
Bullet Magic: reincarnated into another world without magic

Warning some illusive content and a lot of violence is involved in this story i would recommend children under 16 consult with a parent but would strongly advise against children under 13 reading. Zain was reincarnated into another world of magic with dungeons and monsters. He focuses on working on his business and progressing through the adventurers guild ranks. But things can take a turn at any given point pulling him more one way than another. How will this unpredictable story unfold and how will he balance all of this?

FantasyNerd1994 · Action
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35 Chs

A Close Call and Unexpected Doctor

As the infernal dog stood there barring fangs at Damascus who was holding it off with his sword in this current state, Zain rushed in with his rapier extended and pierced it right in the neck. Realizing what had just happened, the canine whipped around and went to bite Zain who still had his pistol in his right hand. This sensation was obviously new to the infernal dog as he was currently skewered through the neck by a rapier and had something it had never seen before pointed at it. Zain looked into its eyes and saw the two things most worrisome in an adversary, fear, and excitement. When you combine these two things into one adversary, it is dangerous because they are wilder and erratic. The unpredictability of these traits put together is extremely dangerous.

Damascus realizing what was happening went in with his broad sword and jabbed it into the beast's mouth. Then Damascus threw his sword into its jaw and threw it further back and further through the other side. The beast was then put into a situation where it couldn't bite at anything and had something skewering its neck. The beast swiped towards Damascus who was still holding onto his sword. When the swipe hit his side, the whole cavern knew it as he let out a loud grunt and Sophia rounded the corner followed by Zain's father.

As soon as Zain's father noticed what had just happened, he pulled up his cross bow and fired two shots one directly to the neck penetrating through where the normal air way would have been in its throat. The other was a little astray and hit the beast in the side. Sophia not to be undone quickly rushed over into the scrap and threw her glaive into its chest.

As soon as the impact hit its body, Zain pulled out his rapier and then proceeded to bring it down into the back of its neck. The beast started swaying after and then collapsed with its purple almost black tar like blood spilling onto the floor of the dungeon.

Zain immediately ran over to inspect Damascus's wound from the hell hound once it had been slain. He produced a topical ointment along with a liquid with a green color to it and ripped a sleeve off of his shirt then split it in half long ways, so he had two parts of equal length. "The first one is going to hurt as it's a disinfectant. The second one will just seal the wound so that it won't allow anything in that will turn septic as long as a bandage stays on it."

Damascus nodded and Zain poured some of the green liquid onto one half of one of the sleeves. As he started applying the cloth with the liquid to the wound, Damascus would grimace which was rare for him. After he had finished with the first one Zain took the ointment on the same sleeve just the other half and applied that to Damascus who at this time was showing signs of relief from the discomfort he had just endured. As Zain finished that he placed the sleeve half into the other and applied it tightly around Damascus's abdomen and tied a knot. Zain the unfurled the sleeve allowing it to grip better and not move still applying equal pressure.

When he was done Sophia was standing there amazed at how Zain knew medicine so well when she looked at his mother as if to ask the question, she just shrugged her shoulders while shaking her head and simply said "He's always been like this the one time we asked him about it none of us understood a thing he said so we just let it go and never asked again."

This seemed to be the daily life Zain had experienced growing up she thought as she looked on in amazement. It was rare for anyone to know alchemy and smithery but to add munitions crafting and even medicine to that list was remarkable. Zain's alchemical knowledge was more related to Chemistry and his medical knowledge was barely more than first aid but to everyone else it was amazing. Smithing and munitions crafting were all he actually partially learned in this world.

When Zain had finished dressing Damascus's wound fully, he stood up and looked him dead in the eye. The tension was higher than she expected as Zain, being about seventeen at this time was considered an adult and looked every bit of it. "You need to move to the middle of the formation, so you don't overexert yourself. If you don't that wound could open up again. You were always known for being able to sense around you so that would be of help here."

"Zain you know that is just my magic of searching for enemies and wild beasts though." Damascus tried to reason as best he could, but Zain was having none of it as he pointed to where Sophia once stood. Damascus knew there was no use fighting Zain's decision once he made one, so he took the place he was told.

"Sophia, stay on my back and don't even try to trade back with Damascus until we have made it to at least the next floor and I agree to it." Sophia thought Zain was being harsh but understood. It was his first dungeon dive, and he didn't want to lose anyone along the way.