
Building a Religion as a God in Another World

Kami is a normal 18-year-old high school boy on his way home after he got dumped by his girlfriend. In a small back alley, truck-kun lurks for him and transports him to a world where he has to build a world religion from scratch?! Note: Kami does not have a real physical body (yet) - it's my first time writing, so the summary is a little bit short - please try to survive the first chapters. My writing will get better. I promise -> If you read the first chapters before the 24th of June, please check them out again! - newest chapters are about >1000 words

NTVGOT · ファンタジー
38 Chs



I wanted to thank you for all your support :) Please continue to give me feedback and maybe some reviews :>




[Congratulations! You successfully defended your domain against Peter Gausling!]

[You received 5000 Gulden, 1× Special Blueprint, 1× bronze-tier divine artifact!]

[Special Blueprint: City Wall] [Upgradable]


|Protect your domain from any attackers!|

[Building time: 2 months per sector]

[Needed resources: 7000 tonnes stone, 200 tonnes clay, 5× Sacred Crystal]

[Special Effect: loyalty +5%, Attackers feel a slight reluctance to attack]

[Note: Possible to apply token to already built structures]

[Building time: None]

[Needed resources: 10× Sacred Crystals]


[Bronze-tier divine artifact: Aigis ]

[Effect 1: Physical Protection: Acts as a barrier against negative forces and malevolent entities. It is believed to possess the power to repel evil and shield individuals from harm. The effect is not only psychological but also tangible, as it is said to provide a safeguard against physical threats and dangers.]

[Effect 2: Instills a deep sense of strength, courage, and spiritual fortitude. It serves as a reminder of one's connection to the divine and can enhance one's faith and spiritual practices. The effect is transformative, empowering individuals to face challenges, overcome obstacles, and deepen their spiritual journey.]

'Finally, I can equip Elias with a divine artifact and gain a proper Sacred Knight.'


Esther and the remaining 8 Holy Knights walked solemnly, carrying their fallen brothers towards the grand cathedral. Each step felt heavy, burdened not only by the weight of their fallen comrades but also by the sorrow that engulfed their hearts.

The once vibrant domain now stood in a state of mourning and death, its streets full of corpses. As they reached the steps of the cathedral, the towering structure seemed to embody both hope and despair. Its magnificent facade, adorned with intricate carvings and stained glass, stood as a testament to the city's faith and resilience.

However, the knowledge that only a few of the revered Holy Knights and even less Knights had survived cast a shadow over the victory that had been achieved.

The bells of the cathedral tolled, their somber melody echoing through the silent streets. The news of their triumph spread like wildfire, reaching the ears of the waiting townsfolk.

But instead of jubilation, a wave of sorrow washed over them. The victory had come at a great cost, and the loss of so many brave warriors was a painful reminder of the sacrifices made in the name of peace. Esther, her eyes filled with tears, stood before the crowd, her voice trembling as she addressed the somber gathering.

"My fellow brethren, gather closely and lend me your ears, for I shall recount the valorous tale of our revered Holy Knights, who valiantly faced an overwhelming adversary. In the face of insurmountable odds, they fought with unwavering courage and indomitable spirit.

Picture, if you will, a battlefield shrouded in darkness, where the forces of darkness converged upon us, seeking to engulf our beloved land. The enemy's might seemed insurmountable, and despair threatened to overtake our hearts.

Yet, our Knights, undeterred by the looming shadow, stood tall and resolute. But lo and behold! In our darkest hour, a divine intervention unfolded.

Our Lord, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, breathed life into the shadows that surrounded us.

These living shadows, born of His divine power, embraced our Holy Knights, mending their wounds and filling their hearts with renewed strength.

With newfound vigor, our knights unleashed their righteous fury upon the enemy. Fear and terror gripped the hearts of our adversaries as they bore witness to the unleashed power of our warriors.

The very ground trembled beneath their feet, and the skies echoed with the triumphant battle cries of our Holy Knights.

They fought not only for the land we hold dear but for each and every one of us. Their swords flashed like lightning, striking down the darkness that sought to consume us.

With every swing, they carved a path of hope, dispelling the shadows of despair that had threatened to engulf our world. In the end, it was our unwavering faith and the divine intervention of our Lord that turned the tide of battle.

The enemy, in the face of such awe-inspiring might, retreated in fear, vanquished by the unyielding spirit of our Holy Knights. Let us never forget the courage and sacrifice of these noble warriors.

They are the embodiment of our unwavering faith and the strength that lies within us all. May their valorous deeds forever be etched in our hearts, serving as a reminder that in the darkest of times, our Lord will send forth His divine light to guide us and deliver us from the clutches of evil.

As we gather here today, let us honor the memory of our fallen brethren and pay tribute to the Holy Knights who fought so bravely. May their legacy inspire us to stand strong in the face of adversity and to forever defend the light of righteousness in our beloved land."

Despite the bittersweet news of victory, the atmosphere remained heavy with grief. The citizens mourned not only for the fallen heroes but also for the families who had lost their loved ones.

The Religion had won the war, but the scars of the conflict would forever be etched in their hearts.

In that moment, a profound sense of unity emerged among the people. They embraced one another, finding solace in their shared sorrow.

Together, they vowed to honor the memory of the fallen Holy Knights and to rebuild their shattered city, transforming it into a testament to their resilience and the indomitable spirit of their fallen brethren.

And so, the cathedral stood as a symbol of both victory and loss, its halls filled with the prayers and tears of a grieving community.

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