
No Escape

Lyrin tried to get back up, but was pushed back down by Raden.

"I told you, I wouldn't have a problem hurting you next time," Raden said, "Your not going to. be able to escape." Bran walked up to Raden and said

"Good job, it would have been bad if she got away. Now lets get this over with." He walked up to Lyrin, and Raden moved away. Bran bent down and grabbed Lyrin's shoulder. He was about to inject the needle when Lyrin flipped over and slapped him with her wing. She then stumbled to her feet and tried running again. She didn't get far before she fell again.

"This girl sure knows how to fight, it's getting quite annoying though," Bran said, "Hold her down."

Raden walked over to Lyrin and pinned her arms to the ground.

"Your only making this harder for yourself." Lyria grunted and tried to get up again, but against Raden's strength it was no use.

"Girl, your making this really hard for me, just stay still for a bit." No! Lyrin thought. I don't know what's happening but I can't let them give me that. It seems to be some power drug.

Bran approached Lyrin again. This time Lyrin used her tail to try and slash Raden. She failed at doing this for he dodged just in time. Except doing so he ended up releasing Lyrin. Once again Lyrin got up. She flapped her wings to try and get higher. She manages to get half way up a tree. She started climbing the tree getting to the top. Trying to get away from Raden and Bran she had not paid much attention to the pain her in her wing. Now that she had a quick second to breath, the pain came rushing at her. She started crying out in pain. Her wing was bleeding and her head was spinning. She passed out for a quick second and started falling. When she opened her eyes she tried to catch herself with her wings but failed. Instead of hitting the floor she landed on something cushiony.

It was Bran quirk. He is able to control a solid cloud like object. It can't be much of a weapon but it was good for restraining people, or like so catching them.

"Alright now you've really upset me," Bran said. The cloud beneath Lyrin disappeared and she fell a few inches to the ground, on her stomach. Bran then walked up to, put his foot on her back and pushed down.

"Hmm, I don't think you'll be needed this wings anymore," Bran said, "Especially after I'm done with you. They're damaged anyways." Bran grabbed one of Lyrin's wings and started pulling it.

"Argh! Stop! Please!" Lyrin begged. Bran just pulled harder. Soon blood started dripping from Lyrin's back. She started crying more, and was soon just screaming in pain.

"Hey Bran, is that really a good idea? I think she gets the point. Anyway don't we want her to be as strong as possible."

"Shut up! I know what I'm doing. After this she'll know real pain, therefore being stronger," Bran said. More blood dripped from Lyrin's back. Suddenly a loud snap was herd. Lyrin passed out at this point. The screaming was no more, and the forest was silent again.

This one is a bit violent

TimeZ_Voidcreators' thoughts