Running out of the house, I was greeted with a few zombies, now those little punks of mine didn't find any silencer's and I'm not dumb enough to shoot a gun in this War-Zone
(He's talking about his group of slaves at school)
In front of me were burning houses, and exploding cars, it was crazy
At the moment I am hiding behind a car, while sneakily making my way to my school, that'll be my base, I'll be the King of King County with all those guns
As for what happens to the kids that are under me, I don't really give a flying fuck, I'll find more people to control, dominate and enslave
My mind is filled with resolve, I've watched the walking dead series before bro, people in this world are crueler than fang yuan
Well not crueler, but they really love to test the length of human cruelty, and that's by ALOT
I'm not planning on showing my soft side man, I don't wanna die again, I'd rather do the killing than be killed, that's the way it goes in this world
And if I'm not mistaken morgan won't leave the county, Yay another good ally for me to obtain, although after his son's death he is unstable he's still not weak
Luckily for me my house was close to the school so life was way easier for me and the walker's...LMAO
(only some people will get the joke)
Fuck I'm at the school gates but there is literally a hord of zombies surrounding the school, and I can guarantee it that there are zombies inside the school as well
I run around the school, I remember there being a parking lot around here, if you guys know what I'm thinking then you know. If you know you know, it is what it is
Damn some of the car's are missing, whatever, I pull out my gun from my pants and I shoot at the hood of 1 car
The noise not only attract walker's from the back of me, but the walker's at the school, all of them are coming towards the car, for the record a gun shot is loud as fuck my friend, do not underestimate its sound level
After a few minutes the car explodes with a BOOOM
Holy shit bro, I make a run for it, I can legit feel the heat wave
A majority of the zombies in the hord are on fire, and they're spreading the fire to more zombies, Now that I'm far enough away from it, I quickly hide in some bushes nearby
This is gonna be a longgggg day
The zombies from where my house was follow the sound, some of the fire zombies fall onto other cars in the area, the car's catch on fire, and BOOOM
A series of explosions happen, honestly didn't expect this shit to be so effective
I might just use this battle tactic again
A woman who seemed to be in her early 20s was in a bit of a pickle, you see next to her was a black man, on his arm, his right arm was a bite, we all know who bit him, it was zombies
She had brung the man into her home and barricade the door, but what she didn't expect was for another group of survivor's to be holed up in her house, now this is Season 1 The walking dead, so people aren't as untrustworthy or cruel yet
People are still a bit humane
The group unfortunately didn't trust her black friend though, for many reasons, but the main one was because he had a huge ass bite on his arm like, legit everyone noticed it
No point hiding it
And so they wanted to kick him out of the home but the women protested, that maybe he could be saved, of course since this was Season 1 the walking dead people were idiot's. Clearly there isn't a cure for this shit, but where there's despair, there is always hope right? Lol
"Please, let him stay, if you send him out there, he'll die!" The woman said, she even went as far as to kneeling, but before she couldn't even continue begging, a huge BOOM was heard in the distance
The leader of the group, a man with a pickaxe in his hand, quickly ran towards one of the window's to check what's going on
Only to see a cloud of smoke coming from the distance, he quickly turned to his group of 4, if he included himself then it would be 5
"You guys want to check it out?" He asked, stroking his beard a bit, this was an interesting situation they have encountered, technically speaking the apocalypse started like an hour ago
First zombies, now and an explosion, 'What a day' Adrian thought to himself, that was the name of the leader.
Hearing the leader's question, the survivor's looked at each other in before whispering a bit after some time they came to a conclusions
A man who was around 6'2 he was the right hand man and best friend of the Leader before the apocalypse stepped forward, "I think we should check it out, we may have the chance to meet other survivors, we might we able to get an idea of what is going on" He said, he then gave a charismatic smile, that put people at ease
"Looks like we're heading out, you guys can follow us if you want" One woman who was part of the group said, following the leader through the door
Soon everyone else was gone
Only people were left, a bit man and a kind women, she knew if she brang him with her he'd have the chance of turning into a zombie and killing her
She shed some tears before leaving him in the house, he quickly chased her, but before he could get far, she pulled a gun out of her pocket and shot him in the leg
"S-stay away...MONSTER" she yelled, and before she could continue screaming she got bit in the neck, her eyes widened in realization
Author's Note -
What goes around comes around, but anyways, I wonder how this group will benefit the MC
Who knows maybe they might just kill him