
Chapter 8 - Faith and Obsession

Chapter 8 - Faith and Obsession

The sun had already passed its peak when the elves working outside the village finished their respective duties and returned. Little by little they gathered around Luh and Gih in front of the gates. - As I thought, these two girls are different; the Elder must have raised and educated them to lead this village in the future. - Ed thought.

- Good job guys. Thanks to your work, our defenses are stronger, and with that we have more time. And time brings hope. - Gih announced, drawing the elves' attention to herself.

- Our ancestors made the pilgrimage and brought us here as the hope of the elven race; the hope that our race did not get lost in the dangers of theUmbra Forest. Today, the forest surrounds us again. But we cannot let the actions and intentions of our ancestors be in vain; so, we have to do what our parents and grandparents did, and go on a pilgrimage. - added Luh.

- With the defenses we build today, we can stay alive longer. And with that precious time we bought, we will be able to get ready for the long journey; we'll live to repeat the feat of yore! - said Gih.

- Let's ensure that the elven hope persists; today, tomorrow and always! - concluded Lu.

The sisters' speech resounded among those present, and like a wave it renewed their spirits. All the tiredness and stress, the tension, was replaced by determination and hope.

- The evening is approaching, and with each passing minute so does danger. So I ask you all to rest and eat. Spend as much time as you can with your families. And let us have faith; faith in our friends, in our neighbors, and faith in Arboreus, for he guides the way. - From the center of the village, the Elder's voice sounded, relieving the elves. One by one, they withdrew from the gates of the village; some went to their homes, others went to check their weapons, or look after the children and animals. In a short time, the village that was bustling and preparing for war, returned to it's normal, peaceful state.


While the villagers busied themselves with household chores in an effort to ease the tension of the impending battle, high up on the wooden wall Luh and Gih showed Ed the result of their work.

Outside the village, a moat had been dug around the entire perimeter near the forest. Neither deep nor shallow, but deep enough to contain the fuel needed to create a barrier of fire to stem the creatures' advance. Firewood, straw and oil were used to feed the flames. In addition, sharp stakes were placed between the moat and the wall to impale enemies who passed through the fire. Beyond the moat, the area has been opened up, the trees removed, creating a clearing to expose enemies, and give the archers a chance to take them down.

On the inside of the wall, an open space and a second wall were made, that's where spearmen and swordsmen would be ready to fight the enemies that got through to the village.

- I'm amazed by the work, really. To be able to mobilize all these people in such a short time, and convince them to give their 100% effort to this construction is touching; this sense of togetherness is quite new to me, where I come from that kind of activism is rare. - Ed commented, while admiring the scenery.

- Really? I imagined that in a safer world like yours, people would have more chances to live full lives, with less limitations; chances to fulfill their dreams. How could such a world not give rise to proactive people? - Luh asked with clear confusion.

-That's a good question. - Ed replied. - Maybe Earth doesn't "beat like a heart" as Arkron does; maybe earthlings have already mastered nature and guaranteed some form of "safe life". But one thing my race didn't do is put themselves in the same perspective of the rest of the world; we have never seen ourselves as part of the world. Earthlings places themselves above the rest of the world; they considers themsevesf its heirs, its owners, its lords. Therefore, earthlings' worst enemy are humans themselves. - replied Ed.

During this day, watching the elves work and how they relate to each other and the environment, he saw that the union of the village is only possible because everyone sees themselves as part of it and part of Arkron. They seek not only to survive, not just to live, but to enjoy every moment, now and the future.

- The challenge of living each day as if it were your last is a powerful motivational unifier. - Ed thought.

- But there's something I don't understand, and I'd like you two to explain to me. - Ed said, turning to face the elves girls, who had been with him since the day he woke up in Arkron. - Where I come from, people have a hard time trusting and accepting others, specially unknown people who pop out from nowhere. Even when in danger, humans in my world tend to "trust with distrust".

- However, I that wasn't what happened here. Its weird. A man has appered in the midst of an Arachnos attack, and you rescue him, help him, let him live in the house of the future village leaders instead of a cell or isolated place, and still entrust the defense, the life and death, of all villagers to him.- Ed blurted, and continued. - My question is: Why? Why didn't I wake up in a cell? Why didn't I get isolated and interrogated? Why did the Elder trust me so easily after talking to me once?

Hearing Ed's questions, the elves looked at each other, but no one spoke. The three of them looked at each other. This situation made a smirk apper on Ed's mouth. - So this is the "Mexican standoff" I saw in old cowboys movies - He tought.

- They did that because I told them to do it. - Without any of them noticing, the old woman had reached the base of the wall.

- You did? Why? - Ed asked, looking at the lady meters below her.

- I can answer your questions, but first come down from there, I'm an old lady, don't make me talk while looking up. - replied the lady, while massaging her neck. - Gih can stay here on first watch. Luh, go to the warehouse and check the supplies, as well as the traps prepared to protect it, we can't risk losing the provisions we've saved for the pilgrimage. Ed, come walk with me, we'll go to my place, I have to make sure the children's shelter is ready. - the Elder instructed as she waited for the youngsters to come down.


-Answering your question, Ed. The girls just did what I told them to do. At the time of the Arachnos' attack, before you appeared, I spent the whole time praying to Arboreous and Arkron; linking myself with the woods and begging the entire forest for a miracle, a chance to save my people. I put all my faith in those prayers, and I believe that my answer was you. - Said the elder while walking, making her pace as slow as possible, giving time to Ed hear and process her words.

- During the attack, I felt your body appearing in the space in front of the wall through my link with the forest; I felt you emerging amidst the Arachnos and the other creatures that attacked our walls. And despite your injuries, despite being surrounded by hostile creatures, despite being trampled underfoot, you survived, against all odds. That's not something we can describe with the word luck alone.

- What I mean, Ed, is that you didn't come here by chance or luck; Ed, you are the Arboreous' answer to my prayer. And the reason you were able to have a smooth stay in the village is because of that. The moment I felt your presence among the trees, I knew that Arboreus and Arkron had send help. After that, the way you treatd and behaved in the girls house adter waking up, and then our first conversation, those were enough to assure me that my faith had not been betrayed. Oh, and the reason I've put you in the girls' house, or as you put it, in the house of the village future leaders, was so the other villagers would recognize your importance and position, and gain some respect for you.

Hearing the words of the lady beside him, Ed thought about the time he spent in the village, especially the first conversation he had with the elder. - On the first day we met, you said that I was not the miracle the village expected, but I was part of the solution. And you now tell me that I am the result of your faith; shouldn't the answer to your prayers be a miracle? How can I be the answer your faith gave you if I'm only part of the solution? Also, didn't you say I came here because of my obsession? Why is it that now I'm here because of your faith? - Ed asked, still confused.

- Ed, miracles don't simple happen but they are build upon effort and selfsacrifice; we can't expect to gain anything without doing anything. Our faith gives us the tools and support to achieve happiness and freedom, it guides us; and miracles are the results we reap with the good use of what is given to us by this faith. As I said, and you quoted, you are not the miracle we hope for, but you are part of the solution. If we manage to survive the next attacks, finish our preparations for the pilgrimage, and arrive safely at the edge of the forest, where we can reestablish our village, then we can say that your coming to us was a miracle.

- As for your obsession, I believe it really guided you to Arkron. However, our faith brought you to us. These facts are not exclusive, but complementary. You said that in your world humans "trust with distrust", perhaps this is because your people cannot reconcile what can be reconciled, they treat everything as absolutes, black and white.

- Ed, there is another point you missed. Determination and intention are powerful energy guides; emotions are able to amplify our subconscious perception and receptors of energy. And energy is the basis of everything.

- Considering these points, both obsession and faith are powerful means for transforming the reality around us. Perhaps for an earthling, someone who comes from a world without magic, this phenomenon is difficult to perceive. But in Arkron, and in other worlds where magic exists, the power of obsession and faith have palpable and visible effects. Performing magic is using a magic energy, while in sync with the world and our hearts, emotions and determination, and giving our all to transform the world around us. - the Elder explained.

- Your way here was akin to digging a tunnel. Your obsession was the starting point of this path between Earth and Arkron. But our faith was what built the exit point, leading you here. Perhaps, if it had been up to your obsession alone, the path would not have even been completed, and you would have eventually died in your world or lost midway. Or you could have landed somewhere else entirely. Perhaps near an orc praying for a sacrifice to his god; perhaps you would fall into a human city, since you are human too. But here you are, and that is the power of our faith. - The elder concluded.

- Yes, here I am. - Ed replied, with a smile on his face. - And I'm very happy that I wasn't sacrificed to a volcano, by the way. - he said, cleary relieved.