
BTTH: The choices we make

A soul from earth awakens in the body of a member of the Xiao clan, with a reputation of being a waste, he sets out to become the strongest even if it means destroying everything that's stands in his way, even if it's the Xiao family itself.

Fantasy_Cr_22 · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Reincarnation with a borken heart.

"You better hope you don't regret what happened today if anything happens to Xiao Yan I will destroy Yun Lan sect."

I listened to Xun'er, things have happened as they were meant to Xiao Yan was still divorced and still became a waste, and if nothing changes he will still become the strongest in the world, while I another reincarnated soul will struggle to survive.

I looked around as everyone started to leave and Xiao Yan lay fainted on the floor, seeing this I too turned and left returning to my room.

I looked in the mirror and admired one of my two only saving graces, I was extremely handsome long flowing black hair shining yellow eyes, and sharp features, the second was my new talent.

I say new because the old owner of this body was not talented at all, after my soul crossed over and occupied this body and devoured the original soul, it caused my talent to increase greatly 

" I Xiao Yang, will raise sooner or later it's only a matter of time."

I have been reincarnated in this world for three months now and things have been extremely frustrating, with the only change from the original work being my closeness to Xun'er, so close in fact that the previous owner of this body had confessed his love to her.

Maybe it was because of that closeness that Xun'er didn't turn him down firmly but I knew there was no hope, after all, I had read the novel, and saying she was a licking dog for Xiao Yan would be an understatement.

Even though as far as I could tell he didn't strengthen her bones in this life it seems her feelings were still as strong as ever.



"Xiao Yang it's me."

The voice pulled me from my thoughts, soft and sweet I already knew who it was.

"Xun'er, why are you here?" I opened the door and said while making way for her to enter the room.

"Is Xun'er not allowed to come?" she questioned as she entered and sat on the chair facing the mirror where Xiao Yang was standing before.

Seeing her make herself comfortable Xiao Yang moved closer and smiled as his heart skipped a beat.

'Having inherited the previous owner's memories and feeling really is a problem.' Xiao Yang thought to himself as he felt his heart racing and his emotions fluctuating wildly, causing him to be unable to answer Xun'er.

Xun'er seemed to notice as a look of sadness appeared on her face for a split second before it disappeared replaced with determination.

"Xiao Yang, I know how you feel but I can't return your feelings, I already have some in my heart, and that won't change so I hope we can stay friends."

Hearing this all the color drained from Xiao Yang's face, and a feeling he never felt before enveloped him causing him to be unable to breathe.

(Ding..... It's detected the host has encountered his first truly life-changing decision the system of choices is starting.)

- Option 1- Accept Xun'er's choice and continue being her friend.

 - Reward- Two star-fighter cultivation, Xun'er's eternal friendship, earth-level technique.

- Option 2- Beg Xun'er to reconsider, and call Xiao Yan trash.

 -Reward- Five star-fighter cultivation, Xun'er disgust, defensive rank 5 treasure.

- Option 3- Accept Xun'er's choice, and tell her she will regret it.

 -Reward- three star-fighter cultivation, one chance to copy the memories and belongs of one person(must be used in 48 hours).

The system appearance snapped Xiao Yang from his heartbreak as he looked at the screen, and figured out what was happening.

' I have a choices system, not the best but good enough, I knew I would rise one day, and it starts today.'

' Option 1 is out the rewards are good but I have no interest in being Xun'er's friend and gaining her eternal friendship, Option 2 is out as well calling Xiao Yan trash in front of Xun'er would be stupid and most likely end with my death or her total indifference from now on, that only leaves Option three, and it truly seems like the best choice, telling Xun'er she would regret her decision wouldn't cause her disgust and the rewards were great. Thinks Xiao Yang.

' I pick option 3.'

(Ding...please complete the selected option to receive the rewards.)

Xun'er looked at the dazed Xiao Yang and got up to leave thinking he was processing the rejection, but as she walked past him, he stretched out his hand and stopped her.

"Xun'er, I accept your decision but I have no interest in continuing to be your friend, the day will come when I will stand on the top of this continent overlooking everything and when that time comes you will come to regret today's decision." Xiao Yang said with endless belief and confidence completely startling Xuner.

But she recovered quickly and once again a look of sadness appeared for a second but was again covered with determination.

"Even if you no longer consider me your friend, I will forever be grateful to you for accompanying me all these years." she said as she continued to leave.

'You have no idea how big this continent really is' Xun'er thought to herself as she left.

Xiao Yang stood alone in the room as he smiled, he could feel the remanent feeling of the previous owner fighting for him to run after Xun'er but he resisted.

(Rewards granted.)

(Would the host like to accept the cultivation reward now?)

"No, and system explain to me the second reward."

(As it says host can copy anyone's memories and belongs one time no matter the strength of the target, in the next 48 hours.)

"Even Yao Chen?"


' Well, that makes my decision far easier.' Xiao Yang thinks to himself.

Xiao turns and leaves the room, heading towards the target he had decided.

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