
Burnt— by Juliette Caesar

Believe half of what you hear, and none of what you see.

Jv_Author_Aziz · ファンタジー
57 Chs

19. Luna's Gambit

'The air on this balcony is freezing.'

Angelina focused on that one fact as she looked out over the vast garden that stretched in front of the restaurant.

"You feeling any better?" Penelope asked her

"Yeah," She turned back to the Luna "Sorry for dragging you out here."

The moment she'd caught the scent of pine and rain, she'd known the only safe place was somewhere with air, somewhere her scent would be blown off.

Angeline looked back in the restaurant from the glass windows, where a man stood talking to Ethan and Alpha Joseph. He had his back to them, but she knew that face. It'd only haunted her nightmares for so long.

"It's alright," Penelope shrugged, and leaned back on the stone banister with her elbows "I was really glad it's you who's going to Park's territory as an emissary."

Angelina raised her brows. Penelope was not the type of person to care much about anything except her own pack.

"It may not be my home now, but it once was," Penelope said "And Ethan and I may not be related, but we did grow up together. I don't want anything bad to happen to him."

Angelina caught the meaning in her last statement.

"I don't plan on reporting them for something they didn't do," Angelina told her

She wished she could assure her that she would say nothing bad about his pack, but that remained to be seen. Her first loyalty, or whatever there was of it, was to Alpha Luke and Elise.

And now that she'd told him her secret, and he was helping her, she was in his debt.

Penelope had told her that the 'murderers' were dealt with. Angelina knew Alpha Luke probably just executed someone who already had a death sentence, but coming up with an intention for the kill must've been hard to deal with.

"This whole thing is ridiculous!" Penelope waved her hands animatedly "The council is suspecting him on Kieran's claims."

Angelina had an idea of what had gone through the meeting that day. All kinds of rumors had sprouted about it.

"What does Alpha Kieran has against him?" Angelina asked

She hadn't expected a real answer, since everyone associated with the Parks' territory had a knack for being evasive.

Penelope sighed "He tried taking over our pack. He's just pissed at how badly it backfired."

Angelina failed to hide her surprise at the direct response.

"You mean, before the pack became a part of the Supreme Council?" Angelina took a guess

Penelope nodded "It was just another pack near California Coast. Kieran's pack was the only prominent one in the vicinity. He was looking to expand his borders. Our old territory was the perfect place."

Despite herself, Angelina was curious to know. She needed as much information about Parks' territory as she could get. The reason she'd dropped so much information on Ethan on the way here, was because she wanted to emphasis that she knew more than he thought she did.

With someone who had as many secrets as Ethan, you could only have the upper hand by knowing his secrets.

"There were a lot of casualties." Penelope's expression darkened "On both our side and Kieran's. He's still not over it. To think he's mad enough to tell people Ethan would kill his own mate just to get back at us."

Angelina doubted that was all, but she knew that was the most Penelope would share.

She put a hand over the Luna's "Don't worry yourself. If there's anything I've observed about that pack, it's that they value every person. I don't think Ethan could ever do something like that."

Penelope smiled a little "Thanks. He just has a lot on his plate, you know? I really wish he'd get married already."

"He has his inner circle," Angelina shrugged

They were all rogues from different places, but if there was one thing rogues knew, it was loss. Now that they'd found so much together, she didn't think they wanted to lose it at any cost.

"I know, and thank moon for that, but," Penelope struggled to find the right words "Lycanthropes just find solace in partnership. You know what I'm talking about, right?"

Angelina was probably going to leave the Winters' pack as soon as this ordeal was over, and live the rest of her very long life by herself.

"I understand," She nodded, and wished she truly could understand the sentiment Penelope was trying to convey

"Well, I won't have to worry about that for too long," Penelope gave her a sly smile "The only good thing that came out of this whole situation."

"What do you mean?" Angelina's brows furrowed in confusion

"Well, it's not confirmed yet," Penelope leaned in, as if about to disclose a great secret "But the intercontinental truce is looking to cement the peace with a friendly event. Its about match-making!"

That sounded as practical as letting go of the democratic system.

Angelina's mixed feelings must've showed on her face, because Penelope continued.

"Come on, important figures from across the globe, all intermingling and potentially getting married," The Luna said energetically "Think about the connections that will form!"

"When you put it like that," Angelina admitted "Sure. Sounds good."

A thought occurred to her.

"This seems like an event for the unpaired officials," She said "Alpha Ethan will be going from our council, wouldn't he?"

"That's what I'm getting at!" Penelope giggled "Ah, I wish I could've met Joseph like that!"

Angelina turned back to glance at the restaurant, where Alpha Thornwood's figure was retreating. Ethan and Alpha Joseph continued conversing.

If this event was soon, he'd probably be leaving, and Angelina would be called back from his pack.

She'd probably have to work up some excuse, something good enough to convince both Elise and Morgan, and leave as well. The busy environment this event would conjure up would be the perfect timing to leave.

In a few days, her place would be taken up by someone else. She would be forgotten, as she ought to be. As lone wolves, and any old legend ought to be.

If that reality stung just a little, she told herself all realities did.

"I feel much better now," Angelina smiled at Penelope "Let's go back inside."

"Sure! Let me tell you about the people we're thinking of sending other than Ethan!" Penelope said, and started a new stream of conversation

The rest of their evening was peaceful, and Angelina was glad for it.

Some part of her wanted to know about the conversation Alpha Joseph and Ethan had had with Alpha Thornwood, but that was dangerous. Even showing interest in anyone associated with her past was something she needed to avoid as much as possible.

When they reached Parks' territory again, Ethan opened the car door for her.

By all means, Angelina should've gone to her room, and sent her report back to Alpha Luke. She shouldn't have said anything.

"How long before you leave for the event?" the words were out of her mouth before she knew it

Ethan leveled her with a cool glance "It's not confirmed yet. We don't even know if this event will take place."

"Oh, it will." Angelina told him drily

The higher-ups were desperate for truce. If they could throw in some entertainment as well, there was no stopping them.

"You seem awfully confident about that."

"Call it an ambassador's intuition." Angelina said as they entered the house

She hadn't meant to say it, but her manners were screaming at her "Thank you for tonight. I had a good time."

"That's a relief. I was half sure you'd jump off the balcony just to get away."

A small smile tugged at her mouth "I considered it."

"Ah, did my charming presence stop you?" Ethan grinned "Is this turning into a confession?"

If she ignored their conversation on the way there, Angelina could almost pretend there was no history between them.

"Don't get your hopes up." Angelina hated how the tips of her ears turned red

She bid him goodnight, and walked to her room. She'd expected a plain guest room on her arrival, but Park's territory had presently surprised her with a huge room, with windows that would let her enjoy tomorrow's sunrise, and a bed that was softer than any she'd had the chance to lay on. The wardrobe was surprisingly full of dresses of all the standard sizes, and enough jewelry to last someone a lifetime.

She'd barely opened the door to her room, when her phone started buzzing.

"Angelina, oh my moon, I have amazing news!" Elise started off just as she picked up

"Yes, I'm doing well. No, I'm not at all overwhelmed about being at another pack." Angelina muttered "How are you, Elise?"

"Don't be so dramatic, I know you can handle it." Elise said offhandedly "You wont believe what I'm about to tell you!"

'I can't believe a lot of things that have happened in the last twenty four hours' Angelina thought tiredly as she took off her earrings

She made a mental note to thank Victoria for all the effort she'd put into helping her dress for this dinner.

"Alright, hit me with your best shot." Angelina plopped down on her bed

No amount of preparation could've braced her for what Elise said next.

"I'm sending you to The Luna's Gambit!"