
Building The Technology

In this story, we will journey with Virtya Markov as he struggled to bring about the period of rapid industrialization and tech advancement that transformed society and paved way for modern civilization. Although Virtya Markov didn't have a cheater like system to help him to achieve his goals very quickly, he was not devastated because he was not only a genius but he was also a "librarian" in his past life. He knew his bad reputation and the lack of charisma will become a stumbling block in his path, thus, he thought of a plan, yes, a plan to not only unify the kingdom but also to bring it to newer heights in terms of development. But how will he manage to fabricate "heavenly" stuffs from his previous life when he didn't have the system or an extensive knowledge about engineering? Thus, Virtya Mariov came up with a plan... "I will build Shanghai, Tokyo, New York and Dubai. All these cities will stand in our kingdom!" Virtya uttered determinedly before he stared at the disoriented crowd which was giving him weird looks as if he was a clown. /"What is Tokyo city? Is it a new delicacy? When did our king start to cook for himself? Ok, What about New York? Is it a carriage?" The crowd was ablaze as Azuhai denizens discussed among themselves.../

plot_twist · ファンタジー
166 Chs

How Virtya appeared in an unknown world

Pat! Pat! Pat!

Stones rained down upon the umbrella shield but Virtya was safe.

The knights guarded Virtya until he climbed into the carriage.

One should know that the armory of the carriage was insanely strong in that it could negate a single attack from a ballista, so, what can mere hand-thrown stones do to this thing?

The door of the carriage was closed by one of  the knights who had been guarding the carriage, the guards too had their own shields to guard themselves from the rain of stones.

Make no mistake, the horses that drove the carriage were covered by a protective roof and they also wore armory, thus, they were not affected by the rain of stones as they drove the carriage out of this hell. Another carriage that was carrying the knights quickly followed behind the royal carriage thus leaving behind the incensed and disappointed emaciated denizens.

They could do nothing as they watched the carriage fading from their view.

Any barbarian who appeared in front of the moving carriage was brought down by an arrow that pierced their heads, the knights didn't have the time to push these despicable people out of the way.

Whoo! Whoo!

Several arrows flashed past the royal carriage and pierced through the heads of  the annoying denizens that were ahead.

The carriages shook as they stepped on the corpses of the maimed barbarians and then it stepped into the ditches that were filled with sewage. It seemed that it had rained recently because the road was muddy and slightly flooded but the indomitable carriages were not affected by this obstacle.


Virtya who was seated beside the petite lady heaved a sigh, he had never been panicked like the way he was on this day.

He stared at the petite lady beside him who was now cleansing her glaive  from the blood of the barbarians. She was using a piece of fabric to do this act and her way of doing it was flawless, she didn't panic or show any emotion. She was calm and composed but also vigilant.

"Wait! This was supposed to be a stupid dream of mine, right?" Virtya blurted out when he remembered something.

The petite lady stopped cleansing her glaive and glanced at him questioningly.

"Oooh! It's nothing!" Virtya quickly said when he remembered something.

'Damn it! Damn it! How can I forget such useful thing? Is it because of this lady beside me that has made me to forget the crux of this whole thing?' Virtya cursed inwardly.

How could he forget that he died in his previous life?

Apparently, Virtya Markov was a librarian at a famous university in his past life.

But how did he die?

Well, Virtya got stressed up so much after his mom revealed to him that she had been diagnosed with a stage four cervical cancer.

Make no mistake, Virtya only knew and had his mom as his entire family, he had struggled with his mom to live in the ghetto because his mom couldn't afford the expense of living in a large expensive mansion or apartment. They lived a life of poverty but his mother always wore a smile everyday while telling him again and again that everything will be ok, what everything? Damnit!

For the first time in his life, Virtya decided to drink until he became intoxicated. He wanted to forget about the pain that his mother had been through all this time.

Life was truly a joke, what did his mother do wrong that led her to get this incurable illness? Damn!

Thus, in his intoxicated self, Virtya borrowed a car from his friend at the night club so that he could return home. But he didn't knew that that will be his last time to see the face of his world. Virtya couldn't take it anymore that his mother was going to leave him this painfully and that was how he died in a car crush.

'I am here, what now?' Virtya asked himself internally.

And right after he asked himself this question, a series of information was forced into his mind that made him to nearly pass out.


"My king!" The petite lady shook him to get his attention. She was panicking as she hesitated if she should stop the carriage to call the king's healer.

But she once again calmed down when Virtya's agitated situation died down.

"I am alright." Virtya answered simply. When one stared in his eyes, they would see a change in his disposition.

Virtya was not the same again, he had changed. He didn't say anything else or glance at the petite lady, he reclined on his seat as he pondered about the information that had been imparted on him.

Apparently, Virtya Markov had reincarnated, yes, he had been given another chance in life and he was not a simple library in this life, no! He was the king of this kingdom called Azuhai.

Coincidentally, Virtya's appearance in this life was exactly the same as he was in his past life, even if he had still not seen his reflection on the mirror, he could still tell. But the only difference was that in this life, he was still a teenager aged 15 years as compared to his past self who was aged 35 years.

Moreover, the king of this kingdom was called Virtya Markov, which was the same name that he used in his previous life.

Virtya also came to find out that the person whom he took over his body was killed by being poisoned discreetly and his ascension and body takeover had detoxified  the poison but who was this person who poison the previous king Virtya? Was it the barbarians or a person within the circle of leadership?

Lastly, Virtya also came to find out that this world was totally a backward world.

There was no internet, there was no pizza, there were no phones, vehicles, brand clothes and other technologically advanced stuffs, this world was totally backward.

'So what if I am the king of this kingdom? There is nothing that's fun to do in this place other than battling with other kingdoms for resources and the skirmishes between the royalty and the nobles and the peasants just like what had happened earlier in that maze like hell hole where a large population of the peasants resided.