

"Damn! again. This is the second time I sleep and awake at this shitty place" cursed Troy with a displeased expression.


"Fucking lord. That hyena bastard still here" spat him before full throttle running quickly through the forest.


A few days ago, Troy was sleeping on the bed before something or someone talking to him in his dream.

"Did you like your current life?" a dull voice heard to Troy.

"It quite boring because there nothing interesting but still the novel quite enjoyable to spend my time" subconsciously replied him to an anonymous voice because of it just a dream who will care with his words.

"If you give a chance to travel to another world will you consider it"

"It depends on the world itself but if this was true I will grab it without thinking twice" voice him with a faint smile.

"If that was your answer which world will you choose"

"Battle Through the Heaven" threw him the title of the novel he once read before which was quite enjoyable to him.

"Then congratulate mortal as you will be sent to Battle Through the Heaven world with a single cheat. Grateful ant…."

"Uh-okay" ignored the word because of it likely not real but the following day was a nightmare to him after each time he tries to sleep.


"Puih! That goddamn voice. I should not speak nonsense at that time" spitting Troy while thinking a way to awake from this dream.

This is his third time in this world as he already here before. He remembered the first time he was excited when arrived here before he got chased by a pack of hyena. It was a scary moment as he running from them like a madman who knows for how long before jumping from the ridges of the small mountain nearest the waterfall. After that incident, he awakes from the dreams with a few bruises covered his body there and there. He called a doctor to came by to check his condition as he felt too tired, mentally.

The result of the checkup was his 'Are you recently joining any marathon or hiking expedition?'. That was the question came out from that old doctor mouth. He was like 'What is this bullshit?' as he never leaves his room for the entire weekend because of the semester holiday will start next week. He already planned to stay playing games and read some good novel for the holiday at home as he didn't any place to go except for his uncle house which was like a prison to him.

The second times, it just another tragic moment when he was torn into half part by a crocodile after just awake inside the calm river. After that, he tried not to sleep but human need rests their body include him so he arrived here show that he was defeated in that challenge.

Lament the experience he was like 'What the fucking wrong with you? Did I steal your candy or what?!'. Inside he internally screaming as he didn't dare to attract any more dangerous creature with his voice although inside this trapped space. Just learn from the past.

"Hmm...What is this thing?" mumbling him noticed something wrapped around his hand.

"I never buy this type of brand" muttered him realized it was a watch before observing it with more detail.

The thing was pitch black in color with digital watch design and there was a time show on the screen with a green light appearance as it drops each second from its previous one.

'167:55:20. What with this number?' questioning him about the meaning of it.

"Hmm… Maybe this was something that voice gave me" mumbling him while tapping it with his finger for any hint. As he touched it the screen change and display zero number.

"This lag or what. That voice such a cheapskate give me this broken thing" voice him as it only displays two things which are number one and unknown time.

"Nevermind about this thing just how will I get out from this place" muttered while looking to the surrounding with the rocky wall catch to his sight.

The third time he awake was inside this cavern which literally traps because he can't find any way out. But he didn't panic and takes his times because he already figures out that the time flow of this world is different from his world. So no need to panic because it only led to another tragedy that he doesn't want.



"I'm defeated" Troy fall to the ground in a tired state. It already twelve hours since he checks this place thoroughly but he can't find any way out.

"Seriously is there no way out" voice him while catching his breath.

"I'm only found a small hole size of my thumb but how do get out through that" muttered him in weak tone as he feeling hungry because he didn't eat anything yet since arrived here. Fortunately, this place not too large only a few meters in size and with the help of some dim light from the alga that grows from the wall which easier his work but still there nothing major can be found except for that small size hole.

But one thing he managed to figures out from this predicament was one of the functions of the watch.

"Maybe I will get out from here after the countdown time ended. But I will die even before that because of hunger" Troy groaned with this complex problem. The thought of suicide actually pass through his mind before he dissipates it because he doesn't know will he be alive after that both in this world or his world cuz luck not always sided with him.

'Seven days….A week… somehow I need to survive for a week. It actually gambles but if it true maybe I will found another way out from here after died' thought him before walking weakly tore the alga and put inside his mouth.

"Umm…. This was tasty" Troy eyes turn brighter taste the alga. He proceeds to eat another one until he fills himself.

"Burpp…. That was a delicious thing I ever taste even in my whole life. Maybe I will survive somehow…. Hahaha...See that you fucking voice" cursed him with a happy heart.

But he regrets his action next second after realized his body turn reddish before darkening. From fair skin turn slightly tanned before turn pitch black and there something oozing out from each of his pores.

"Argh… it hurt!!!!" rolling on the ground he enduring the pain.

The black thingy came out from his pore make him hinted which was one of condition a person will experience to cleanse his body from impurities like in the cultivation novel. He clenched his teeth before stand up, rushing and grabbed another alga and threw into his mouth.

'Better preoccupied my mind with eating this delicious thing' Troy thought because he can't hold the pain because it turns stronger each second. The action was crazy but it was effectively to move his attention from the pain. Each time he ate the pain counter with even stronger but he never stops chewing that thing before realized that he already eating almost all of the algae a few minutes later and pain actually disappear with his body pale in color.

"I'm finally success" voice him with a hand up to the air like a winner from some kind of competition.




He instinctively falls asleep after falling to the ground with his body still quenching impurities a little by little without he realizing it.


"Ugh…" Troy awake from his deep sleep. He subconsciously looking to his watch before knew he already sleeps for three days straight.


"Ah… Just why didn't I sleep for a week" sighed him.

He tries to stand but fall to the ground, he looks to his current body and cursed "How many did I eat that fucking alga?!"

His current appearance was a fat guy with pale skin and he can feel his body packed with energy that almost explodes from inside. His blackish hair also turns white, also all his body hair which leading his come to a single conclusion.

'My pigment is reduced. Where science state… blah...blah. So the result was I turn into albino creature" state him with sage aura.


"Yawn…. I feel bored" voice him looking to the watch.


Troy can't stand doing anything and it makes him feel tortured somehow. He tries to divert his attention with anything enjoyable which was nothing interesting.

"That alga was only left a little. If I ate them there no source of light here and I can't be sure if my body will explode or not after absorbing another of that thing" voice him before a sudden thought struck him.

"I am an idiot or what!" knocking his own head he finally remember about the cheat that voice granted.

'I think this watch wasn't the real cheat' think him before trying to summon something like a system or anything similar.

"Ouch!" Troy felt something stung to his legs while he too focuses. Today, he wore black short pants and a long sleeves black shirt so something may bite to his bare pale skin.

"How come you here?" catch the thing which was a single black ant that bites his skin.

"Little Ant…" uttered him before something happened and surrounding his body.


"What the fuck is going here?!" stunned him saw something change to him.

A complete helmet appeared surrounding his head before a familiar suit wrapped around his body. Because of his current fat body, the suit follows his size. The red pattern with black on the suit with a metal helmet on his head remember him with a certain character from the popular show.

"Holy shit!!. I'm an Ant-man!!" spat a word with excitement