
Brothers Promise

The events of the story take place in the land of "Narnia", and 45 years after the execution of the family of Cerberus, a woman and her brother escaped from this massacre, and they are trying to take revenge on the king who killed this rare Family who has the the power of wind in blood

Latef_Chdid · ファンタジー
35 Chs

Rest and peace

A week ago after the departure of Aminadel and left him to Robin in that chaos

Robinb: are you okay? Sis?

Razan :go

Robin: u need to see a doctor.

Razan :just leave me alone please

Robin : I can't

Razan: yes you can

Robin: he  was our friend too

Razan: You have to prepare for revenge, we will not  shut up, it was to kill me, he took Rick poor kid, he brutally killed his father and vowed to kill him,

Robin: They have the number

Razan: We have the power

Robin: How many times do I have to tell you I don't control that shit ?

Razan gets up from her place and heads toward Ramsey's body

Razan [talking to the corpse] I will never forget you,   I  didn't loved anyone like you,  rest in peace[cry louder]

[talking now to her brother Robin] Leave me alone, just go

Robin: I can't

Abraham: We will take you to a remote village near Zion to keep you safe. Most likely, the Unbroken do not know where this village is. In fact, it is not a village. It is a group of people who live within walls. In fact, this is the community of my birth, so I assure you that no one can  Overcoming those walls of 20 meters . No one knows about this community , so its people call it the Hidden Sky Village.

Robin: We'll take you on our way, now they know where I'm going next so I have to get him something for next week,

Everyone rides the cart and heads towards that village


Abraham: By the way, are you still thinking of building a castle?

Robin: Yes, I will buy a castle in Zion

Abraham: If you need gold, I'm here

Robin: Thank you...

abraham;  You can stand here

Robin: Where is it?

Abraham: I can't show you , you might get into trouble, this is the firewall for us in this village, and it's also a thick firewall for your sister, consider your sister safe with me I'm sorry I can't show you these are the internal laws of the community

Robin: I see now, be safe till then

Abraham: Go away in peace 

After 30 minutes, Robin arrived at the gates of Zion

Soldier at the door: We've been waiting for you

Robin: How are you, George?

Soldier: Hey, where are the rest? Where is my brother and his son?

Robin looks at him with concealing eyes

George: No!

Robin couldn't answer George, so he entered the carriage and found only Sasha crying.

George: What happened?

Sasha: Ramsay Robbster, Rick Robbster, Razan Denisus, Abraham Martin, the four of them did their duty and died fighting valiantly in the battle.

George: Impossible

George fell to his knees crying

Robin: Get up, don't crouch, we'll get revenge

George: but... Shit... Well, your castle is ready

Sasha: Ready? What you mean?

Robin: I wanted it as a surprise for all of you...

George: Are you okay, my Lord?

Robin: No, may I speak to him?

George: By the way, Saintes Durbin doesn't want this castle near him, because it devalues ​​him as king

Robin: Just tell him there's someone important who wants to talk to you at my castle

George; Take advantage of this hour to take a shower and rest. Robin: I'll try