This story unfolds during the later stages of World War II, where a man, scarred by the horrors of war, finally grasps the profound and harsh realities of the world. In this world, those at the top laugh and celebrate, while those at the bottom sacrifice their lives in futile conflicts driven by pride and meaningless ambition. A modern soul transmigrates and fuses with the original soul of a body, creating a unique and extraordinary existence. To some, he is a villain; to others, a madman. In a world steeped in cruelty, this man, determined to secure a place among the decision-makers, struggles to break free from the ranks of those powerless to control their fate. To achieve his goal, he resolves to shatter the chains of law, then the chains of morality, and finally the chains of mediocrity.
She excitedly went on stage to receive her prize, getting a thick stack of bills. To show the large amount, Hardy had the prize given in $10 bills. The casino arranged for photos to be taken, and this photo would later be posted on the winners board.
Hardy instructed Irina beside him, "Have someone take more photos and get the girl's details. Have a journalist write a nice article about it and publish it in tomorrow's paper. Also, have an ABC News report on it."
The story of an ordinary girl winning thousands at the Hardy Hotel for just $2 would surely attract more people to visit and gamble.
The girl winning a big prize heightened the excitement of the gamblers, prompting many to place bets. Those who placed bets would not leave the casino for at least two hours, as they saw it as a chance to get rich overnight.
This small trick could retain a large number of gamblers.