
Brutal CEO

"Sweet little Ari," He said with a dark chuckle, his fingers brushed her cheek lightly. Ariana wished for nothing more than to disappear from this intimidating man. "I don't think this can work." she blurted, shutting her eyes, she could not hold his gaze. Ariana Delaney, a middle-class girl who went about her daily life with little or no excitement to it. This, all that was about to change when she finds out that she has been arranged to marry into the most famous and richest family in the state. Damien, a young billionaire and a force to reckon with in the cold world of business needs a simp for a wife just to keep up appearances and Ariana seems to fit, but he sure is in for a surprise. Would she over look the obstacles and give herself to him or it was the other way round?

DaoistpaI7jP · 都市
31 Chs

Chapter 8

Damien's POV;

I looked to my left and realized that she was asleep already and she looked so adorable while at it. She had the most adorable pout on her lips as she slept and snored softly.

In as much I did not give a damn what my family thought about her, I was somewhat relieved that they welcomed her warmly. Tracy was cold, however.

I knew my mother would be over the moon because she was worried that I would never get to settle down. She was of the belief that I was closed off because I had no special someone in my life. I almost rolled my eyes at that, she believed in love and all those mushy stuff way too much.

I looked back at Ariana who was getting more comfortable on the chair, moaning softly as she adjusted.

This woman is beautiful but I couldn't tell her that, I didn't want her getting any ideas. I was marrying her just for my business and to boost my reputation in the eyes of the world. We had to be the perfect couple but only for the world to see. I couldn't let myself care for her, it would make me weak.

The car came to a stop indicating we had arrived at the hotel but she was still so deep in sleep.

My driver came around and pulled the door open while I was staring at the innocent beauty beside me.

"Sir, should I carry her up to her suite?" My driver asked.

Swiftly, my eyes left her and I glowered at him. He gulped, obviously intimidated. How dare he want to put his hands on her, no one touches what's mine!

"Sorry sir." He apologized but I ignored him.

"Get out of my way." I ordered coldly after taking off my jacket and handing it over to him. He scurried out of the way, just as I slid my arm under Ariana's knees and the other went to her waist. She was so light, I actually expected her to weigh a lot more considering how curvy she is.

I carried her out successfully while she snuggled into me. I almost smiled, almost.

I slowly made my way inside the noisy hotel. It was Friday night, it was always busy at this time. I was worried that the noise would disturb her but it seemed this woman could sleep through a storm. She didn't even stir.

One of my guards came and offered to take her off my hands but I glared at him even harder than I did to my driver. He retreated soon after.

I made it to her suite eventually. I slowly tucked her under the covers, took off her shoes and hoped she would comfortable in her attire as she slept.

"Goodnight Ariana." I said before I put off the lights and left the suite quietly.


Ariana's POV

I woke up and shut my eyes immediately as a result of the dazzling rays of sunlight that nearly blinded me. My body ached and I found myself feeling absolutely uncomfortable because of what I was wearing. I stared down at the dress from last night and groaned.

I could not remember anything after smiling at Damien's teasing chuckle. An involuntary grin made it's way to my face at the thought.

"Thinking about me so early?" I suddenly heard.

I jumped out of the bed at the sound of his voice. He was seated right across the room on the plush white setee.

"Why do you always startle me?" I asked exasperatedly.

His thin lips lifted in a side smirk but he ignored me as usual.

"What is it this time Damien?" I asked with my arms folded across my chest. I was definitely expecting the unexpected which was the norm with him.

"Your flight is in an hour." He said casually as he sipped on his whisky.

Wasn't it too early to drink? I asked myself, and voiced it out shortly after. He pursed his lips before staring into my eyes.

"It takes about thirty minutes to get to the airport from here and you're obviously behind schedule. If I were you, I'd worry about my drinking problem later. Tick tock." He said, alarming the already disheveled me.

I glared and threw a pillow at him for ruining my morning.

"I see you're fond of throwing things around Ariana." He said, swirling his glass slowly as stared at me through it.

"I'd like to see you throw off a lot more than pillows and pens, maybe your clothes, don't you think?" He said sensually, I gulped. His sexual undertone was unsettling.

"I'd like to go get ready for my trip." I managed to say in my flushed state.

"You're free." He said and made no move to get up.

"Alone..." I drawled, indicating with my eyes that he should leave the room.

He chuckled again, just like he did last night. I bit on my lower lip to hide the smile that was creeping up my face.

He came close and bent down to my eye level. My eyes followed his every move just as the masculine scent of his designer perfume filled my nostrils. He raised his left arm slowly and pushed his wristwatch forward.

My eyes widened at how much time we had spent bantering.

"Tick tock," He whispered into my ears. That singular action gave me goosebumps and I shivered.

I ran into the bathroom, shutting the door quickly behind me.This enigmatic man was at it again. I shook my head to rid it of its crazy thoughts.

I did everything hurriedly and kept looking at the time in between.

"Oh Dios mio!" I exclaimed and rushed out with my bag in hand.

I bumped into a hard chest and almost fell backwards when his arms steadied me.

"Easy does it, Ariana." He patted my head softly like I was a kid. I glared at him and walked around him.

"Where's your ring?" He held my left palm with his wide hand.

Oops. I removed it at some point but I didn't put it back on immediately. I ran into the room quickly and found it on the dresser. I slid it on and showed it to him without delay.

"Never take it off." He warned. I nodded.

The moment we stepped out of my suite,the energy with him changed. He was in full boss mode again and unfortunately it applied to me too.

But then again, why did I want to feel special? This whole thing was arranged, it was just a deal. So why was I thinking of being treated differently?

It was just strange.

"Good morning Reynold." I said hi to the doorman who welcomed us every time we got into the hotel. I had asked him his name when I got back from Damien's office the previous day.

"Good morning ma'am." He grinned at me nervously. I noticed and followed his line of sight. Damien was staring at him, sternly, might I add.

"Good morning sir." He bade shakily.

Damien gave him a curt nod in response and pulled me with him.

"Why was he so scared of you?" I voiced out my thoughts.

"He's not scared, he just respects his boss." He stared straight ahead as he replied.

"You're his boss? How is that possible?" I asked confusedly. I thought we just guests at the hotel.

"I own the hotel." He said, ushering me into the vehicle quickly. I gasped.

"I didn't know that."

"Well, now you know." He muttered, typing furiously on his laptop.

I blinked rapidly. I was amazed at how such a young person could own such an establishment. It looked too good to be real.

It was at that point I realized that I had to google this man but not in front of him, I made a mental note to do it later.


We arrived at the airport much later than planned, no thanks to traffic. I was pensive as a result of this.

"Damien, I think I missed my flight," I said softly. I was going to cry if I couldn't make it home today, I missed my dad.

He stared at me for a while before signalling his driver to get a move on. I wondered where we were going and hoped we weren't heading back to the hotel.

I looked up at him but he did not spare me a glance.

The drive went on for a few minutes before the driver made a turn for the left, opening to a private hangar.

We drove towards a large black aircraft, crested with gold. It had 'Kingston Corp' crested in gold font by the side.

I stared, with my mouth open. This was another surprise that I was not prepared for. Well, what did I expect? This is Damien Kingston and I always had to expectct the unexpected when it came to him.