This story unfolds during the later stages of World War II, where a man, scarred by the horrors of war, finally grasps the profound and harsh realities of the world. In this world, those at the top laugh and celebrate, while those at the bottom sacrifice their lives in futile conflicts driven by pride and meaningless ambition. A modern soul transmigrates and fuses with the original soul of a body, creating a unique and extraordinary existence. To some, he is a villain; to others, a madman. In a world steeped in cruelty, this man, determined to secure a place among the decision-makers, struggles to break free from the ranks of those powerless to control their fate. To achieve his goal, he resolves to shatter the chains of law, then the chains of morality, and finally the chains of mediocrity.
With the issues concerning his two daughters resolved, Lancer felt completely at ease. Inside the security company conference room, Hardy was chatting with Lancer.
"Lancer, I intend to appoint you as the head of the security company, responsible for matters here," Hardy said.
Lancer did not hesitate to accept.
"Hardy, rest assured, I will do my best to manage the security company well."
"Now, our main concern is dealing with the Spanish gang. Do you have any suggestions?" Hardy asked, taking a drag of his cigarette.
"I plan to establish an 'Operations Research Office' to gather all intelligence on the Spanish gang understand their businesses, armed forces, personnel, contacts, and other relevant information. By comparing this with our objectives, we can devise comprehensive operational plans."