
BTTH: Emperor Yang

A transmigrator into the universe of «Battle Through the Heavens.» Without a system or overpowered cheats, but with good talent, steadily achieving their goals. Continue reading 300+ chapters for free at the link: https://ficcult.com/category/battle-through-the-heavens/battle-through-the-heavens-emperor-yang/

noslnosl00 · 書籍·文学
50 Chs

Chapter 16: Return to Wutan City

Several days later.

Wutan City.

The carriage slowly made its way into the city, blending in with the bustling crowd.

After being away for five months, Wei Yang had finally returned.

When he left, he was a Six-Star Dou Practitioner, and now, though still a Six-Star Dou Practitioner, the difference in his strength was as vast as the difference between clouds and mud. He felt as if he could easily defeat ten of his former self.

The carriage window opened, revealing a striking pair that immediately drew the attention of many passersby.

The young man was handsome and the young woman was stunning, dressed in a white dress with an ethereal, fairy-like aura.

Wei Yang lightly wrapped his arm around Ye Xian'er's slender waist, while Ye Xian'er leaned gently against him, a sweet smile playing on her lips. Her delicate face glowed with happiness, and her beautiful eyes curiously observed the lively scenes outside.

Over the past few days of being together, Ye Xian'er's heart had been completely won over by Wei Yang. Their relationship had grown very close, and although they hadn't taken the final step, hugging and holding hands had become routine.

«Brother Yang, is this Wutan City? It's so lively!» Ye Xian'er's voice was melodious and excited, her bright eyes sparkling.

She had never seen such a bustling city before; the liveliest place she had visited previously was just Qingshan Town.

«Yes, I grew up here,» Wei Yang smiled, lowering his head to plant a light kiss on her cheek. «From now on, this will be your home too.»

Blushing slightly from Wei Yang's public display of affection, Ye Xian'er playfully pinched him and gave him a coquettish glance. Then, holding his hand tightly, she murmured, «Home?»

«Yes, home,» Wei Yang's arm tightened around her waist. «From now on, we are family. We will be the most important people to each other in this world.»

«Family…» Ye Xian'er whispered, looking up at Wei Yang.

«Xian'er, will you?» Wei Yang kissed her forehead and asked gently.

«Yes, I will,» Ye Xian'er nodded firmly, her eyes welling up with tears of joy, her face glowing with happiness.

«Then it's settled, no backing out,» Wei Yang teased, lightly tapping her nose.

«Mm, no backing out,» Ye Xian'er shook her head, snuggling into Wei Yang's embrace, pulling his hands around her, her face full of happiness and reliance.

A girl in love, captivated by the sweet words of her beloved, found herself deeply enraptured.

Wei Yang held the girl tightly, gazing out the window, ignoring the envious glances from passersby, a smile playing on his lips.

His heart was filled with tenderness for the girl. He vowed to protect her, to stay by her side, and never let her face and endure everything alone, as in the original story.

The carriage stopped at the entrance of an alley.

Wei Yang gathered their belongings and helped Ye Xian'er down.

After tossing a bag of gold coins to the coachman, Wei Yang led Ye Xian'er into the alley.

Soon, they arrived in front of a two-story house.

«We're here,» Wei Yang smiled, taking out a key to open the door.

Ye Xian'er's eyes sparkled with curiosity and anticipation.

Creak~ The courtyard door opened.

«This is our home,» Wei Yang said, taking Ye Xian'er's hand.

«Mm,» Ye Xian'er nodded with a smile.

The two entered the courtyard.

After five months of absence, weeds had grown in the cracks between the stone slabs, and a thin layer of dust had settled on the furniture inside the house.

«Ahem,» Wei Yang felt a bit embarrassed, explaining, «It's a bit dirty since we haven't been back for a few months.»

«Mm,» Ye Xian'er held back her laughter and nodded.

«You wait here, I'll clean up,» Wei Yang quickly grabbed a broom and started sweeping.

«I'll help you,» Ye Xian'er rolled up her sleeves and cheerfully joined him.

«You can fetch some water to wipe the tables and chairs,» Wei Yang suggested.


As the sun rose.

Under the eaves.

Wei Yang sat cross-legged on a bench, practicing cultivation in the morning sunlight, his body seemingly bathed in a faint golden glow.

The Fiery Lion Flame Technique was a fire-attribute cultivation method, perfectly suited to Wei Yang.

With his rhythmic breathing, faint golden streams of energy were drawn into his body through his nose and mouth, circulating through his body before settling in his dantian.


Not far away, in the courtyard, Ye Xian'er hummed a little tune as she hung herbs on a drying rack.

Her gaze occasionally drifted to the meditating young man, her eyes filled with affection and joy.

She had also started cultivating, though she was only at the second stage of Dou Qi, requiring much less time for practice each day. She spent most of her time on medical studies.

After hanging the herbs, she quietly returned to Wei Yang's side, sat down, and began reading a medical book.

Moments later.

Wei Yang opened his eyes, exhaling a breath of stale air.

«Half a year back, and now I'm at the peak of an Eight-Star Dou Practitioner. I feel like I'm close to reaching the Ninth Star,» Wei Yang smiled.

«Your cultivation speed is incredible,» Ye Xian'er looked up from her book and smiled. «You're not even sixteen yet and already an Eight-Star Dou Practitioner. In another year, you might become a Dou Grandmaster.»

She sighed in admiration, «A seventeen-year-old Dou Grandmaster! I don't think the history of the entire Jia Ma Empire has ever seen that.»

Wei Yang chuckled, ruffling her hair. «You're not bad yourself. In just half a year, you've reached the second stage of Dou Qi. And you're already a healer, a thirteen-year-old healer, Ye Little Healer.»

«Hehe,» Ye Xian'er blushed at the praise, rubbing her head against Wei Yang's hand modestly. «I'm not really a healer yet, I still have so much to learn.»

Wei Yang didn't dispute it. He had seen Ye Xian'er's progress.

Aside from her unique physique, even her normal cultivation talent was remarkable.

Reaching the second stage of Dou Qi in half a year was already impressive.

Moreover, Ye Xian'er had an innate talent for medicine, learning quickly and often understanding concepts intuitively.

After just half a year, she had almost absorbed all of Wei Yang's knowledge.

Now she spent most of her time reading and learning on her own.

«Little girl,» Wei Yang smiled, pinching her cheek.

«Hmm,» Ye Xian'er adorably scrunched her nose.

Wei Yang scooped her up and sat her on his lap, kissing her forehead.

Ye Xian'er nestled into his embrace, a contented smile on her face.

Wei Yang gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, caressing her cheek.

The two of them quietly basked in the morning sun, enjoying the peace and warmth of the moment.

Both orphans, they had come together, now depending on each other and considering each other the most important person in their lives.

«Xian'er,» Wei Yang called softly.

«Mm?» Ye Xian'er looked up.

«About your body… You still don't want to tell me?» Wei Yang looked at her.

Ye Xian'er's smile froze, and her face turned pale.

She lowered her head, pressing her face against Wei Yang's chest, and shook her head slightly, her voice muffled, «I'm afraid you'll dislike me if I tell you.»

«Silly girl, I care for you so much, how could I ever dislike you?» Wei Yang hugged her tightly, whispering, «Whatever the problem, we'll face it together. I will always protect you. Please, tell me.»

He already knew that Ye Xian'er had the Calamity Poison Body, but he couldn't directly reveal this knowledge.

(End of Chapter)

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