
Burning Passion : Breaking All Rules

When love blossoms unexpectedly between a teacher and student, it is utterly passionate but also dangerous. Spying eyes linger even inside the most deserted hallways, waiting hungrily for a drop of fiery gossip. Gossip which can spell ruin for James’s famed career and for Lia’s chances at her dream university. Heartbreak follows more heartbreak when the two are separated for years through a spider web of misunderstandings and lies, only to be reunited again when fatefully James is Lia’s boss at work. The burning passion which was hidden away for years sparked again, and this time neither of them wanted to hold it in.

DaoistVT2kZJ · 都市
102 Chs

Chapter 13 - Daddy Issues

So Lia is here right now.

In the dance studio itself and she's buzzing with happiness. This is probably the most excited, thrilled, joyous she has ever felt because she can't remember any memory of all these emotions overflowing the past few weeks.

It makes her feel alive, like every fibre of her being is finally appreciating the life she has. Lia is thinking that maybe life is worth it at the end of it all.

She looks around and nothing seems to still be settling in as she still can absolutely make no sense of anything.

It's funny because Lia thinks it's just a dream and she's going to wake up from it in an hour to face the same old life she has.

Isn't it weird that at fifteen, an age so young, Lia thinks she's already lived enough because of how 'old' she feels? Ironically enough that is.