
Burning The Banner

As the year 1800 IC dawns, Idanno stands on the brink of monumental change. Will it witness the fall of an empire? Only time will tell. For now, let's delve into the tale of Alistair. Though he may be a villain, he's a captivating character you won't soon forget. Oh another thing, just you wait for the grand climax—the banner will be burned, the ruler dethroned, the nation liberated. From this tiny, tiny, teeny tiny scroll, so much will unfold. Follow along, and trust me—this is going to be good. Trust in my wild imagination, as this is my first novel! Note: I, Author, am a student. So, studies and all that. Update speed: 3 CHs/week, maybe 4. CH size: 750-1500 Words.

RoaminScrybe · 軍事
11 Chs

End of engagement?

Alistair blitzed through Winstet, navigating through alleyways in-between the town's buildings, be wrecked or, nearly wrecked.

"Oh, this'll be fun." He muttered, eyes scanning over anything in his path.

He encountered a dead end yet, his mechanical arms sprung to life and smashed through the wall, sending explosive arcs of Netheric energy which looked like they spread over the wall like cracks glowing of energy for a split second and the wall broke off into several pieces instantly, the debris went flying all around as Alistair blinked from here to there like a spectre.

"Take positions, prepare for firing. Oh, and wait for me!" Alistair decided, his voice sounding ecstatic and euphoric.

"Understood, Lord Alistair."

"Your words, my order."

"Absolutely, my lord."

Three voices, each belonging to the leaders of the three groups of Black Shackles Soldiers under Alistair's command, each voice sounding harsh and hard, a juxtaposition to Alistair's almost poetic voice, well..not all are nobles of House Wyrrex.

He saw what he was looking for, enemies within the town.

Alistair smirked, "Let the masaccre begin!" He said through the comms, his eyes glowing brighter as he dashed forward at inhumanely fast speeds, mechanical arms outstretched.

Alistair knew there'd be enemies within who've escaped from Black Shackles soldiers, especially considering when everyone was expecting company from outside the town borders.

Why confront the enemy straight on when you can employ gorilla warfare and use your lesser numbers to your advantage and infiltrate the very point the enemy's defensive before the battle's even begun?

There, he saw a group of four soldiers and one very old exosuit of the Xyresian Rebels League; An XE-2 standing at 2.1 metres tall and having a relatively unarmoured abdomen, elbow and..well, it's entire back lacked any armour. It didn't have any integrated weaponry and instead had a 55 MM handheld automatic gun.

Alistair chuckled, then laughed, his voice echoed through the empty ruins of Winstet, "Oh, my, my! I wasn't born yesterday, you know? I know military tactics too well! Even made some famous ones!"

He said, grinning softly under his mask, "Die!"

Suddenly, the sound of stone crumbling was heard before an XE-8 exosuit rushed through the streets, Alistair chuckled in amusement and slight annoyance due to him being interrupted.

"Ah, come to help your master?" He said in a mocking tone, smirking.

The XE-8 rammed head to the XE-8, taking severao gunshots before retaliating by firing dual arm mountd Netheric Energy rifles straight into the XE-2's body, the strangled cries of the soldier were heard before the XE-2 punched the XE-8 and delivered an uppercut and then kicked it away, the sound of metal creaking and breaking off echoed off the ruins of Winstet as the XE-8 stumbled back slightly.

The Xyresian Rebels League soldiers fired on the XE-8, breaking off small bits and bobs while also damaging its lights and breaking off light armour.

The XE-8 dashed forward, determined to end all the lives of those who dared to attack it, "Die!" Its piloting soldier shouted through the vocalizers, bringing its sword down onto the XE-2 but,

Suddenly, the entire exosuit exploded, sending shrapnel all throughout, injuring the nearby Xyresian soldiers, they groaned and grunted in pain, clutching their wounds.

"Next time, don't interfere with my food, soldier." Alistair said to the XE-8 before turning his gaze back to the enemy, "Now," He cooed, his mask splitting apart to reveal his soft and mocking grin, "Die." He said, his mechanical arms extended forward and in an instant, large arcs of Netheric energy absolutely pulverised, destroyed, TORE apart the enemy soldiers like they were made of wet tissue.

Alistair looked around before nodding to the XE-8, "Get going." He said in a voice still calm and cool.

"Alistair, expect enemies outside the town now." Voxxe cooed in, voice calm and cool as usual.

"Jinx." Alistair smirked.

Alistair looked to the XE-8, "What're you waiting for? Get going already." He dismissively waived his hand as he decided to go another direction, towards the frontlines this time.

Blitzing through the streets of Winstet, he found an opening through which he emerged outside the town and into the decently open land where the battle has ensued.

Large craters dotted the ground, levelling what were previously hills, courtesy of the H-80's massive 190 MM gun, seemingly eternal fires lines the craters, courtesy of both the H-75 and H-80.

The two H-68s marched towards the enemies, two V-22 Griffons flanked by XE-2s and around twenty troops.

The H-68s fired their deadly arsenal, instantly destroying the tanks.

Their turrets get blown high up into the air, their turrets cracked and tore under the immense damage.

Alistair jumps into the fray, firing his gun at on XE-2, tearing through its primitive armour and causing it to stumble back, pilot dead as it collapses to the ground.

Suddenly, an XE-2 flanks him, firing its gun at Alistair. He reacts quickly, turning around almost instantly and firing his gun, its dual barrels releasing a whirlwind of bullets and tear through the XE-2's armour, it stumbled back to a wall due to its slightly back heavy design; its energy generator was back mounted.

Alistair smirks, "Don't engage in one on one, knowing you'll lose." He says, his mechanical arms extending and releasing large arcs of Netheric Energy which sweep over the XE-2, bending the armour before crushing parts of it and finally, causing large tears to spread through it.

Its pilot's cries are drowned out by the sounds of it getting absolutely torn as it's torso and knee up regions, the scene almost comically funny because only its heavy armoured boots remain..still standing.

"Still standing? Well, it's better than you ever did." He chuckles, turning to the battlefield.

H-75 Shells rained down, causing craters to spread across the hilly terrain. His soldiers spread outwards, the armoured vehicles racing across to establish a defensive perimeter. The battle has died out.. probably.

"XE-8s, start searching."

Can you get the song reference?

RoaminScrybecreators' thoughts