
Burn The World Down

Avatar Reincarnated Gamer fic reposted this is also on fanfic.net originally written by infoniticus i don’t know why you guys can’t read i’ve literally said this is reposted

Hadrian_Noir · テレビ
13 Chs

Chapter 10: Voyage Negotiations

Everyone onboard the riverboat watched as the admiral spring from near-dead to shouting defiantly to the heavens.

"AVATAR! YOU ARE NO MATCH FOR ZHAO THE RADIANT!" The admiral's voice thundered, his fists wreathed in flames. But as his words echoed across the deck, he suddenly realised that he was surrounded by his fellow Fire Nation soldiers. Zhao's fiery fists extinguished, and his expression turned from ferocity to annoyance.

He cast a sharp gaze in my direction and grunted, "I suppose this means that the Avatar escaped."

"It's been several hours since your fight, sir. The Avatar is long gone on his flying bison," I replied, meeting Zhao's gaze with unwavering composure. The admiral lightly slammed his fist on the railing, his strength still diminished from the double dose of Red Bull he had consumed. But with surprising quickness, he regained his composure- clasping his hands behind his back with the poise of a high-ranked officer.

"Damn that airbender, slippery like a winged eel! He's likely halfway to the Northern Pole by now!" He shouted in frustration. The admiral sighed deep- apparently pushing down his anger and looking over to me, "Captain Khan, thank you for your timely arrival. Having to walk back to base would have been... unseemly after the airbender destroyed our ships."

"The Avatar does seem to have a knack for targeting our equipment, sir," I remarked, disregarding his obvious lie about Aang being responsible for his riverboats' destruction. "Also, I received a letter from the capital. Records and Archives already have me listed as commander."

"I see. Congratulations on your promotion, Commander," he grunted, his tone begrudgingly respectful. "I'd offer you tea if we were back at base, but I think this is a good opportunity."

"An opportunity, Admiral?"

"Yes..." Zhao hummed, accepting a spare Fire Nation uniform from one of the nearby soldiers. He began donning the garments swiftly, his actions purposeful and precise. "An opportunity for us to converse. You see-"

"Wait," I hissed, the urgency in my voice spreading through the air like wildfire. The entire riverboat froze, tension filling the air.

Almost everyone has experienced that unsettling sensation at least once—a quiet dread that seemingly emerges from the depths of nowhere. It creeps upon you like the ethereal brush of a phantom hand against your skin, while an ominous pressure builds at the back of your head. All these sensations intertwine, forming a rising suspicion that unseen eyes are fixed upon you. Most people would shrug it off as a mere trick of the mind, attempting to convince themselves it's nothing more than an irrational fear. But I was a Fire Nation Warlord imbued with a formidable power, and a very concerning notification popped up in my vision, indicating beyond a shadow of a doubt that...

Spirit Check successful! (42/40 Spirit Required)

...Yes, there was certainly something watching me.

My green eyes peered through my helmet's armoured slits to scan the river waters and the dense jungle beyond. Not a single rustle, not a misplaced vine. But, I knew something was lurking out there. But what?

"Do we have trouble, Commander?" Zhao whispered warily.

"I believe we're being watched." I whispered, my voice barely audible over the gentle hum of the engine.

Admiral Zhao's amber eyes squinted out into the jungle brush as well, and when he didn't find anything, he said to me. "I don't see anything."

"Nor do I, but now is not the time to take any chances. You risk permanent damage to your body if you fight."

Zhao nodded reluctantly, "Very well, I'll entrust my safety to you, Commander."

"Helmsman, reduce speed!" I bellowed. "Cavalry Scouts, pair up and scour the immediate area! Everyone else, weapons at the ready!"

As the engines quieted, the valour of Fire Nation soldiers filled the void: The rasping sound of Jian swords unsheathing, the fwoosh of fire coming to life in armoured palms, and the aggressive honks of the ostrich-horses as the mounted scouts charged into the brush with guandao glaives in hand.

I tightened my grip on my meteor hammer, scanning the treeline again as that mysterious sense of unease gnawed at me all the while. What was I missing? How are they hiding from our detection? I spared a brief glance at the older man with greying sideburns and hard amber eyes. To encounter such a situation moments after meeting the Admiral... Was it mere coincidence or enemy action?

Spirit Check Failed! (42/60 Spirit Required)

The answer eluded me, and it was very concerning how I still didn't know what I was passing or failing. But soon enough, my Cavalry Scouts emerged from the treeline, shouting their report to me, "Commander, the immediate area is clear! We didn't find anything!"

I frowned under my helmet. If this interloper can hide from even our ostrich-horses' sharp sense of smell, then there was nothing else I could do aside from resolving to raise my Spirit Stat from now on. Meanwhile, the men looked to me, awaiting my orders.

"Keep the perimeter secure as we head back to base." I shouted to them before glancing over to the soldier behind the wheel. "Ahead standard, helmsman. Nice and easy."

The riverboat engines roared to life as we continued our cruise back to base.

"It would seem your paranoia was unfounded, Commander." spoke Admiral Zhao.

"Better to have been on-guard over nothing than to be caught off-guard in an ambush." I replied before sending an order to the lieutenant who stood watch, "Lieutenant, get a table and some chairs from below deck. And steep some tea as well."

"Yes, sir!"

"You said that you wished to speak to me about something, Admiral?"

Zhao nodded, "Yes, I had in fact intended to talk with you as soon as you arrived at base, Commander Khan. But your preparedness and punctuality is very much appreciated."

For saving his life and sparing him the shameful walk home...

{Admiral Zhao} Reputation : 15 - 25

The lieutenant returned with those chairs and table, dutifully setting it up in the middle of the deck for us before pouring each of us some tea like some high class maitre d.

The admiral took a single sip before speaking, his voice impassioned with patriotic fervour, "Rumours of your great talent for not only battle and administration have reached even the ears of Fire Nation Command. You are exactly the type of soldier we need to lead the way to one of our greatest triumphs- exceedingly capable and unquestionably loyal. How would you like to serve Fire Lord and Fire Nation in the most important theatre of the war, Commander; and make your Nation proud?"

"There is no need to speak so coyly, admiral. We are both men of action." I reassure him. "I know you're wanting the 41st to 'volunteer' for the Siege of the North Pole despite our orders from General Tuan to advance towards Ba Sing Se."

"How refreshingly direct." Admiral Zhao smiled into his tea cup before adopting a serious expression, "And yes, you are indeed correct in your assumption, Commander. I personally think you're wasted in the Army: General Tuan would have you languishing here in the Earth Kingdom and picking off fleeing Earth Kingdom soldiers. When instead, your talents will be of better use especially when we besiege the Northern Water Tribe. So... What would it take to secure your cooperation in the Siege of the Northern Water Tribe? Name your price."

"I want priority spot in every resupply list well after the war."

Admiral Zhao blinked, caught off guard at how quickly I jumped at his offer but recovered quickly, "Consider it done. Anything else?"

Now came the moment of truth.

"And..." I leaned closer and lowered my voice to a whisper, "... I want the location of the Lost Library of Wan Shi Tong."

The admiral's calculating amber eyes narrowed at me as he said nothing for a minute that seemed to stretch forever. Until it didn't.

"Very few know about the discovery I made. I personally saw to that." Zhao's voice held a silver of a threat. "Besides, I burnt the library down. It held too much knowledge about the Fire Nation's secrets to be left-"

"We both know that the library still stands." I interrupted- meeting his gaze with my own, "Admiral, I'm going to find the library with or without your help. The only thing that will change is whether we can establish a mutually-beneficial working relationship before and after the Siege of the North Pole."

Zhao fell silent again before sighing. "Very well, Commander, you caught me on my lie. But can you blame me when you know how astronomically valuable Wan Shi Tong's library is? What knowledge are you after there anyway?"

"Not knowledge. I wish to... treat with the spirit that curates the place. With Wan Shi Tong."

"Ah, I understand. You wish to kill that damned owl spirit?" Zhao said with a vicious smirk, "Perhaps you and I are not so different after all... However, if you want that information, you're going to have to offer something more than just your cooperation."

I didn't bother to correct the admiral's assumption that I wanted to kill Wan Shi Tong. Instead, I was focused on the deal. Focused on the welcome information that the admiral wasn't against the idea of sharing the library's location, he just wanted a large enough payday.

Now, that was something I could offer.

Leaning forward, I presented my carefully crafted proposition, "Admiral Zhao, I know of your desire for personal glory. An understandable goal really. And if this is what'll take to convince you to share the location of the library, I'm content with being a footnote in the upcoming siege. The glory of presenting the Fire Nation with the final victory over the Northern Water Tribe will be yours and yours alone."

"An intriguing offer." Zhao mused, stroking his beard, "But how do you plan to turn this into reality?"

It was clear that I had captured the admiral's attention, now it was simply a matter of closing the deal. And with an egomaniac like Zhao, there was only one thing that would win him over.

"I have already devised a rough plan on how the 41st Division would bring about the fall of the Northern Water Tribe. I can simply attribute that the plan was yours all along. Think about it: The Great Admiral Zhao, the tactical genius who toppled the Northern Water Tribe once and for all with his grand stratagem. The 41st Division, merely another trusty instrument in the masterful orchestra of war he played. Your role in this siege would elevate you beyond any other officer in the war. You will become the Legendary Admiral Zhao, the-"

"You have a deal." He agreed without a moment's hesitation, his amber eyes aflame with visions of his own grandeur.

"We have an accord then." I smiled and raised my tea cup. "A toast! To the beginnings of a mutually beneficial relationship between us, Admiral."

"To a mutually beneficial working relationship!" Zhao agreed, his lofty ambitions shining through his satisfied smile.

For reaching an arrangement with him that favours him greatly...

{Admiral Zhao} Reputation : 25 - 40

Ah, the best deals are the ones where both sides feel that they came out on top. Whether it's actually true... Well, that's largely irrelevant at the moment. Admiral Zhao can have all the prestige of taking the Water Tribe capital, while I will have something far, far more valuable. Speaking of which...

"How would you relay the library's location to me?" I asked him.

"I still have my old maps of the Si Wong desert from my time as a scout under General Shu." Zhao readily revealed, "They're kept safely in my estate in the Fire Islands. A serendipitous coincidence, I'm sure. Because you'll no doubt wish to have the bookworms at the capital to verify the authenticity of them. I'll gladly hand them to you after I finalise the usual command and control details with the war council about your division's participation in the upcoming siege. Of course, this is all after the Great War Commemoration parade. You have received your invitation, yes?"

"About that... " I muttered, "Princess Azula- the chief organiser for the parade- has ordered my unit to report to the Royal Plaza as soon as possible. I'd like to request your fastest ships to transport my division."

"Not a problem at all, Khan!" Zhao's smile was a magnanimous one, "You have the backing of the Fire Nation Navy's greatest admiral now. Besides, it would be poor form for me to send subpar ships to fulfill the Crown Princess' direct orders. You have my guarantee that your unit will be in the Fire Islands before the month is over. Speaking of which... Where is the rest of your division, Commander?"

"Raising morale back at base." I shrugged.

(Meanwhile) [Pohuai Port]

Zuko impatiently marched down the ramp of his ship, grumbling under his breath all the while. The late-morning chill still annoying him even through his usual red armour.

With no news of the avatar having bubbled up and the Giant's Horde still at least a week away from arriving, he had been sitting restlessly since yesterday. Keeping fit and ready with exercise and practising his Modern Azulon Style. At least he was, until his uncle deemed it fit to interrupt him- summoning him to the portside tent where the old coot usually played Pai Sho. Zuko suspected that the summons was likely for some inane reason, but there was always a silver of a chance that it was for something actually relevant to his pursuit of the Avatar. He never knew which it was going to be with his happy-go-lucky uncle.

The surprisingly crowded streets of the base, filled with his fellow Fire Nation soldiers as they smiled and chattered, only served to irritate him further. When Zuko finally reached his uncle's tent, he angrily batted aside the cloth flap and shouted.

"There had better be a good reason for thi-"

"So, you have arrived. Good." Iroh intoned, and Zuko stopped dead in his tracks at how his uncle's voice lacked its usual happy-go-lucky cheer, only utter seriousness remained. If that wasn't enough, the older man was also dressed in full military regalia with armoured pauldrons, black greaves, and a grand red cape- soft as sin. It was the first time Zuko had seen his uncle in proper formal wear since they had first left the Fire Nation. Iroh wasn't alone either: Four other of his crew including Lieutenant Jee were similarly dressed in armoured finery.

"W-what's going on?" Zuko asked dumbly as the legendary Fire Nation general walked over to him, placed a hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eye. The older man's amber eyes like burnished gold as he stared at him, and Zuko felt like a fox-antelope staring down a dragon.

"Prince Zuko..." General Iroh began as solemnly as before, "In all the time I had accompanied you on this journey to hunt the Avatar, I have never asked you for anything in return. But now, I find myself in a position where I must. And you are the only one who is both able enough and who I trust enough to turn to for this matter."

Even without knowing what it was, how can Zuko ever refuse?

"Y-yes, uncle." Zuko saluted, "Whatever you need."

At his answer, General Iroh allowed a small smile before gesturing to the other men in the room. They heaved a heavy red chest onto the table beside Zuko, and Iroh placed a hand on it. He looked to him, "Prince Zuko, from you I need to wield this great instrument, to pour your heart and soul into this task, and lead us to victory in my most important battle in recent memory."

"I will, Uncle Iroh." He affirmed to the older man, "Your faith isn't misplaced in me."

Gracing him with a fatherly smile, Iroh lifted the chest open and reverently placed the item in Zuko's hands, "... I need you to play this tsungi horn in the upcoming battle of the bands."

"Yes, uncle." Zuko cradled the instrument, "I'll play this tsungi horn for you at- Wait, WHAT?! You want me to play in your stupid band?!"

"Yes!" His fat uncle Iroh grinned, "And with your talent with the Tsungi Horn, our band will see itself triumphant tonight at the 41st Division's own Fire Days Festival inside base! Oh nephew, You should have seen the pool of prizes the winning bands will get, including a set of hand-carved instruments crafted by Captain Khan himself! That rosewood pipa was the most finely-crafted string instrument I've seen in over ten years!"

Zuko was about to melt the instrument in his hands before his uncle's words registered in his mind, "Wait, the 41st Division arrived early?!"

He was rushing out the tent before he knew it himself, pushing past the crowded streets again, and promptly found what he was looking for: A group of heavily-armoured Fire Nation soldiers with feathered helmets riding atop mean-looking ostrich-horses.

"I'm Prince Zuko. Take me to the one in charge!" He demanded them, and the mounted soldiers who simply pointed to a large tent with a long line of men with instruments snaking out from it.

"Hey! There's a line, you know!" "Cutting in line like they own the place!" "Did you see that line-cutter? Unbelievable!"

Zuko ignored the soldier's grumbling as he pushed past them all. He had to reach the commanding officer of the 41st Division as quickly as possible. His success against the Avatar- and by extension- his own honour was on the line. And as he neared the tent, a sudden bout of self-doubt struck him. What if Khan wasn't there? What if he was busy right now? What if he said no? Zuko couldn't afford to waste any more time. He had to speak to the officer immediately. He finally arrived at the tent and pushed through the entrance. He found...

"YOU!" Zuko roared as he saw who was sitting languidly behind a table: The Kyoshi Warriors.

"You." the redheaded leader of the Kyoshi Warriors greeted him back.

Zuko growled. He could never forget these girls with their painted faces and green kimonos. Or that battle on Kyoshi Island. All that effort, entire weeks of tracking that Airbender, only for the Avatar slipped through his fingers like smoke! All because he was preoccupied by a band of girls playing at being actual warriors! He didn't know how they infiltrated the camp or why they were here, but he was going to settle the score once and for all. Fire daggers formed in Zuko's hands as he marched forward...

...only for the guards of the 41st Division to block the path with their spears.

"What are you doing?!" Zuko shouted. "They aided the Avatar! They're enemies of the Fire Nation!"

"Oh, haven't you heard, scar boy? We defected to the Fire Nation." she smugly asked. And the other Kyoshi Warriors joined in. Their smiles, just as smug as their leader's.

"Yup, we're fighting on the same side now!"

"Don't worry, the Kyoshi Warriors are here to win all the battles that you couldn't."

"Is that why you're here to audition for your band?"

"Looking to switch careers so that you can be the angry music boy instead?"

"What are you talking ab-" Zuko realised that he was still holding the tsungi horn his uncle gave him. He tossed it aside, "I need to talk to Captain Khan. This is important."

"He's a Commander now." the redhead corrected. "But if it's about helping you capture the Aang, let me stop you right there and tell you that Khan's going to say no. He has a lot of places to be."

"I'm not going to accept that answer from you." Zuko growled, stepping forward to look the Kyoshi Warrior right in the eye, "So, I order you to take me to Commander Khan!"

"The name's Suki. And... you order us, huh?" the redhead hummed, her painted lips stretching into a sinister grin. And Zuko almost shivered at the sight, it reminded him too much of his sister, Azula. "Technically, we're not formally in the Fire Nation army."

"So that means that we don't have to follow your orders."

"Or take any bull pig from you."

"But at the same time, we're also following the orders of someone who outranks you. Soo~"





Zuko just groaned- massaging his temples, "You're all still mad about me almost burning down your village, aren't you?"

"You burned down my family's house!"

"You burned my aunt's house down!"

"And my uncle-in-law's house!"

"And the house of my first cousin once-removed!"

"Wait, was this the same spirits-damned house?!" Zuko exclaimed.

"Duh." Suki stuck her tongue. "It was the only house in the entire village that you managed to burn down before we could extinguish the flames."

"Well, it's not my fault you Earth Kingdom hicks are all so inbred!"


"Look, Zuko..." Suki looked him in the eye, "There is no way in a million years that Khan is going to let you order him and the 41st around the Four Nations chasing Aang. He's just not interested in the Avatar in the slightest. Currently at least."

"I don't want you or him tagging along." He growled back, "I just need the power of that Red Bull Elixir!"

"Oh? You mean these?" Suki teased as she and her cousins waved the liquid filled cans in his face. "Too bad. The only way you'll get these is by being in the 41st... or by winning the battle of the bands, because the winner of the grand prize also gets a crate-full of their drink of choice. Red Bull included."

"You have that much?" Zuko breathed in awe, and the other Kyoshi Warriors just looked unsure.

"Do we, Suki?"

"We have a couple of cases, but not a crate."

"Khan mentioned something about how hard it was to mix the proper chi additives on top of the base drink..."

"He'll have to make more when he comes back."

"Okay, maybe we don't have that much." Suki shrugged, "The little that we have- we aren't about to give away for free. And if you can't even convince us, then here's no way in the underworld you would be able to sweet talk Khan. We know all about you from hanging out with Fire Nation soldiers: You don't have anything to offer. So, guys? Eject the prince here. The line behind him is getting long."

"Oh, I hope we get more pipa players!"

"No way! We already have too many of those! Maybe a percussionist duet?"

"I hope Khan gets home soon. He's the best kind of percussionist: the one who could stretch me out and bang me like a drum."

"Suki, focus!"

"Fine, I personally think we need more woodwinds in the competitions..."

While the Kyoshi Warriors were engrossed in their back and forth, the 41st Division spearmen reached out to grab Zuko, but thinking quickly, he picked up the tsungi horn from the ground and warded them away with it as if it was some magic talisman, "Wait! I'm... here to audition for my band!"

That brought the Kyoshi Warriors' chattering to a halt as their attention was once again directed at him.

"We have better things to do than listen to you imitate a screeching hog-monkey. Toss him on his ass already!"

"And make sure he bounces!"

"No, girls. Let him dig his hole deeper." Suki once again grinned as if she was Azula. And a wave of fear crawled over Zuko's body as the other five girls did the same. Like a pack of owl-cats that have found a little dying mouse to play with, they verbally pounced on him.

"Suki's right... We also only allow the best. We have an ear for music, did you know?"

"Where's the rest of your band, Zuko? We don't allow soloists."

"Maybe we should just give him an exception? Have him play in front of the whole base. All by himself."

"What even is the name of this band? Huh, Zuko?"

Under the barrage of questions suddenly aimed at him, Zuko started to sweat, "Uh... my band name is..."

"The Singing Lotus Blossoms!" His uncle Iroh declared as the rest of the old farts walked in holding their own instruments, "Oh, nephew, I knew we could count on you! I thought you were about to do something reckless, but you just wanted to register the band yourself. All those years of inviting you to music night is finally paying off! You make me so proud!"

The heavy slap to his back and the sniffle of pride from his uncle only made things worse. Zuko just bowed his head lower so that they couldn't see his face burn with embarrassment.

"So, the Singing Lotus Blossoms, huh, Prince Zuko?" The Kyoshi Warriors chorused with amused giggles and chortles. Oh, the things he did to regain his honour...

"Yes... I'm Prince Zuko and we're... ugh... the Singing Lotus Blossoms."

The amused, Azula-like smiles of the six Kyoshi Warriors bore down on him, "Well, if you want a shot at winning that Red Bull, you'll have to impress us enough to let you in the contest. Play, little hog-monkey, let's hear what you've got!"

"Today, we will be playing... uh... 'Four Seasons.'"

"Good choice, nephew." His uncle whispered, "You paid attention to what we had been playing on music nights. I knew you cared!"

"Ugh..." Zuko groaned, he knew that they weren't going to win this, but they still had to try. After all, what was a little musical performance compared to acquiring the key to defeating the Avatar?

(A few hours Later)

Under a starry night sky, Zuko was locked in a staring contest with his worst enemy- their furious battle having shaken the entire military base of Pohuai. And now, they awaited judgement for the entire base to see. Zuko clenched his fists in anger.

General Iroh, ever the wise mentor, placed a firm hand on Zuko's shoulder, his voice a calming whisper. "Don't let him provoke you, Zuko. Rise above his taunts. Be the better man."

"But, uncle-" Zuko began, his frustration evident.

"History will prove us to be in the right," Iroh reassured him, his eyes shining with unwavering faith. "You'll see."

Reluctantly, Zuko settled down, but his enemy did not. The lead singer of the other finalist band simply smirked with a smug smile. With the excellent range of the man's baritone voice and their extensive experience from countless music nights, the 41st Division's 2nd Infantry platoon had become a formidable force in the competition. Zuko's newly formed band, the Singing Lotus Blossoms, should have found them insurmountable. Yet, they held their own, stunning the crowd with Zuko's mesmerising performance on the tsungi horn.

And now, here they were.

On a performance stage, both the Singing Lotus Blossoms and the 41st Division's 2nd Infantry platoon- their best acapella singing group- stood tensely as the Kyoshi Warrior judges were huddled amongst themselves, trying to arrive at a final decision. The entire 3rd army was gathered before them in a single crowd, having witnessed their musical duel. Half the crowd chanted for the 41st, their original song "I'll Make a Man Out of You" still ringing in their ears, while the other half fervently supported the Singing Lotus Blossoms and their captivating rendition of the traditional "Work Shanty."

Suki, the lead judge, stood up and the crowd immediately hushed down, waiting with baited breath for the judge's verdict.

"And the winner of the first ever Fire Festival Battle of the Bands is..."

"The Singing Lotus Blossoms!"

"We won?" Zuko's voice trembled with disbelief. He turned to his uncle, his eyes filled with sheer joy. "Uncle, we won! We actually won!"

"I can hardly believe it myself..." Iroh's face lit up with a smile, his eyes glistening with pride. He embraced Zuko tightly, overcome with emotion. "Oh, nephew! This is the happiest day of my life!"

Suki stepped forward, extending a small golden pipa trophy to Zuko. "You sure showed us, Zuko. You deserve this."

Zuko shook his head as he smiled, "I think my uncle should have the honour."

"Thank you, thank you so very much!" Iroh's voice quivered with gratitude as he accepted the trophy, tears welling in his eyes.

"Would you like to say a few words to your fans?" Suki smiled as she gestured to the jubilant crowd.

"Yes!" Iroh sniffled as he announced to the crowd. "I'd like to thank my band who practiced with me every music night. And I'd like to thank my nephew, and his stellar Tsungi horn performance so soul-stirring that it could make a painting weep from beauty!"

The crowd exploded into cheers, chanting his name.

"Zuko! Zuko! Zuko!"

Zuko couldn't keep the smile off his face. Because for the first time in his life, he had the adoration of his fellow Fire Nation. Through his own merits and talent, he had earned their adoration. Their eyes looked upon him, not with scorn or disgust, but with respect and admiration as they cheered and clapped and whistled his victory.

No... he felt that was wrong. This wasn't the first time. Unbidden, a similar memory almost forgotten from its age came to the forefront, a memory of the times when he'd go out of the palace with his mother on those lazy summer days, much to the delight of the citizens of the Imperial city. They'd fawn over him, hand him fresh fruits and words of encouragement while his mother's laugh echoed in the background. He'd forgotten this feeling, this warmth. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he just-

"Well, here you go, Zuko." Suki said, handing him a small wooden crate, "Twenty-four cans. Don't drink them all at once!"

"What?" he squawked in confusion as he was abruptly torn from his reminiscing.

"The Red Bull prize that you entered the competition for?" Suki arched a puzzled eyebrow before turning to the crowd, "Postal costs are shouldered by the 41st Division! Please mention Khan and the 41st in your letters to friends and family!"

The crowd cheered behind him, but for Zuko, the world seemed to bleed away.

He just stood frozen, staring at the 24 four cans of that chi-enhancing elixir in his hands. That's right... he entered this music competition to get the elixir he needed to best the Avatar. What was he doing? He should be out there capturing the Avatar and regaining his honour! Not this Frustration and anger welling up inside him, he ripped the tsungi horn from his body and stormed off the stage with the case of Red Bull in tow.

"We have what we came for, Uncle." He all but growled as he passed his fat uncle by, "Let's go."

What?!" Iroh cried out in shock, "But Zuko, we're the toast of the base! We can't leave now. You need to allow yourself some time off. If you stay for just a day longer, you can see that-"

Zuko aimed an angry glare at the foolish old man who had dragged him into all this nonsense, "I said we're leaving! Gather up the crew, I want us gone within the hour!"

Without another word, Zuko stormed off toward his ship, his scar itching all the while. Regaining his lost honour was the only thing that mattered. Nothing else was important. Nothing.

(Later that night)

It was past midnight by the time we got back to the Pohuai naval base.

The night was calm and the luminous half moon shone down on the great Fire Nation cruisers- casting long shadows on the tents. There were a lot less campfires alight than one would expect from a Fire Nation base, but that was a good sign: Suki likely handed out the wines early on and now everyone was sleeping in a happy drunken stupor. Alcohol always made for very good publicity. Today has been a very productive day in terms of reputation points, and the proof of it was floating right before my eyes.

For being a very cooperative and helpful subordinate...

{Admiral Zhao} Reputation : 40 - 45

+ R +

All without him noticing the limping June as she snuck out of the riverboats and back to the 41st.

"Well, Khan..." Zhao yawned- stretching his sea legs off as we walked, "I look forward to fighting alongside you at the North Pole. I have to admit your plan for the Siege was inspired. Risky, but inspired."

"You mean your inspired plan." I corrected him, and the admiral's amber eyes lit up in delight. I had spent most of the night talking with the admiral, and now the older man was a lot more friendly now after [Siren's Voice] did its work and raised my Reputation with him by leaps and bounds. Because no matter which branch of the military you were in, it was a good idea to have someone higher up in rank to like you. Speedrunning the Zhao bromance route could only help me later on.

"Yes... I suppose it is 'my' plan." He chuckled, "Oh, if I had ten more divisions that could do what you're about to do, I would have won us this war a decade ago!"

"The 41st will win you the glory of taking Northern Water Tribe capital of Agna Qel'a or die trying... but imagine that the first one would be better for both of us."

"Indeed, it would!" the older man laughed, slapping my back.

Reputation check succeeded!

55/50 Reputation Required with {Admiral Zhao}

"Listen... I'll have the appropriate ship captains notified of their new assignment, and they'll be prepared to cast off at the break of dawn. Officially, they're to ferry your division back to Imperial City. Unofficially, they're all but attached to your command now. Use them well."

I was stunned into silence. More than just heavily-armed and heavily-armoured goliaths that could hammer an earth Kingdom stronghold into rubble, this fleet was exactly what I needed to enact my plan to take Agna Qel'a. With these navy ships, the 41st Division could now ship goods directly to the capital... and other places. [Siren's Voice] was already paying off more than I could have ever imagined!

"Thank you for the generous gift, Zhao." I bowed in gratitude, "And I have one of my own as well. I'll have a few of my men leave a couple of small casks in your tent. Officially, they're clean mountain water. Unofficially..."

"They'll be filled to the brim with Red Bull..." Zhao whispered in wonder.

For giving him Red Bull...

{Admiral Zhao} Reputation : 45 - 55

"A fine gift, Commander. A fine gift indeed." He smiled, "The rest of the battlegroup will ship out for the Imperial Capital in the following days. You'll likely be one of the first to arrive there. So, please Send Crown Princess Azula my warmest regards, will you?"

"Of course, admiral." I nodded- reading the request hidden between the lines, "She and the Fire Lord will hear nothing but glowing remarks about you."

"Well, you didn't hear that request from me!" He laughed for a second before saluting. "Fair winds and following seas, Commander Khan."

"You as well, Admiral Zhao." I saluted back as he retired to his tent for the night.

As for myself, there was no time to rest just yet: I had a deadline to meet, and a quest to complete. I went to march over to the space in the port allotted to the 41st, but as I turned...

Spirit Check successful! (42/40 Spirit Required)

Once again, I felt phantom eyes bored into the back of my head.

My armoured hand immediately went for my (Exquisite) [Steel Meteor Hammer]. The chain rattled as I whipped my head around, scanning the shadows that stretched ominously across the docks. Looking for that mysterious presence that had apparently followed me from upriver. I squinted, searching every possible hiding place: The shadowy sides of the tents away from the fires, the waters underneath the creaking Fire Nation cruisers and up the towering stacks of supply crates. Nothing again. Just the eerie stillness of a quiet port on a moonlit night.

How frustrating, and frankly, a bit intimidating. Threats that you can't see were always like that- you can never tell just how dangerous they were until they were right behind you. One would think it was a Spirit from how its detection was tied to the Spirit Stat. But I had no way to know for sure.

Spirit Check failed! (42/60 Spirit Required)

So, unable to find it myself, I tried a different tactic this time: Diplomacy.

"I know you're there." My deep voice called out to the darkness around me, "I'm all alone at the moment, but you haven't attacked. So, you must want something other than my death. Why don't you reveal yourself, and you can tell me what it is that you want!"

I waited for an answer, but it did not come. My ears picked up nothing but the distant sounds of soldiers drunkenly singing, and the sea breeze rushing between the tents.

"Have it your way." I muttered in frustration as I continued with my march over to the 41st. If this elusive entity did not want to be found, then I truly could do nothing about it for now. I'll need to raise my Spirit Stat if I want to confront this mysterious being.

Though tense, the walk back didn't take long.

Unlike the rest of the port, there were no big tents and most of the 41st were in the midst of packing up for the long cruise home. Just as I had ordered them. And there, hanging around their own stagecoach was my honour guard of kunoichi girls. Sharp, vigilant eyes darted in my direction as soon as I turned the corner, and smiles erupted all around as they rushed over, swarming me with their green kimonos and snow-white face paints in wide smiles.

"Khan, you're back!" Suki hugged my waist. "You missed the party!"

"You held a party?" I echoed, "I was expecting a feast; but if it works, it works..."

"Yeah, it really did!" Suki chirped as she began listing events with her fingers, "We held our own Fire Days Festival, an ostrich-horse racing tournament, a meatbun eating contest, a battle of the bands! The last one was definitely the most popular! All the bands from the 3rd Army were great, but were better! Our 2nd infantry platoon blew everyone away with their rendition of 'I'll Make a Man out of you! Also, Zuko was here looking for you."

"Zuko is here?" I said archly.

The deuteragonist of the ATLA series required special care, him and his sister actually. But that was less about their own merits, and more about the people they knew: Azula was Fire Lord Ozai's favourite child, and Zuko was General Iroh's favourite nephew. Ozai and Iroh, two names that had a lot of political pull in the Fire Nation, and could make my life very difficult at this stage of my ambitions. Conversely, it can only help my cause if they like me; because, just as Zhao proved tonight, I can have a lot of perks and goodies thrown my way if someone likes me enough. My Reputation with the scarred, banished prince should be easy enough to raise with the help of [Siren's Voice].

"He already left." Suki said, dashing my hopes, "Took off to hunt for the Avatar as soon as he got what he wanted."

"Oh, that's a shame." I clicked my tongue. "I would have liked to meet the Exiled Prince of the Fire Nation."

"You didn't miss much." the redhead dismissed, "He earned his 'Angry Boy' nickname. Not much of a talker, but he definitely could play the tsungi horn, I'll give him that much."

Her sisters also agreed with that as they nodded.

"It's what got him the grand prize! I was going to score them lower just because it's Zuko but his uncle really could sing!"

"And that was the best tsungi horn solo I've ever heard!"

"Although, he didn't seem to like music despite how much music likes him."

"A real shame too."

"He should just quit trying to capture Aang and hold concerts! I'd pay to see him!"

My skull-faced helmet nodded, "So, you gave them the {Exquisite} instruments and what I can assume to be Red Bull? I suppose that's fine. Overall, a very expensive endeavour, but the rewards that come out of it are more than worth it."

For having a great number of Fire Nation soldiers write home about you, praising your generosity...

{Fire Nation} Reputation : 71 - 75

+ R +



Main Objective: Arrive at the Imperial Capital within (9.5) Days

Secondary Objective: Have at least 75 {Fire Nation} Reputation upon arrival


Large bonus exp

Large Reputation increase with the {Azula}

Secondary Rewards:

Perk Point x2

Large Reputation increase with the {Firelord Ozai}

[Fire Nation War Hero] You're like a rockstar, but with war crimes! All entities with loyalties or sympathies for the Fire Nation start with +15 more Reputation; and +50% to Reputation and Affection gains with them. Stacks additively with [Siren's Voice]

+ R +

"Yes, very much worth it." I smiled- patting their heads, "Good job, girls. Very good job!"

"Oh, we haven't even started our 'job' yet." Suki said with a coy smirk. Moving as one with her sisters as they stepped closer to me, "June didn't even do one and she got her treat, how is that fair?"

"June told you about it, huh?" I groaned, and the Kyoshi Warriors just grinned lustily.

"Nah... With a limp that screams 'My pussy is sore from sex' and a smile that says 'And I want to do it again' She didn't have to."

"You haven't touched us in three days, but you pounded that old hag the first chance you got? Way to make six girls jealous."

"But with the cruise, you'll have a lot of time to give us lots of attention, hmm?"

"Hey, Khan?" Suki purred- pressing her soft, busty body closer as she looked up at me with her round blue eyes, "I lost my panties, can you come over to my tent and help me find them?"

"Suki! You cheating slut! That wasn't part of the plan!"

"Yeah, we were supposed to wear matching lingerie tonight!"

"What happened to Kyoshi Warrior camaraderie and doing everything as one?!"

Suki stuck her tongue out at them, "All's fair in love and war and getting pounded into the mattress by our big Fire Nation giant!"

"Fine..." I answered- much to the Kyoshi Warriors' surprise, "The admiral has given us a list of ships for the 41st to take. Once you're all packed up, I want you to pick out the fastest and a large enough room to convert into our bedroom. The sooner we cast off, the sooner we can... celebrate our early departure."

And I was only half lying too. I figure that if I tire them out enough on the first day, I might be able to get more reading time while they're in a sex-induced stupor. And all I had to do was rile them up to a frenzy where they'll... overexert themselves. Removing my gauntlets for the moment, I reached out and relished in their squeak of surprise as I pulled them closer. Pressing their soft nubile bodies against the warm metal of my armour.

"I'm in a good mood, and I feel like taking it out on all of you." I ran my hand across the six lovely ladies... grabbed handfuls of their soft flesh, "We have ten days to ourselves after all, and for once, I'm not going to go easy on you."

At that declaration, the six Kyoshi Warriors melted as my hands roamed their bodies- whimpering like kittens, rubbing their thighs together and grinding themselves against me. Blushing heavily that the heat could be felt through their face paints as I kissed them one by one, and panting with desire as I let go of them.

"Stupid sexy Khan... winding us up like this..."

"I-I'm so wet right now."

"Maybe Suki had the right idea after all, I think my panties are going to squelch with every step."

"See?!" Suki grinned at her sisters. "Heh, and you all thought that purple lace was going to work better than the old 'I'm naked under my clothes.' "

"We're all naked under our clothes, you dumb hippo-cow!"

"Can it, you two! We have to pack up and ship out immediately. I feel like I'm going to pop!"

"Khan, let's hold our own music contest, you can stretch me out and bang me like a drum all night long!"

"Hey, you're stealing my material!"

"Like you said, Suki. All's fair in love and war and getting pounded into the mattress by our big Fire Nation giant!"

"Last one to our new love suite on the ship has to watch everyone else go first!"

The six of them broke into a run to get things ready for the cruise back to the Fire Islands. Still bickering all the while. And with the Kyoshi Warriors running off, I went to get the last companion on my list.

I marched over to the quiet part of the dock.

And there, standing at the edge of the stone pier was my last companion, a lone cloaked figure who stood at the water's edge- staring into the calm ocean horizon to the west. The slender silhouette, enough to tell everyone that she was a woman, but very few knew that she was more than just one. My seven-foot-tall frame stopped to stand beside her- beside the assassin that almost killed me.

"Yor, we have our ships." I spoke. "It's time to get your daughter back. As discussed, we leave at-"

"You do?!" The raven-haired woman launched herself into a hug around my waist, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

For actively keeping your promise...

{Yor Briar} Reputation : 48 - 51

"You're... welcome..." I hesitantly patted her slender back, "Come on, you can fill me in on the status of our supplies as we walk. And... what is that for?"

"Oh this?" She held up a small plushie of an ostrich-horse and smiled softly, "Whenever I went out on a mission that took me away from Anya, I'd always pick up a toy for her from the place I did my mission from."

"That's sweet of you. I take it that little Anya likes them?"

"Yes!" She beamed, "Anya always looks so cute when I give her the toy and her eyes light up. We always have a tea party where her older toys greet their newest family.' She almost filled her entire bed with them the last time I saw it!"

"I see..." I muttered, "Your daughter is lucky to have a mother as thoughtful as you."

"You think so?"


Actually no, but I wasn't about to say that to her face. Her child has a plush-toy collection that acted as a bloody tally of all her kills. If Yor was an airhead, I'd just pass it off as obliviousness. But I knew that this was only acting like one, she was parading her murderous nature to her child, likely in an effort to raise... What a frightening woman. I should put in more effort to raise her reputation.

I turned my gaze on the plush toy in her hands.

(Common) [Ostrich-Horse Plushie]

The toy ostrich-horse is just large for a small child to wrap their arms around it. Its soft avian body is made of and stuffed with cotton. Its eyes are small ashwood buttons and its pale-yellow beak is carved from sapwood. Its legs are mere flaps of cloth, unable to support the toy's weight.

"The craftsmanship on that plushie isn't that great." I told her, "If you want, I can make a better one for Anya."

"You would do that?! Thank you, Khan!" She grinned, falling into step beside me and linking our arms together. "I'm sure Anya would appreciate it!"

For being sweet for her daughter...

{Yor Briar} Reputation : 51 - 53

Yor paused however, glancing back to the ocean that we were about to cross. Her blood-red eyes almost glowing from their intensity as she looked back towards the horizon and whispered one last promise.

"Don't worry, Anya. Mama's coming to the rescue..."