
Chapter 5 - From Gamer to General

Chapter 5 - From Gamer to General

The next morning, Ed woke up in his room to the sound of activity all around the village. Going to the kitchen he noticed that the house was unusually empty. - Gih and Luh must have already joined the other elves in order to upgrade the village's defenses. - he pondered.

After eating some fruit and drinking water, Ed left the house. This was the second time he had gone out and the first time he did it alone. - Finally, the taste of freedom. - He thought, with a simple smile on his face.

Ever since he woke up in this world, Ed has been apprehensive. Several emotions have already taken hold of him, enough to make him embarrass himself in front of the elves, several times. - Do I still have any chance of making a good impression? hehe. - He thought, derisively.

Walking towards the gate, Ed saw several people working on the wooden wall. Torches were being placed at various points. He heard the noise of excavations beyond ir and imagined that ditches were being made around the village. Recalling the meeting the day before, the plan was to fill them with flammable products and substances.

- Arachnos are vulnerable to fire, like most insect-based creatures. A wall of fire will stop them for some time. But they probably shouldn't be the only ones to attack. In addition, Arachnos commanders and generals have the ability to control other spiders-like beings, and they would use massive waves of creatures to put out the fire. The village won't resist a war of attrition. In the end, the village's defense depends on defeating the leader of the attack.

- Unfortunately the elves are not aware of offensive spells like fireball. But well, as representatives of the Life Deck, it's natural. - Ed muttered.

- Life Deck? - a voice came from behind Ed, startling him immensely. Turning around, Ed saw Gih and the Elder approaching. Both with an exasperated look at how easily this boy loses his composure. - You won't be a decent general if you keep getting scared like that. How do you intend to command others in battle, if you get scared, cry and laugh like a madman with every little noise! - admonished Gih.

- General? Sorry, you must be confusing me with someone else! - Ed replied nervously. - Until a few days ago I was just a nerd, playing TCG. I have no military training, I can barely lift weights. I'm not a general. - He said as he raised his hands in exasperation. What are these women thinking?

- Young man, wake up to your new reality! - scolded the Ancient One. - As the ancients said, "Occasion makes the thief". In today's case, occasion makes a general. Maybe you don't have physical strength, or the military training. But your knowledge of our enemies and tactics is invaluable. If you can't lead a fruitful defense of this village, who else can?

- I understand ma'am. - Ed answered awkwardly. - But I think I'll need more than words to control my instincts, and they aren't that of a fighter, hehe.

- Relax young man. Nobody expects you to be a hero overnight. - Said the lady calmly. But a moment later a certain hesitation crossed her eyes when she saw Gih'a beside her. - Well, hardly anyone. Gih'a grew up as our military leader, so if she bullies you into shape, it's just her way. - She completed, while giving a few touches on the shoulder of the elf beside her.

- Elder! exclaimed Gih, embarrassed. - It's not that I don't understand him. But the situation really calls for someone experienced.

- And he is. He has years of battles in his head. Think about how he worked out various countermeasures yesterday. Ed is like a top student; until yesterday he was focused in the theory. Now he needs practice. In any case, we can only trust that in the face of danger, he will be able to control himself and think calmly. - replied the old woman, while she tried to convince Gih of her choice. - Also, don't forget about my specialty. - She added, smiling slightly.

- Your specialty? - Ed asked.

- The Elder is a priestess. The reason she went on a pilgrimage to the edge of the forest centuries ago was to protect immigrants during their travel. - Luh intervened; she, at some point, approached the trio. - Although many in the village have tried to learn the ways of the trees from her, none could be a full fledged priestess, and only a few could learn some of her magic. No one has ever reached the elder's level.

Hearing the words, Ed tried to search his mind for a card that talked about priests and tree paths. After a few moments of contemplation his eyes gleamed.

- Of course, the elves have a card called Priestess of Arboris. Among the forest elves, some are born with a special bond with the forest, being able to converse with plants and command them. In addition, some are able to make vegetation grow faster, and others could use the life force of plants to heal. Among the priestesses cards, there was one that had a special ability to create a link between the forest and a creature. In the game, this meant that by sacrificing a forest card, the player could escape damage from an attack; but in Arkron, I think being a priestess means more than just magic and split damages, right?

Hearing Ed explain so well about her own people, perhaps even better than she could, the Elder again found herself surprised by the young man. The three elves never failed to be shocked by Ed's knowledge.

- Yes, my boy. As you explained, priestesses have a special bond with trees and other vegetation. During the pilgrimage, centuries ago, I was chosen to lead our people. Many believe that we left the heart of the forest out of fear, or cowardice. But the reality is far from that. From time to time the elves select seeds from their people and send them to the edge of the forest to preserve an ember for the future. Among these seeds, a priestess is chosen to accompany and facilitate the journey.

- And as you said, not all priestesses are the same. All have a link with the forest, but this link translates into different ways. My bond allows me to unite a creature to a plant, to let a creature become part of the forest. I could use this union to gain life force as you said, but I can also use this union to ensure that another person has a characteristic of trees: calm, perseverance, patience. - concluded the old woman.

- So the plan would be to unite my mind to a tree, and hope that my inexperience is balanced with it's calm and prevent me from getting anxious or desperate in the midst of battle? - Ed was impressed. On the one hand, these women already consider him an emotionally hopeless case. - I'm not the least bit trustworthy in their eyes, am I? - he thought.

- On the other hand, they are right. I have plenty of experience when it comes to competition, this means tatics, concepts, etc. At the meeting the day before, I was able to quickly create strategies to protect the village. Today I was also fast to recognizing the Elder's hability. But in the face of a real battle, with creatures attacking, blood flowing around, screams echoing, I really don't have a chance to stay calm. - Ed thought; his gaze turning to the horizon, towards the forest and the sounds of villagers at work.

- Unfortunately, I can only surrender to your advice, ma'am. - Ed finally convinced himself. - Until I can get used to this world, it's better to have your help. Thanks in advance.

And once again the elves gaped. Is he not a human man? Where is the unbridled pride and superiority? The arrogance? How does he manages to give in so quickly to three women, including an elderly one?

- Earthlings are really interesting. Haha. I was ready for a big argument and resistance on your part Ed. -Gih was so surprised that her composure dropped as she laughed at the situation.

- We shouldn't judge Ed by Arkron standards, I believe. - The old woman agreed.

- Ed, maybe, it's a new standard for humans isn't it? - Praised Luh.

At these comments, Ed could only laugh awkwardly. Apparently, humans (especially males) are the same everywhere. These elves are used to the chauvinistic type, aren't they? Too bad Ed has always believed in equality and practicality. Something that, especially in the current situation, he cannot give up.

- Thank you, I think? - Ed said to the three elves, trying to put an end to the matter. - If you are here, does it mean that the changes to the stockade are going well? Remember, Arachnos dislike daylight, but by the time the afternoon arrives, that will be enough for them to attack. Although we cannot know when they will come, it is best to finish what we have to do as soon as possible.

- Yes sir. Don't worry. What we can do is being done, the rest is up to fate. - Said Luh.

- So it is. The ditches were dug, and we are filling them with oil and firewood. The torches are already in place. All people capable of using light magic are prepared to join the battle, and the youngest ones with combat skills are deployed to protect the Eslder's house, where children and the frail will be housed. - Reported Gih.

- Excellent. You see, Ed may not be the miracle we were hoping for, but he's still a fundamental part of our defense. - Said the old woman, with a tone of appreciation. - Now, going back to a few moments ago, what did you mean by "life deck" Ed?