
#BTTH : My Solitude reincarnation system (When the solitude fades)

The Soldiers of Darkness are here.Curses have infiltrated many worlds.Can anybody stop the unstoppable forces ? What are the curses and who is their king ? Learn about the clashes and a mysterious world . Read the novel to get answers .

Aurobindo_Sarkar · ファンタジー
55 Chs

A step forward mission

The small band of sorcerers and wizards stood before the majestic river, its waters flowing steadily towards the unknown. Jis Mith gazed upon the tranquil surface, knowing that beneath it lay the hidden portal to the realm where Tuk's sister was being drawn by the powerful curse.

"This is the place," Jis Mith announced, his deep voice cutting through the solemn silence. "The portal must be somewhere beneath these waters."

Tuk clenched his fists, his determination etched upon his weathered face. "Then we have no time to waste. We must find a way to open the portal and retrieve my sister before the curse takes her beyond our reach."

The other sorcerers nodded in agreement, their faces set with a mixture of resolve and trepidation. The two wizards, Aleron and Nymia, exchanged a silent glance, their own powers and knowledge crucial to the success of this perilous mission.

<Pacing_and_Tension >

Jis Mith raised his hand, silencing the group. "We must proceed with caution. The forces guarding this portal will be formidable, and we cannot afford any missteps. Each of us must draw upon our strongest magical abilities and work in perfect harmony if we are to have any chance of success."

The sorcerers and wizards began to prepare, casting protective enchantments and reinforcing their mental defenses. Jis Mith led them in a series of intricate rituals, his keen mind orchestrating the delicate interplay of their combined powers.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the river's surface began to shimmer and pulse with an otherworldly energy. Tuk's heart raced, his eyes fixed upon the water, his entire being focused on the task at hand.

<Setting_and_World-Building >

Aleron, the elder wizard, stepped forward, his robes billowing in the gathering wind. "The river holds ancient secrets, secrets that may be the key to opening the portal. We must delve into its mystic depths and uncover the knowledge that has been hidden for centuries."

The group gathered at the river's edge, their collective magical energy building to a crescendo. Aleron began to chant in a language older than the land itself, his words resonating with the very fabric of the world around them.

As the ritual progressed, the river began to part, revealing a hidden path that led deep beneath the surface. Jis Mith's eyes widened in wonder, his tactical mind already formulating a plan of action.

"The portal lies at the heart of this river, guarded by forces beyond our understanding. We must proceed with caution and unwavering resolve," he said, his gaze sweeping across the faces of his companions.

<Conflict_and_Resolution >

Without hesitation, the group descended into the river's depths, their magical auras illuminating the way. The further they ventured, the more the water seemed to press against them, as if the very river itself was resisting their intrusion.

Suddenly, a monstrous shape materialized from the murky depths, its glowing eyes and gaping maw filled with razor-sharp teeth. Nymia, the younger wizard, reacted instantly, unleashing a torrent of arcane energy that enveloped the creature, binding its movements.

"The guardians of the portal," Aleron shouted, his voice echoing through the submerged chamber. "They will not relinquish their prize without a fight!"

The sorcerers and wizards braced themselves as more of the grotesque guardians emerged, their guttural roars reverberating through the confined space. Jis Mith's hands danced through intricate gestures, summoning shimmering barriers to deflect the onslaught of attacks.

Tuk, his eyes wild with determination, focused his power, unleashing a barrage of searing magical bolts that struck the creatures with devastating force. The other sorcerers joined the fray, each contributing their unique abilities to the battle.

<Pacing_and_Tension >

The clash of magic and the thrashing of the guardians filled the chamber, creating a dizzying spectacle of light and sound. Jis Mith's brow furrowed in concentration as he orchestrated the coordinated efforts of his allies, anticipating the movements of their foes and guiding the group's defenses accordingly.

Aleron and Nymia worked in tandem, their magic weaving intricate patterns that disrupted the guardians' attacks and opened windows of opportunity for the sorcerers to strike.

Suddenly, a familiar presence pierced the chaos. Tuk's sister, her features contorted by the curse's malevolent influence, emerged from the depths, her eyes glowing with unholy power.

<Conflict_and_Resolution >

"Tuk..." she whispered, her voice a haunting echo of the sister he had once known. "The portal calls to me. I must answer its summons."

Tuk's heart constricted, his resolve wavering as he confronted the painful truth of his sister's condition. The guardians surged forward, sensing the opportunity to deliver the final blow.

Jis Mith's eyes widened, and he quickly erected a protective shield around Tuk and his sister, buying them precious time. "Tuk, you must reach her! Break the curse's hold, or all will be lost!"

Tuk steeled himself, his hands trembling as he reached out to his sister. The curse's power crackled around her, repelling his attempts to make contact. Jis Mith's shield began to falter under the relentless assault of the guardians.

<Pacing_and_Tension >

In a moment of clarity, Tuk realized that he could not save his sister through brute force alone. He closed his eyes, focusing his mind and his heart, and began to chant an ancient incantation, his words resonating with the very fabric of the river's mystical energy.

As the chanting reached a crescendo, a blinding light erupted from Tuk's hands, enveloping his sister in a cocoon of pure magical power. The guardians recoiled, their screeches of pain echoing through the chamber.

Tuk's sister, her features now free of the curse's distortion, looked up at him with a mixture of wonder and relief. The portal behind her began to pulsate, its energies growing stronger with each passing moment.

<Conflict_and_Resolution >

"Tuk, it's time," she whispered, her voice tinged with sorrow. "The portal is opening. You must let me go."

Tuk's heart sank, but he knew that his sister was right. The battle had taken a toll, and the portal's power was becoming increasingly difficult to contain. He embraced his sister one last time, tears streaming down his face.

"I will find a way to bring you back," Tuk vowed, his voice barely above a whisper. "I promise."

With a deep breath, Tuk released his sister, and she was pulled towards the pulsating portal, her form slowly dissolving into the swirling energy. The guardians, sensing the imminent collapse of the chamber, surged forward once more, their cries of triumph echoing off the walls.

Jis Mith, his concentration wavering, struggled to maintain the protective shield. "We must fall back! The portal is destabilizing!"

The sorcerers and wizards retreated, their spells and enchantments the only thing standing between them and the ravenous guardians. As they made their way back to the surface, the river's waters began to churn and boil, the portal's power tearing the very fabric of reality asunder.

<Pacing_and_Tension >

Emerging from the river, the group stood in the fading light, their breaths ragged and their bodies weary from the ordeal. Jis Mith's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the scene, his mind already racing to formulate their next course of action.

"The portal is open," he said, his voice grim. "And it will only grow stronger. We must prepare for the final confrontation, for the forces behind this curse will not relinquish their prize without a fight."

The sorcerers and wizards exchanged solemn glances, their faces etched with determination and the weight of the task that lay before them. Tuk's gaze remained fixed on the river, his heart heavy with the knowledge that his sister was now lost to the realm beyond.

"We will not fail," Tuk said, his voice resolute. "I will bring my sister back, no matter the cost."

With those words, the group set about their final preparations, their focus unwavering as they steeled themselves for the epic battle to come.


Aurobindo_Sarkarcreators' thoughts