
Chapter 3 - The value of knowledge.

Chapter 3 - The value of knowledge.

Luh and Gih were astonished at how easily Ed could switch between seriousness and madness. Were all earthlings like that?

- So, tell us what your 'cards' says about us elves? - Before Ed could start crying again, Gih launched one of the doubts she had in his mind at him.

Hearing the elf's voice, Ed was able to control his feelings. - Take a deep breath. Breathe. Calm down. - he repeated to himself.

- Well, the TCG game has a whole lore behind it, and each card represents facets of that lore. Sometimes the card represents something generic, as is the case with Arachnos. As for elves, there is no only a card about it, but several, which all together make up their story. - Ed replied after regaining his composure.

- If I'm not mistaken, by the color of your hair and skin, you must be wood elves, or elves of the border. Long ago, part of the elves came out of the depths of the forests to live on it's borders, believing that there would be more secure and peaceful; opposed to their ancestors, who live deep in the forest, and are somewhat wild and warlike. - He continued.

The elves were shocked. Despite not going into details, and narrating the facts in a simple way, certainly what he said was correct.

The elves do not make derivations among themselves, an elf is an elf, but with the passage of time and the division between tribes, the other races came to see and name them in different ways. Those who lived in the forests are called Forest Elves, and those who prefer to live closer to the edges, seeking a calmer and more peaceful environment, are now called wood elves. And, yes, this is the situation of the village created in Fog Valley.

- Incredible. - Luh exclaimed. Even Gih's composure failed at this point.

- He's like an Arkron encyclopedia, isn't he? - Gih said, letting her surprise escape.

- Hehe, I wouldn't say I'm an encyclopedia. But for years my life was to study and build the best deck possible to be world champion in this game. - Ed boasted. - On second thought, I think calling all this a 'game' now that I'm here seems to be disrespectful. - He added shyly.

- You will see that our reality is far from a game, Ed Earthling. Now that you're here, surviving is going to be a lot more challenging than 'playing cards'. - after taking a deep breath, Gih admonished Ed in a serious tone. - Arkron is a dangerous place, even the elves who seek peace on the borders of the forests have a hard time surviving.

Ed couldn't say why, but a chill went through the back of his neck, raising all of his hairs up. Suddenly, he felt like crying again. - Calm, calm. If I cry again, these girls will hit me. - he thought, calming himself down.

- I think the best way to understand what is happening is to talk to the Elder. Maybe she knows something about this "Earth" where Ed came from. - Luh suggested.

- Sure. Stay here with him, Luh. I'm going to visit the Elder, and see if she agrees to meet Ed. - replied Gih.


Ed continued to chat with Luh for a while longer, until a strong tiredness took over his body. Clearly, the tension gradually settled and the effects started to show.

Luh took him back to his bedroom, where Ed laid on his bed, though he couldn't really sleep with so much on his mind.

- Maybe this place really is some kind of purgatory? I spent my last years playing games, putting my family and social life aside. Am I now paying for my addiction?

- No matter what, I should be happy. After all, I'm getting a second chance. At least here my knowledge is not simply an addiction, a vice, but its useful. Years of playing and learning about the game lore, let's make it count.

After struggling with these thoughts for some time, Ed was finally able to sleep.


The next day, after breakfast, the elves invited Ed to an audience with the Elder. This was the first time he had left the house since he woke up in this world.

The village they were in was a small place. The sisters' house was close to the wooden walls that defended the village. The other buildings were very simple, all made of wood, with few stone details - like a chimney, or a well. From the number of houses Ed saw, no more than 300 people live in the village. In the center of the village, he saw a building taller and more imposing than the others.

Beyond to the wooden walls, he was also able to see the mountains that formed the so-called Valley. The village has a triangular shape, on two of its sides there were high mountains, and on the other side, beyond the gates, Ed imagined that would be the Umbra Forest, mentioned by the elves.

Walking through the village, Ed saw other people as well. All elves, the vast majority with long dark hair, fair skin. Some with green eyes, others blue, he even saw a silver-eyed child playing with a dog.

- We are not many, here in the village. In recent years, attacks by forest creatures have increased more and more. We lost many comrades in the fight against them. In addition, several families tried their luck in the forest, looking for our ancestors. If the situation does not change, I don't know what will be of the village. - said Luh, in a regretful tone.

As Luh explained the disastrous situation in the village, they approached the it's central structure.

- This is the Elder's house. Here she lives and guides us, using her wisdom for the good of the elves. It is also where we keep the old texts, and update them. It has a meeting room where we unite to resolve village issues. That's where we'll meet the Elder. - Gih intervened, seeing that they were about to enter the palace. - By the way, try not to cry or go crazy when we're in the audience; this meeting was requested by me and Luh, and your conduct may bring shame to us as well.

Faced with Gih's request, Ed could only chuckle softly. - It's not like I want to cry, you know? But given what I went through, I think a little tension is normal, right? In any case, I think I've made peace with everything thats happened. This is my second chance. I will make the best use of it. - he completed with a small smile. His voice a little louder than usual, perhaps to convince himself of those words.


Moments later, in a large hall, a table was spread out. In it, four people were seated. At the head of the table, an elderly lady, with gray hair, but with smooth skin with few wrinkles, was seated. If it weren't for the slightly whitish eyes and the slightly curved spine, hardly a person would say that she was over 40 years old. Around her were Luh, Gih at one side and Ed at the other.

- So, you're the 'earthling' the girls found? - was the first thing the old woman said after spending a few minutes watching Ed. - From what they told me, you came from a place outside of Arkron, and yet you have immense knowledge of our world. And this due to a 'game' of cards?

- Yes ma'am. - replied Ed. - I don't know how, but apparently the universe I lived in had a card game that seems to tell the story of your world. Some names change, and geography and culture are not exactly identical; but it seems the basics are still the same.

- Yes, my conversation with Gih determined that you really have extensive knowledge about various forms of life, and objects in this world of ours. Knowledge of great value. - exorted the Elder. - As the girls must have told you, our village is in danger. And while I don't believe that you, alone, can solve our problems, maybe you can be part of the solution.