
Building An Elven Empire In Different World.

Seizing the body, Leon becomes the Elven King of the Natural Elf Clan, whose entire population comprises beautiful female elves. This sudden change places a lot of pressure on Leon. Thankfully, the Elven Empire system awakens at the opportune moment. With gold coins in hand, one can summon an endless army of elves. Terrans? Orcs? Dwarves? Dragons? Giants? Demons? Apologies, but this Holy Land belongs to our natural elves!

The_Lazy_Panda · その他
20 Chs

Chapter 17 On the Relationship between Goblin and Sheep

Chapter 17: On the Relationship between Goblins and Sheep

"Your Majesty, please be cautious!" Agatha exclaimed, brandishing a magic wand while standing before Leon.

Even though they faced four ninth-order goblin elders, and she was merely an eighth-order, significantly weaker than her opponents, Agatha didn't hesitate.

Leon, the King of Elves, and her fiancé, inspired her to protect him with her life.

The three elven army commanders and nearby elven magicians joined the fray against the four elders.

"Prevent them from approaching His Majesty!"

"Weak elves, perish for me!"

The four goblin elders maintained a magic shield, thwarting all attacks aimed at them, be it magic or arrows. In confronting these elves, whose strengths were ranked 6 and 7 against the might of rank 9, the goblins felt as though they were bullying small children.

"Young Elf King, you will soon rue attacking our esteemed goblin kingdom!"

"Devoid of the mountain giants' support, what have you to oppose us goblins?"

"Seize the Elf King, I wish to feast upon him!"

The four goblin elders roared as they charged forward.

Nature elves rank among the most noble races in the Holy Continent. Once rulers of half the Holy Continent, their bloodline and heritage rival even the dragons entrenched in the West Sea.

Now, on the verge of capturing the Nature spirits' king alive, their excitement knew no bounds.

The distance between them and their quarry diminished.

However, they soon realized that the young Elf King bore no signs of anxiety, nor did he exhibit any remorse. He strolled leisurely ahead, clutching a dagger forged from gold.

"What sort of weapon is that?"

"Do not concern yourselves, even if it be an enchanted artifact, it cannot reach the potential of an elf king's level!"

"Yes! Capture the Elf King; victory in this war belongs to our Goblin Kingdom!"

"Your jubilation is premature!"

As the four goblin elders closed in on Leon, he grasped the sacred "Sheep Knife" and slashed through the air before him.

All four goblin elders came to an abrupt halt.

"What is happening?"

An enigmatic energy enshrouded them. Before they could react, they were transformed into four rotund sheep before the gaze of goblins and elves alike.



Four snow-white sheep stood amidst the two armies, their faces etched with horror.

What on earth?

Who am I?

Where am I?

Beside the opulent carriage, King Zaza with his oversized ears sat on the ground.

It watched in horror as the four esteemed elders of the kingdom were metamorphosed into sheep. Disbelief gripped it, and it cried out, "Oh! Great Dragon God, can this truly be happening?! What manner of weapon is this? Capable of transmuting a ninth-level powerhouse into a sheep? Is it a mystical implement from the abyssal demons of legend?"

"The elder has transformed into a sheep?"

"The now-sheep elder appears quite plump!"

"I'm really tempted to barbecue the elder sheep, sprinkle it with cumin and hot pepper – it'd be delicious, I bet!"

"My mouth is watering~"

"Retreat, retreat! The Elf King must have mastered some incredibly wicked druidic magic! We can't go through, or we'll end up sheepish like them!"

"Retreat? Nonsense! Charge!"

The foremost goblin desired to withdraw, while the goblin behind surged forward madly, with elven arrows raining down upon them...

For a while, the goblin camp plunged into chaos.

Numerous goblins fell and were trampled underfoot, countless lives lost.

"Usmarie, get these sheep out of here!"

"Of course, Your Majesty!"

Usmarie and the surrounding elves were equally astonished.

They also witnessed Leon brandishing the golden dagger, morphing the four ninth-order goblin elders into sheep – a feat simply beyond belief.

Soon, the four plump sheep were ushered away by the elves.

Despite the sheep elders' horrified protests, they were powerless. In their sheepish state, all their powers were sealed, and apart from their souls, they were identical to ordinary sheep; their flesh even resembled that of sheep.

King Zaza fumed at the sight of his disarrayed army.

"Don't retreat, annihilate them! And fetch back those four elders!"


Following their sovereign's decree, the goblin forces surged forth.

Leon once more swung the sacred 'Sheep Knife,' a peculiar power sweeping over the hundreds of goblin warriors before him, promptly transfiguring them into sheep.

As he continued to wield the 'Sheep Knife,' the divine instrument, more and more goblin combatants underwent ovine transformation.

For a time, the entire battlefield turned white, echoing with bleats.

King Zaza and goblin fighters from other directions were nearly scared witless.

Without uttering a word, they turned tail and fled.

Faced with the Elf King who was turning their comrades into sheep, this battle was an unwinnable one!

"Fall back! Fall back!"

King Zaza, shaken, scrambled onto his chariot.

The subterranean Dragon roared, galloping through the city gate while pulling the chariot.

Leon commanded: "Usmari, issue the order. All ballistae are to target the city wall and demolish it!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

From the Elf Ballista, ten massive arrows, each several meters long, shot forth with a resounding sonic boom, traversing hundreds of meters in an instant, embedding into the city wall.

Bang bang bang...

Explosions erupted, leaving ten enormous craters in the wall.

Within a minute, the ten ballistae had fired off all their arrows.

The walls of the Goblin Kingdom were now riddled with gaping holes.

As the disordered goblin army attempted to stream through the gate and seek refuge within the city, the already weakened wall suddenly gave way, and countless goblin soldiers were buried beneath the rubble.

Leon surveyed the goblins, their cries of despair, yet no mercy stirred within him.

This was war!

In conflict, it was the defeated side that bore the brunt of obliteration. Had the situation been reversed and the Nature elves on the losing end, the outcome might have been worse, for these voracious and unattractive goblins viewed the Nature elves as sustenance.

"Issue my command! Invade the goblin kingdom! Slay every last one of them!"