
Burden of Love

Synopsis It’s a typical story of girl who was damsel in distress due to bulling for her looks and intelligence. He was rich good looking handsome and intelligent playboy student. He was 4 years old than her. He was her knight shining in amour who saved her from getting bullied that was what she believed. Earned her trust and became friends, but he had a motive for it. His scheme was revealed in front of her just before the study vacation. She loved him so it hurt her so much. But she doesn’t confront his motive. She leaves him for good. What was his real motive? Will he get know the real reason for her disappearance? Where did she go? How will she able to start her new life? Will they ever meet again? After 10 long years. But everything is changed. She is not damsel in distress anymore owns an investment company and chain of restaurants. Happily engaged to her good best friend. He was not happy sunny play boy anymore. His fiancé cheated on him with his friend and left with his money. He is heartbroken and his company is in big trouble. Badly need an investor to save the company which is a legacy of three generations. Through a long last friend he gets to know about the company who is looking for investments in his town. What will happen now? What will be her reaction after seeing him? Does she still has feelings for him, will it affect her engagement? Does he still remember and recognize her? What will his reaction after seeing her? This is story of Arthi and Atharv. Story about friendship, trust, love, misunderstanding, betrayal and self-respect. Let`s see what their future hold for them.

Nayana_Vishu · 若者
47 Chs






Here Rai grandpa called Pradeep as soon as he went to his room, to know when he is going to meet Arthi.

Soon the call got connected…

Hey Brat! Where are you? What are you doing? Did you reach her place? How`s she feeling now? Is she alright?

Well Hello and Good morning to you to pops! What's with the list of questions? I already told you I`ll call you once I reach her place. Why are so impatient old man?

Stop testing me brat now answer my questions.

Oh your being grumpy, I wonder what caused you to be so grumpy old man or should I be asking you who caused it.

Here Rai grandpa growled over for this question.

Hearing his growl, Pradeep chuckles and decides not to tease him anymore, said…

I`m still at the hotel going to your friend's room now. After sending to him home, I`ll directly go over sista`s place. I spoke to sista just now she seems to fine, but I`ll get know about everything when get there. You know how she is never tells us about anything even if she is suffering from it, so after seeing her only I'll get to know how she is actually.

After hearing this Rai grandpa sighed and said…

Ok call me and let me know how she is? Also tell her I need to meet her, ask her to make some time for his old man.

Sure pops, I`ll do that don't worry. You should concentrate on your health and don't get grumpy over him. So I can`t come to our usual brunch tomorrow at my studio, since I`ll staying at sista`s place for weekend.

Since your sista is back are you dumping this old man Pradeep?

Hearing this Pradeep chuckled at Rai grandpa and replies him in a teasing tone.

Oh no how can I dump you. You`re not my girlfriend whom I can get rid so easily.

You wish brat! You can`t get rid of me so easily.

Ok we`ll do our Sunday usually on Monday this time. Make sure you bring all your medicines with you because you`ll be spending whole day with me old man.

Hearing this Rai grandpa snorts in response…

Pradeep knowingly smiles at his childish behavior and says…

Pops I`m hanging up now and call you once I reach sista`s place.

Ok Pradeep take care and drive safely. Call me once reach her place.

After hanging up the call Shiva (Rai grandpa) sighed, he and Pradeep got close specially after meeting him with Arthi in London.

Another reason was their mutual interests in paintings. He and Pradeep usual meet on Sunday on brunch at art studio owned by Pradeep, where they paint and discuss about paintings and other stuff.

Shiva remembers how they bounded very quickly over Arthi towards whom both are kind of over protective. How they both try to seek her attention with their childish behavior, fights and silly things they do.

Shiva remembered the things Arthi said to him which happened to her in the past.

Flash Back…

Shiva and Vijay were very happy after meeting Arthi and Pradeep at the hospital. After to talking to her for some time they left for the hotel where they stayed.

Next day Vijay had some work he couldn't join his father who wanted to visit hospital in order to meet his friend and also Pradeep who was also admitted his leg injury.

Since Shiva knew Arthi would be with Pradeep, he wanted to know what happened to her and why she left abruptly at that time.

After meeting his friend he was about to go to Pradeep`s room whose door was open slightly. He was about to enter into the ward when he heard Pradeep and Arthi talk about Atharv.

Shiva wanted to hear what they were talking about his beloved grandson. He thought Arthi has crush on Atharv and they would be discussing about how to tell him and his family. Thinking about this he was very elated was thinking how good it would if they actually get together.

But what Shiva heard was contrary to what he has imagined. He couldn't believe his own ears about the things happened to Arthi which Pradeep was mentioning. The reason why Arthi left without informing anyone was his own grandson, whom he was very proud of and also he was one among those who tired to harmed her.