
Building An Elven Empire In Different World.

Seizing the body, Leon becomes the Elven King of the Natural Elf Clan, whose entire population comprises beautiful female elves. This sudden change places a lot of pressure on Leon. Thankfully, the Elven Empire system awakens at the opportune moment. With gold coins in hand, one can summon an endless army of elves. Terrans? Orcs? Dwarves? Dragons? Giants? Demons? Apologies, but this Holy Land belongs to our natural elves!

The_Lazy_Panda · その他
20 Chs

Chapter 8: Summoning the Elves, The Path to War!

Chapter 8: Summoning the Elves, The Path to War!

The ancient war tree, standing at a majestic height of one hundred meters, trembled.

Myriads of emerald green leaves emitted a resplendent divine light.

Subsequently, beams of light radiated from the ancient war tree, descending to the ground like raindrops.

Agatha, Usmarie, Eve, and Monica—these four exquisite elves—stood utterly astonished by the spectacle unfolding before them. Each ray of light metamorphosed into a Nature elf.

In the blink of an eye, a considerable number of elves materialized within the open space encircling the small group.

Among them were those wielding elf bows and arrows, and others mounted upon panthers.

The collective headcount here surpassed one thousand individuals.

Agatha voiced her astonishment, "Your Majesty, are all of these elves from the kingdom of God?"

Leon responded with a smile, "Indeed! At the expenditure of nearly 150,000 gold coins, the ancient war tree has attracted over a thousand elven warriors from the kingdom of God! Every one of them is a professional elven warrior, adept in combat skills."

"Your Majesty, the Great Elf King!"

The surrounding elves genuflected before Leon.

The elf archers gracefully stowed their fine longbows, while the elf huntresses dismounted from their panther steeds, regarding their elf king with a blend of admiration and fervor.


With a slight wave of his hand, Leon prompted all the elves to stand up.

The elf archers retrieved their longbows, and the elf huntresses nimbly repositioned themselves upon the backs of their panthers. Their actions were well-coordinated, akin to a disciplined army.

Yet Leon comprehended that these summoned elves weren't war automatons. They were genuine elves, possessing flesh, blood, and souls—capable of experiencing joy and sorrow, just like the native elves of this realm.

The sole disparity might be their lack of devotion to the Elven goddess, pledging allegiance exclusively to Leon. They'd execute any directive from Leon without hesitation.

"So many elven warriors!"

Agatha and the three elven army commanders buzzed with excitement.

Previously, their entire elven clan had consisted of a mere few hundred elves. But now, more than a thousand elves had been summoned from the kingdom of God, a number surpassing their entire clan.

Agatha's enthusiasm gushed forth, "Your Majesty, I am convinced that you will lead us out of the Dark Night Forest!"

Leon responded, "Departing the night forest is merely a minor objective. My aspiration is to erect an enduring elven empire! As long as we secure an ample supply of gold coins, our Nature Elves shall reign over the entire sacred continent!"

"Gold coins?"

Agatha gazed at the trio of stunning elven commanders.

Natural elves are innately a peace-loving and kind-hearted race, embracing truth, goodness, and beauty. They never initiate wars or bring death to other races.

However, the expressions of the three elven commanders were now resolute.

War was not their desire, yet they found themselves anticipating its arrival, solely to amass a significant number of gold coins on the battlefield to attract the elves from the kingdom of God.

Eve grasped the exquisite hilt at her waist and stated, "Your Majesty, I recall there is a goblin lair not far from our territory. Though goblins are both avaricious and hideous, they possess vast wealth. In the prior battles, we have lost numerous individuals due to them. Now is the moment for them to pay the price!"

Usmarie added, "For the Goblin Kingdom to achieve peace, it must compensate us with war reparations of no less than one million gold coins!"

Eve remarked, "The voracious goblins are unlikely to comply!"

Usmarie smiled and retorted, "Then we shall employ war to compel the Goblin Kingdom to acquiesce!"

Monica nodded in agreement, stating, "War will only cease when we secure an ample gold coin supply."

[Ding! Novice task posted…]

[Task 2: Host, the clarion of war has been sounded by the three splendid elven army commanders. As the elven king, why hesitate any further? Dispatch a formidable elven army to obliterate all evil races within a five-kilometer radius, centered upon the elven territory. Accumulate an illustrious record that will astonish the greedy yet timorous King Zaza of the Goblin Kingdom!]

[Task completion reward: A lottery opportunity]

[Penalty for mission failure: None]

Leon inhaled deeply.

The system's task had manifested exactly as described, catching him somewhat off guard.

Nonetheless, this was precisely what he desired.

With the Elf Legion's ranks significantly bolstered and their morale soaring, the time had come to impart a bitter lesson to King Zaza—a monarch who dared to encroach upon the sacred Elf Territory.

"System, what is the precise composition of the Elf Legion under my command?"

[Access host template]

[Host: Melmiren·Leon]

[Title: The Elf King of the Nature Elves]

[Rank: Peak of Rank 6]

[Equipment: Elf Crown (Seal Artifact)]

[Unlocked structures: Tree of Life, Ancient Tree of War, Moon Well]

[Subordinate Legions: 1470 Elf Archers, 720 Elf Huntresses, 40 Elf Wizards, 19 Elf Swordsmen, 10 Mountain Giants]

[Gold coin count: 1000 coins]


"Your Majesty?"

Agatha's voice sounded softly.

The three elven army commanders exchanged slightly apprehensive glances at the silent Leon.

Leon spoke, "You're correct. This rapacious Goblin Kingdom won't willingly yield. We must employ war to enlighten them about the destiny that befalls those who dare oppose us, the noble Nature Elves!"

Turning to Eve, he continued, "Lead the elven huntress army, equipped with magic owls. Illuminate the dark night forest shrouded in darkness!"

"Your Majesty, what are magic owls?"

"That is the innate talent of the elf huntress. They can summon a magic owl to perch on a tree and surveil an area within a specified range. Even creatures with invisibility cannot elude the keen eyes of the magic owl!"

"Eminent! This way, we shan't fall victim to malevolent creatures."

Eve expressed her excitement, "Your Majesty, I shall proceed at once!"

Leon addressed the other two elven army commanders, "Prepare yourselves as well. Tomorrow, the elven army's task is to eradicate all malevolent creatures within a five-kilometer radius around our territory—be it goblins or beasts, they must be driven away!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, the Great Elf King!"

Usmarie and Monica understood fully that "expulsion" as referred to by His Majesty included not merely driving out but also encompassed elimination, as evidenced by the annihilation of the five-thousand-strong goblin army.


As the moon ascended into the night sky.

Leon and Agatha returned to the palace of the Elf King.

Here, within this realm solely theirs, their own private sanctuary, they embraced the serenity of their surroundings.