
Chapter 1

"He's beautiful!" her younger sister, Hana, exclaimed.

This child, unlike all the others, was the most difficult of all. During the birthing, she somehow ended up on her back.

Uchiha women were strong. Unlike civilians, the women of the Uchiha, as well as some of the other clans, gave birth to their children while on their hands and knees. The weak, in her opinion, civilians give birth to their children while laying on their backs. Those same civilians also happen to waste whatever little medical resources they have in the village by going to the hospital for their births.

Uchiha Chifuyu had much scorn for the civilians of her village. What with most of them doing nothing but lazing about while the Uchiha protected them within the walls of Konoha and countless shinobi died for them in the war outside.

Her younger brother, Fugaku, and her had many arguments due to her views. However, that's neither here nor there. No, mere moments ago she had been giving birth to her—what? Eighth? Ninth? She couldn't quite remember at that moment. She was, of course, mildly surprised that she had ended up on her back—like those civilians. She didn't remember how it had happened either.

There's a first time for everything I guess.

With some cushions added behind her for support she didn't really need, she reached her hands out to pluck her most recent son.

Well, at least he's not bawling his head out like the rest of his brothers did.

She lightly pokes the baby's cheek.

"He's so quiet," her sister sounded in awe.

Too quiet.

It was not unusual for Uchiha children to come out of the womb and remain quiet. In fact, most children, since before the Warring States Period, made little sound at all. This had aided in the survival of the clan—besides many of the Uchiha warriors being forces of nature, a pregnant woman couldn't always be protected at all times—and continued through the Warring States until now. However, all of Chifuyu's children seemed to have been an exception among the whole clan. All of them cried and screamed for almost the entire village to hear.

It's a nice change that her most recent born is so quiet—but even the quietest of children make some kind of sound. She could see her newborn breathing, but her ears could not pick up any sound. It was as if he was in a bubble and no sound could escape.

"So, nee-sama, what are you going to name him?"

Hana, who was a few years younger than her, had acted as Chifuyu's midwife ever since Chifuyu was ten and had her firstborn. With her sister's medical training, Chifuyu couldn't ask for better help. Her sister even stood in for her as her personal wet nurse when Chifuyu was called for high-stake political or assasination missions outside the village.

"Hmm..." Chifuyu continued to softly poke her newborn's cheek distractedly. She knew she probably should be feeding him now—but there seemed to be something a bit off about the day. Beyond the quietness of her child. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was in a dream at that moment.

An Illusion. Some distant and muted part of her screamed.

"I have to think about it." Chifuyu responded to her sister's question.

"Nee-sama!" Hana cried as if scandalised. "Don't tell me you forgot to think about a name again?"

She was about to retort when her sister continued. "I mean, you had nearly a whole year to think about it."

So annoying. Leave me alone!

Chifuyu sighed. "Hana-chan, go tell Ichirou to send one of his brothers to Fugaku's house,"

Hana stared at the ground from where she sat. Her raven black hair covered any expression that might have been seen.

Chifuyu rolled her eyes. Her sister had always been a sensitive one. "Have them send word of our dearest new member, Haru-chan."

Hana sniffed before slowly she looked up. A tender smile on her face.

"Oh, then have him draw some invitation letters to Maboroshi Rin-sama and Uzumaki Kushina for dinner—tomorrow at noon," Chifuyu added.

"Okay, nee-sama. I'll be back to cut that and clean the mess here," her sister said, indicating the still attached umbilical cord as Chifuyu's iron and chakra rich blood flowed through it. The Uchiha had long believed that delaying the cutting of the umbilical cord helps to ensure that their children grow into strong and healthy warriors.

She watched her sister get up to go speak with her second to last child who had been sitting just outside the door. Her Ichirou had been quite agitated the whole time she was pushing Haru out, she couldn't help but get distracted with her son's energy while in mid-birth. Just as Hana was sliding the door open, Chifuyu felt her arms go numb as a foreign power rampaged up her spine.

Her eyes snapped to the child in her arms. His own eyes were wide open. Black irides and a blossoming red rose in the centre.


Her arms lost all their strength and she watched as Haru tumbled to the ground from her sitting position. A foot sticking out of the blanket the baby was wrapped in. All tiny and wrinkled. Tangled in the yet to be cut umbilical cord.

That was the last thing Uchiha Chifuyu saw before darkness overtook her.