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Zayren woke up in a hospital bed. There were a few doctors in the room and the helped Zayren understand what had happened. Her head was spinning and it took her a second to get herself together. "Were not sure what happened, but you seem to be fine now," one of the doctors said. "Other then you hair, strangely changing color."

"Wait, my hair?" Zayren asked. The doctor nodded and handed her a mirror. Zayren held it up to her face, pretending she could see it.

"Oh right sorry," the doctor said.

"It's fine, but what's wrong with my hair?" Zayren asked.

"Well you see, your hair now as a white color to it. Its faded to white on the bottom with some strikes of white in random places."

"What! How?" Zayren exclaimed.

"Were not sure, but it doesn't appear to be harming you in any way." Zayren decided to drop the subject.

"When can I leave?" she asked, setting the mirror by her side.

"You should be fine to leave soon. We just need to run a few tests then you'll be free to go." The doctor took a chair and sat down.

"The mirror please," he said. Zayren picked up the mirror and handed it to him.


An hour later the doctors let Zayren leave. They told her to look out for anything weird, and that she'll need to go back for one more check up.

Wait, the kitten! Zayren thought. She turned around, made sure she was going the right way, and walked back to the hospital.

"Can I help you ma'am?" the lady at the front asked. Zayren looked around for her and found where she was.

"Uh yeah," Zayren said.

"What do you need?" the lady asked.

"I was took to the hospital unconscious, with a kitten. I'm wondering what happened to that kitten."

"Oh, then you are Zayren?"

"Yes that's would be me."

"Alright, well I believe the kitten was taken to the animal center."

"Ok, I'll head there now thank you," Zayren said.

"No problem. I can call them and tell them that your on you way to get it, if you'd like of course."

"Yeah I would appreciate it," Zayren said walking out. At least I know where it is, she thought. I should head there now.Zayren started walking in the direction she thought she needed to go. Walking along the sidewalk, doing her best to avoid people. She made it to the pet center without any problems. Finder her way to the front desk.

"Hi, I'm here for my kitten," Zayren said.

"Name?" the man asked.


"Ok, wait her for a moment." Zayren sensed the man walking away. Then soon coming back with two cages. The cage to the left had the cats in it, and the one to the right only had one cat in it.

"Three cats were brought in around the same time. So just tell me which on is yours." Zayren observed the two cages.

"I cant," Zayren said.

"Why not?" he asked.

"I'm blind."

"I know, but at least try to figure it out."

Sorry for not updating the past few times

TimeZ_Voidcreators' thoughts