
Black Flames

It had been awhile before Lyrin woke up again. When she did, there were no longer outside. This made her hope she was no longer near those two men. She sat up, and was a bit shaken up. Her arm hurt and so did her back. She got up still a bit wobbly. Lyrin walked over to the door way and herd two men talking. She poked her head out and saw Raden and Bran. No, I can't still be with them she thought. I need to get away from here.

She looked around hoping for a way out. There was a small window at the top of the room. This made Lyrin think they must be underground. The room wasn't big and contained a bed, dresser and a table. Lyrin thought she would be able to fit through the window. The only problem was getting up there. Then she remembered her quirk. She activated her quirk, and then it hit her. Her wings were gone! He must have ripped them off. When she did activate her quirk she felt an immense pain com from her back, and she ended up falling to the floor.

They must have heard her fall, because both Raden and Bran walked into the room.

"Ah, looks like your finally awake," Bran said, "Though I hope you not to upset about your wings. Anyways you'll be able to find ways to get them back." Raden said something to Bran, but Lyrin wasn't able to hear what. "Come on, follow me," Raden said. They both turned around and started walking out.

Lyrin decided to follow, because she really had no other choice. Considering what happened last time she tried to run. After she balanced herself she went to follow them. The building there were in wasn't big but it was nice. The room they were going to was not much bigger than the room Lyrin had woken up in. Except apparently we weren't going to that room. There was a door that led to another room and that was where we went. The room was mostly empty except for a few chairs.

Bran went and sat down in one of those chairs, while Raden decided to just lean against the wall.

"Go into the center of the room and activate your quirk," Brad told Lyrin.

"But it already is," she said.

"Really because I don't see any wings."


"Now buts, focus and bring out your wings." Lyrin had not idea what she was supposed to do, but she could no longer argue. She pictured in her mind having her wings again, and what it was like to use them for the first time. When she was able to fully imagine her wings an overwhelming pressure of some sort came over her. Suddenly her wings were back, but at the same time they weren't. They were made of some kind of black fire looking things. They didn't fell like fire but they sure did look it.

"Wonderful, it really worked," Bran said.

It was amazing. She had her wings back! Except when she thought of them again, she remembered how they were torn off. She remembered the pain and screaming. It wanted to make her cry. This made the black fire forming her wings start to grow. They were getting uncontrollable.

"No girl! You need to stay focused," Bran yelled, "Control it." Lyrin wanted to, but it was to much to bear. The overwhelming power was to much for her to handel, and she passed out again.

I have this overwhelming feeling that this story is really not that good.

TimeZ_Voidcreators' thoughts