a prince, or who knows what else? And do I really have to deal with it?

So, if I really did transmigration and followed my knowledge from web novels, that must mean that this is some useless miss from a well-known family that everyone hates for some reason. Also, I am supposedly supposed to make her life better and get revenge on her.

But what did she know? Martial arts, medicine, or poison? Certainly not! How was she supposed to redeem this person and face slap all her annoying family members? Did she even have family members to slap? What if she was an orphan or a prostitute? She had never done the act before; she would never pass for some sort of entertainment expert. Her degree involved trees—not entertaining people in the least.

I huddled into myself, trying to create a small safe space and deal with the hopelessness of this situation. I hadn't even died, so why couldn't this opportunity be given to someone else?

"You hear me? Whoever put me here, take me back; I don't accept!" I shouted out to the sky.

There is only one thing to look forward to, and that is the ice cube handsome, strong male lead who's going to come along and help me with all my problems for no reason whatsoever. I can't wait to meet him and then bang my head against a wall about how stupid everything that comes out of his mouth will be. … "Oh Mai, you forgot to kill them all," or "Mai darling, won't you give me some entertainment in my long, long life?" Or, even better, insert some nickname here that I despise, followed by pointless flirting. I just can't wait to meet this guy and give him a piece of my mind.

Right, my name was Mai ... Do I have to take a new name too? Will everything that I was before be lost in this new world?

After I complained to myself about the situation enough, another thought occurred to me: shouldn't I have memories of this place? Or at least, how did this body get to this location? It couldn't have appeared out of nowhere, could it? Also, most transmigrations happen when something important is going to happen to the original body. Perhaps it is my wedding day! No, that doesn't make sense; why would I be by myself if it was my wedding day?

I stood up slowly on shaking legs, thinking about the direction I wanted to walk in that would hopefully lead me to the town center if I was lucky. There is also the possibility that I could just be a lowly maid in one of these manors who upset the master and was cast out. My body let out a shiver at the thought of having nowhere to go and no knowledge to pull on to help the situation.

After glancing around in both directions, I saw a man in dark robes sitting on a roof not too far from where I was. My cheeks grew flushed as I realized in horror that he had probably witnessed everything I had done since I woke up in the middle of the road. Especially since he seemed to be staring at me without opening his eyes, as if he had been caught doing something wrong.

He had a strikingly handsome face with a dimple on his left cheek and long, dark hair that was left undone and flowed in the breeze. His eyes were large, inviting pools that compelled you to look at them. He looked as though he was a regal prince, with fancy robes and a cheeky smile that promised mischief on his face.

This couldn't possibly be my ice cube male lead, could it? If that was the case, perhaps this place wasn't so bad after all. Unless he was a total Jerk with a capital J.

He gracefully slid off the top of the manor wall in front of me with a large smile on his face. I couldn't help but stare into his eyes, not because they were beautiful but because they had so much hatred directed at me that I didn't know what to do in the situation. I had been a good child, I had never displeased anyone enough to have them look at me like this.

Desperate for a way to end this situation all together and ask, "Am I doing something wrong?" I took a small step backward and covered my face, trying to hide my shock, hoping the man would go away.

The smile on the man's face turned upside down, and he frowned. He sharply examined her up and down while extending his right hand towards her.

I had no time to think about this devilish male in front of her. Making a quick decision, I dashed to the nearest crossroads. However, before I could take more than five steps, large, strong arms grasped me from behind, rooting me in place.

"hsusj jdjejs hdjejene." He whispered in my ear. I can't lie; if I hadn't been so surprised and scared, I might have been just a tiny bit turned on. But also I cant even understand the language? This is going to be so much more challenging then I originally thought.

Hello every and thank you for joining in on this journey with me. This is an older book that im rewritting in a different style and hope to actually finish this time.

There are a bunch of changes I want to do so even if you read the older version this one should be just as new.

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