
building a base in the apocalypse world

a world full of walking corpse eating people how will you survive if the world we used to know... turn into a nightmare that you would never want to be with this is a story of how our mc survive in apocalypse world

KLUX · その他
63 Chs

Human survival

They drive toward where the settlement or the base is, and when they got closer they went to the mountains on foot the tank has a cover that is also like the cloak of Souta which can copy the surrounding bad and make them invisible to the human eye.

After walking to the mountains they find a place to scout the base, Souta lay down and looks at his sniper "hey that sniper... Is that?" "yeah it's a Barrett"

"whoa, I never think I will see someone get a hold of this thing and your rifle is?" "it's a modified version of the Ak-47" "holy shit that's awesome people in this world are dreaming to have this kind of set-up"

Althea looked at the Ak "hey these bullets are larger than normal" "That's AP bullets" "I shouldn't be surprised, is all your bullets AP?" "yeah, don't worry even what you have is AP bullets"

"What are you getting the hype of, it's just guns and bullets," Sophia said while she was sitting on a portable chair "I mean it's like a dream for us survivors of the Apocalypse to have Souta's Equipment the vehicles the supplies and even the weapons just who are you to have this all Souta?"

"oh they have a visitor" The two of them look at their binoculars "I don't think they are visitors," Sophia said "yeah..." screaming and gunfire were continuously being heard the base was being raided

"what's your plan?" Althea asked "let's assist them" "got it," Althea said they start covering the people at the base and killing the raiders they don't know where we are since were high up the mountain.

We also have a suppressor so their gunshots sound is reduced, "sniper-" he was shot before he can say any words the raiders start to retreat but Souta aimed at their tires but they still get away.

The show is over for them so they went down the mountains "they were raiding to loot their base right?" Souta asked "well any resources will do captive slaves their weapons food etc as long as to survive they will do anything"

"I see..." they get back to the tank "the Barrett is not good for stealth missions," Souta said, "is that so?" "yeah it's so noisy," Sophia said

"Well, I still have many guns that I can choose from" they got in the tank and drive "now that we saw their base what's the plan?" Althea asked

"What are they?" Souta asked "Bandits huh" People with motors block our way back while there are people at the front pointing their guns at us

Whistle "that's a nice vehicle you got there, can you give it to us" and they all laugh "are they morons why should we give this to them," Sophia said

Souta was quietly watching them there seems to be a leader walking and going to my window he knock and signal to roll down the window.

"We just want your vehicle you don't need to be cautious about it" Souta rolled down the window "that's what I'm talking about" and a pistol was pointed at the bandit's head Bang and the bandit is dead.

"looks like we're fighting them" all of a sudden Souta drive the car forward to run over the bandits "are they dumb to go in the middle of the road," Sophia said

The bandits jump to the other side "you son of a bitch!" one of the bandits said "Shoot him!" and they began shooting the tank the two motorcycles at our back earlier were catching up to us.

When they were close Souta shot the one next to his window and stir the steering wheel, bumping at the bandit's motorcycle and the bandit fell over.

"dammit! We for a sure hunt that next time!" "And I'll make sure that there is no next time" the bandit looked at his surroundings and all his companions is dead lying on the ground.

"F*ck" shoot in the head silently "the sniper is not the problem why it is not silent it was the suppressor I just change the suppressor and now it should not make a sound"

"let's keep going before it gets dark" "where are we headed to?" Althea asked "well go off-road and sleep first" they put on the invisible cover and they sleep inside the tank without worries.

Morning comes after eating breakfast they go uphill "we've been walking for 2 hours, Souta where are you taking us?" Sophia asked "you don't have to complain when you're being carried by Althea"

"I want to ask the same question," Althea said "we're close just a bit more" after walking for a few minutes they arrived at the bottom of the mountain.

"what are we doing here?" Sophia asked Souta to knock two times and then stop knocking again and continued 5 times he put his face close to a small circular hole.

And a light scanning his eye appears then a code thingy pope up he types the code and the big rock moves "Welcome to my house" as turns around and looks at Althea and Sophia