
Burning-Hood Deviant

This world is too normal.... Day in Day out, Everyone is just living for their survival. Where's the fun in that?, Wasn't living supposed to be fun?. I need a change...No this world needs a change. And miraculously, The change i needed occurred in an unusual way. *BOOM* At that sound the world changed. 30% of the countries population awakened powers of different attributes. What do I do now that I've got the change I needed?.... There was no need to think...No matter the change....Humans are still humans. There will always be those who can't see the full picture and commit silly crimes. And also those who see the bigger picture and have bigger agenda's. But who will stop them?, Everyone is becoming the antagonist of the story without knowing... We all know a story wouldn't be balanced without someone to go against the antagonists. My eyes as the author came across a young teenage boy like all the others was one of the chosen few... Awakening fire abilities, he chose to use it for fun without knowing he is the one keeping the balance of the story. He and friend Sasuke with child like mentalities became Vigilantes. Join Them as they continue to keep the story in balance while facing increasingly stronger enemies as the story progress. Author's Note: √ Hey Author here, I rewrote the synopsis and I will be apologizing to my readers for the unpredictable release of chapter's one through forty, I had school, family issues and also I'm the only child so you should get but... I'M BACK!!, and I promise to release appropriately from now on. The release rate will be 7 chapters every two weeks please bear with me. I would really love to take down the first forty chapters as I wasn't on balance and just wrote whatever came to my on the spot cause it stakes on my mind as an author but as a person I'm leaving it on so I can use it remind my self of my growth as this is the first novel I've written. Good news...The story I've always wanted to write or had planned to write starts from chapter 41 but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read the first forty chapters, it's good being sincere, you can just call it the beginning chapter's as it just laid the ground work for the actions and main story plot of the story. Also this might sound selfish but please leave a review and umm...power stones, for my growth cause I've got two stories that I know will shake webnovel as a whole so for it to be perfect I'm going over it slowly and thoroughly, you should expect either late 2023 or early 2024. I will give you all an update when it's out cause I should be done with Burning-hood deviant before they start. Anyways thanks for being kind enough to listen to this poor authors note and complaints I really appreciate it and will do my best from now on as I keep on writing you can also you can leave a comment on ideas you have that I can implement into the stories growth. Your's Faithfully, Top_Tier. (•‿•)

TopTier7 · アクション
45 Chs


It still shocking how it all ended, As soon as I got the feeling that something was gonna go down, it really went down. It was like Nagi underwent an evolution and went from a pessimistic low self-esteemed individual to a beast ready to devour anyone and anything and in the end Miyako-High won that round. Amine as usual went bragging to the press to the extent that even the press who usually love those kind of stuff lost interest. It was really hilarious looking at the press faces all along, I was barely able to keep my self from laughing out loud.

The day ended really bizarrely after that, Still it was a tough day, It still pains me that I didn't get to play this time around. But as usual it seems our school will be the one playing at the Inter-High Sport's Festival God what do I do with the names.

"Umm are you ok?, You've been staring at nothing for sometime now"

"Yeah I'm alright, It sure has been a really busy day right?"

I'm currently at the park with Momoi, Hayami said it's bad that a girl has to be restricted at all times so She made me ask Momoi where She wanted to go and She said the Park.

There are currently a bunch of people with us at the park and have all got a personal space, it already night time so it all either young couples or teenagers who aren't scared of making out in public and the sun will begin to set soon.

She nodded her head as a means of replying my question, Her face is a little red so I can tell that She's blushing, But no matter how you look at it this seems like a date. I mean two teenagers sitting very close to each other that their shoulders are touching on a bench at a park and it's a Saturday. Should I make it official?, Still no matter how I look at it just sitting close to her and holding a once-in-a-while conversation is actually kind of boring.

"Hey do you mind going somewhere with me?"

"S-Sure but where exactly are we going?"

The sound of a large crowd chattering and people having conversations while still having fun could be heard where we are, I brought Momoi to a Harvest Festival.

I still can't believe that I haven't gone to a Harvest Festival since I was nine, those sure were fun times. Looking at Momoi it kinda feels like She's glowing up bright like a child who's taken in too much cotton candy making her drooling for fun.

"You ever come to a Harvest Festival?"

She shake's her head signifying that She hasn't been to one in her life, Harsh.

"Then I guess We should try everything"

The Crowd was quite large to the extent that one could easily get lost, It still baffles me when I see the amount of people present in this city. I took Momoi's hand and held on to it.

She was surprised at first trying to remove her hands but I didn't let go as She just kept staring at me dumbfounded. We began to walk to the right hand just ahead from where we were, There was a place with stuffed animals hanged as prizes. It seems you can earn one if you are able to bust a balloon with a dart from a distance, Looking at it I noticed Momoi staring at it with cat-like eyes, kind of cute like an innocent little baby but she didn't say anything to me, But I knew what She was thinking so I dragged her as I ran towards the place. The prizes were some Teddy Bears the size of a baby, since they were all the same I didn't have to ask her which one She likes.

"Three tickets please"

I said to the man who runs the Stall, My aim was to get at least two Teddy Bears one for Momoi and the other for Hayami.

I took the first dart and aimed at the bunch of balloons glued on the wall, I threw the dart aiming for a red colored balloon around the middle.

"Close but no cigar"

I was down one ticket and my aim of two Teddy Bears was now down to the remaining two tickets.

Marking the trajectory of the last dart I adjusted my aim a little the right since it hit the left and close to it and....


It hits, I got one red balloon which means one Teddy Bear down and one more to go.


The man said as he passes the bear to me and I gave it to Momoi to hold, She was really happy as She hugged the Bear tightly around her arm. But now there's a problem I was able to get the last shot cause I could adjust my aim due to missing the first shot, Maybe I should have gone for four tickets but what does it matter now.

I released the last shot and it misses but my aim was still close. I felt down for a moment and remembered that Hayami asked me to make it a fun time for Momoi not her and besides I can just get her something else any time later.

We left that stall and went to the next which was the 'WACK-A-MOLE' Stall. Thinking about it I haven't played this one before, I stood close to Momoi just a few meters away as She wack's, I'm no expert at reading a person but I can tell she sucks at aiming and reflex. Her face shows that she's currently having a hard time hitting the target and I can tell She's now feeling sad, Showing her how to do it will only damage her happiness little by little.

I bought another ticket from the lady who runs the stall and went behind hugging her, I connected my left hand with her left with her left hand and my right with her right hand, the lady who runs the stall smiles a little as She sees us but what can she do I could tell that Momoi felt a uncomfortable and embarrassed as her face was all red and She was breathing heavily while sweating.

I moved her hands and all our four hands held on to the wacker or should I call the hammer, You should get what I'm trying to say.

"Breathe and concentrate, You should leave your body me"


Momoi got shocked at what I said but before she could even say anything or try to complain the game started and I moved her hands to wack the moles, Slowly the uncomfortable atmosphere around us subsided and her body became relived as we went on with the 'WACK-A-MOLE', we played the 'WACK-A-MOLE' game for quite sometime and we were so close to beating 2nd place.

It was now starting to feel like a real date, She could now freely hold conversations with me and her stammering tone was now disappearing it was as if the person in the locked cage was now able to come out and see the light again. We went over to a bunch of Stalls not minding the time, We went to a Photo-booth stall and took a lot of photos Momoi was now smiling Freely.

After the Photo-booth we went to a restaurant actually it was more like an R.V food stall, there were a bunch of tables to seat at while you eat the food and we ate alot of Hamburgers and Ramen.

"I think I'm gonna have to go to the rest room"

Looking at how sweaty She was it seems she really had to go.

"Ok, but I'm going to go ask around can you hold it"

At my comment She nodded like he head was going to fall off as a reply. I went to the nearest Stall and asked.

"Hey, umm Miss I wanna use the restroom where is it?"

"Sorry but we ain't got no rest room if you've got a business to handle do it in the bushes"


I said and turned around as I went to meet Momoi.

"Bad news there are no restroom but luckily we are surrounded by trees and it's late night So~"

She pondered about it but it was getting worse so She nodded and walks ahead. I followed her within the crowd of people still active at the Harvest Festival even though it's already gotten this late it seems only a few left.


"Oh I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going"

I bumped into a guy and didn't even wait for him respond to my apology and walked away as I didn't want to lose sight of Momoi, luckily I could still see her and as She was already entering the surrounding bushes.

"Don't look"

She said and It made me recall that She was actually going to ease herself.

"Sorry I forgot"

I was so lost in thought about watching her that I forgot the reason why She was moving away.

She went deeper into the forest or bush whatever to ease her self I stood resting my back on a tall tree facing the festival it's fun seeing people having a good time seeing them made me recall the last time I was here.


She's been gone a while what's taking so—