
Chapter 4 - The theory of expansion

Chapter 4 - The theory of expansion

- Fog Valley has long been a secluded and secure place; although the forest presents some danger, the border of the forest is much more peaceful than its depths. In addition, the mountains that surround us have dormant volcanoes that keep the valley warm, protecting us from the harsh winter. Finally, there is a strange material in the mountains that discourages beings from living there, preventing creatures from attacking us from the its edges.

- However, in the last few centuries, the edge of the forest has changed, creatures that normally live deeper in the woods, like Arachnos, started to appear and attack us. Not only that, but changes appeared all around us, for example in the mountains.

- Before, the mountain tops were gray and hidden in dense clouds. Hence the name "Fog Valley", as everything in the valley was hidden by those clouds. However, if we look at the top of the mountains today, as well as at the sky, we will see that the clouds are sparse; besides, there is vegetation growing there, and the sun illuminates our houses through the fog.

- What I mean is that the world around us has changed. Our village has long since isolated itself, and few have left here to explore. Some visitors, like you, Ed Terra, come and hang out with us. But after they left us, we stayed here. That was our mistake, we got lost in our isolation.

- While I was still in the Umbra Forest, my grandmother told me a theory. Arkron is an infinite, ever-expanding world; sometimes, without warning, energy blasts open rifts in reality and bring pieces and spaces from other worlds to Arkron, endlessly expanding the world of Arkron with new lands, living beings and natural resources.

- That's why Arkron is also called the 'Heart of the Universe'. With each beat of that heart, it expands. - said the old woman.

Hearing the last solemn words of the lady before him, Ed shivered. - Heart of the Universe? - just thinking of that name his mind went off the rails again. His eyes lost focus and tears gathered. But before they could fall, a kick from Gih to his shin woke him from his reverie.

- Heart of the Universe. An appropriate and meaningful name. But what does this theory and my presence here or the village situation have in common, exactly? - asked Ed after calming down, as he endured the pain in his leg.

Although confused, the Elder soon returned to the central point of the conversation. - Really, this earthling is an interesting being. Given all that I've told you, what I'm guessing is that over the last few years, centuries perhaps, Arkron expanded in the region all around us. From the creatures we've faced, I don't think we're at the edge of the forest anymore, but we are surrounded by it. And, perhaps, your appearance here was the result of this expansion. Perhaps, during the dimensional explosion, you ended up being brought here.

- That doesn't make sense, but on my planet a great author named Arthur Conan Doyle said that "When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." - replied Ed. - Therefore, I can only believe thats the case.

- Wise words! - The Elder exclaimed in surprise, apparently these earthlings are not that silly. - The nature of the Arkron expansion is a big mystery. These bursts of energy are strange, unpredictable and incalculable. It is a form of energy never seen, and never studied. But patterns are seen each time the bursts happen. One is that people and beings are sometimes brought in from other dimensions; and usually these living beings have some connection with Arkron, even if they had never heard of this place.

- For example, you. Your obsession with card games which, by some coincidence of fate, bears an unbelievable resemblance to this world, was (perhaps) the key to bringing you here. As a child, inside the forest, I met other beings who came from outside of Arkron, and they too had similar obsessions. In fact, there is a theaory that the elves themselves are not natives of Arkron, but we came here from another dimension, during a burst, and made a home for ourselves in its forests.

At the Elder's revelations, the room fell into a momentary silence. Perhaps even the young elves were unaware of this part of their history.

- So, ma'am, if we think further, perhaps no living being is actually from Arkron. Maybe we are all colonizers, who for some reason or another came here. - Ed couldn't think of any other logic. Arkron is an expanding world; and with each growth, it embraces other places, creatures, and resources. But one thing was still confusing. - If I'm not mistaken, Luh told me yesterday that some people can travel all over Arkron, considering they have enough power to do so. But if Arkron really is ever-expanding, isn't traveling around the world impossible? - he asked, with a confused voice.

- In fact, Arkron grows with each expansion, but as I said, this world is known as the Heart of the Universe. Each expansion is a beat of a heart: it expands and retracts. During the expansion Arkron will seem infinite, but after that period, it will start to shrink to a point where it is possible to travel the entire territory. - replied the old woman. - The period of growth brings us various resources as well as other lives. But during the downturn, people who have never seen each other will be forcefully united. Wars occur in different places, for the most diverse reasons: competition for material resources, clash of cultures, etc.

- In addition, between each period of expansion and contraction, there is another one of stability. Your appearance and everything that has happened around us shows that we are in a period of expansion; therefore, the next step is retraction and then stability. - pondered the Elder.

- Incredible. - Luh exclaimed. - But doesn't that mean we're in danger? We grew up on the edge of the forest, we are not used to living in the depths.

- We are in a worse situation than we've imagined. - Gih intervened. - The mountains apparently protect us, but they also corner us, and the creatures we are facing are getting more and more powerful. In the first incursion of the Arachnos against our village, there were only soldiers, but in the last incursion we already saw a commander attacking. What if next time a general appears?

- That's why I said that Ed Terra might be part of the solution. - replied the Elder. - His knowledge of these creatures can give us an advantage. Also, as you said, this valley that brought us protection no longer favors us. Today its a cage, and we are cornered animals. So, using what Ed knows, we might be able to make another pilgrimage, leave the village, leave the forest, and once again migrate to the edge. Safely.

The Elder's idea immediately shocked the young elves. On the other hand, Ed wasn't so surprised. Ever since the lady started talking about how the village was being enveloped by the forest, and the way she talked about the expansion and her youth, he already started to feel that she would come to that conclusion.

Certainly, as an outsider, he has no attachment to this village like the elves in the room. But still, the Elder's ideas scared him a little. If his knowledge can really help, great. But he is not a warrior or combatant. Actually, his body barely healed from the wounds suffered in the accident, and he still didn't have the strength to support himself, imagine marching with the elves for who knows how many kilometers he, while battling, in search of the border.

- Let's take it easy. - said Ed. - At the moment I don't have the physical conditions to travel, especially in a world I don't know. But surely my life and the lives of the people of this village are tied together; I will help you all as best as I can. A plan must be well made for such a migration. We have to know how many people there are in the village, how many can fight, how many need help to make the journey. Weapons, mounts, provisions, all these must be prepared. In other words, we need time.

- You are right. - Said the Elder, with a look of appreciation. - Part of these preparations have already started. We have been saving part of our food and preserving it for the future. Mounts have been sought after in the forest, and we already have some strong animals to carry luggage. But we still need time, that's for sure. That said, what do you suggest regarding the Arachnos, Ed?

For the rest of the morning a long meeting continued. Ed tried as hard as he could to remember the details he knew about cards relating to Arachnos, cards that counteracted them, all so he could create some form of defense against threats to the village.

After lunch, the meeting continued and various ideas emerged, means of defense and attack; furthermore, Ed gained a great insight into the ability of the elves in this village. Among them are archers and swordsmen, and they are all capable of using minor spells such as healing, energy detection, and a simple form of telepathy. Gih and Luh are the most capable mages in the village, being able to launch some magic attacks and control some creatures and plants to aid in combat.

Furthermore, the village is basically made up of adults, although there are some children, they do not number more than 20 in total, only a tenth of the population. Among the elderly, the Elder is the oldest. and the others, are still considered relatively young.

- Ed Terra, your comments are extremely valuable. I thank you on behalf of our people. There's still a lot I want to ask you. But it's late and I'm tired. Let's conclude this conversation for today. Gih will take your opinions on how to deal with our enemies to the rest of the village, and let us prepare our defenses. Luh will take you home to rest. - Said the Elder, with apparent weariness in her voice.

- I thank you ma'am. Our chat was very enlightening. - replied Ed. - Besides, helping you is helping me. We are in the same boat, I just hope to do my part.