
Brothers Promise

The events of the story take place in the land of "Narnia", and 45 years after the execution of the family of Cerberus, a woman and her brother escaped from this massacre, and they are trying to take revenge on the king who killed this rare Family who has the the power of wind in blood

Latef_Chdid · ファンタジー
35 Chs

Rekindling the Lady's Heart

The next morning dawned with a soft, golden glow that filtered through the castle windows, painting the corridors with warmth and promise. In this tranquil moment, Lord John found himself compelled by an inexplicable urge to seek out Lady Elsa. He had pondered their conversation from the previous day, the way her eyes had held a mixture of vulnerability and determination. He recalled her mentioning the godswood—a place of solitude and contemplation where she could escape the demands of her role and find a moment of respite.

With purpose in his step, John traversed the castle's labyrinthine corridors, his thoughts a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. As he arrived at Lady Elsa's chambers, he was met with an unexpected sight—a gentle rapping on her door yielded no response. It seemed she was not within her quarters.

John's brow furrowed as he considered his next move. Instinctively, his mind recalled the godswood—a sacred grove nestled within the castle's grounds. It was a place of quietude, where the ancient trees whispered stories to those who would listen, and the rustling leaves offered solace to weary hearts.

Driven by a hunch, John set forth toward the godswood, the morning sunlight filtering through the leaves above, casting intricate patterns of light and shadow on the path before him. The air was cool, carrying with it a sense of anticipation. He moved through the verdant landscape with a mix of determination and trepidation, the words Lady Elsa had shared echoing in his mind.

Arriving at the entrance of the godswood, John's gaze swept across the tranquil scene—a tapestry of nature's splendor, where ancient trees stood as silent sentinels, and a carpet of moss welcomed those who sought its sanctuary. He ventured further, his footsteps hushed by the soft ground beneath him.

And then, amidst the tranquil hush of the grove, John spotted her—a figure seated upon a stone bench, her presence as ethereal as the whispering leaves that surrounded her. Lady Elsa was lost in thought, her gaze fixed on the interplay of light and shadow dancing upon the ground.

Approaching her with a mixture of reverence and quiet determination, John's voice broke the stillness. "Lady Elsa," he uttered softly, a greeting that carried the weight of their shared understanding.

(John and Elsa find themselves seated on a stone bench in the serene embrace of the Godswood, the rustling leaves and soft sunlight creating a tranquil atmosphere.)

John: (softly) Lady Elsa, the Godswood truly lives up to its reputation. It's a place of such tranquility and beauty.

Elsa: (gazing around with a gentle smile) Indeed, Lord John. It's a refuge from the world, a sanctuary where I can gather my thoughts.

John: (meeting her gaze) I must admit, I find solace in this place as well. It's a reminder of the harmony that can exist between nature and the complexities of our lives.

Elsa: (nodding) Nature has a way of grounding us, reminding us of the simpler truths that often elude us amidst our duties.

John: (pausing, then with a hopeful tone) Lady Elsa, I hope you don't mind if I revisit a topic we discussed earlier. I couldn't help but recall your suggestion of taking a walk in the garden.

Elsa: (curious, raising an eyebrow) Another walk, Lord John?

John: (smiling) Yes, another walk. A chance for us to step away from our roles and responsibilities, to simply be ourselves and share a moment of respite.

Elsa: (considering his words, a faint smile playing on her lips) Your enthusiasm for such a simple pleasure is refreshing, Lord John.

John: (earnestly) It's more than just a simple pleasure, Lady Elsa. It's about us, about the connection we will forging amidst these corridors of tradition. I believe it's important to nurture that connection in an environment that allows us to be free from the weight of expectations.

Elsa: (softening) I see the wisdom in your words, Lord John. Very well, I accept your invitation for another walk in the garden.

(They leave the Godswood, their steps guided by a shared understanding and a renewed sense of purpose. As they venture toward the garden, the air seems to shimmer with the promise of a deeper bond, one that blossoms amidst the petals of shared moments.)

As John and Elsa embarked on their walk through the enchanting garden, the air was imbued with a sense of newfound camaraderie. The sun's warm embrace filtered through the foliage, casting dappled patterns of light and shadow upon the path before them. The fragrant blooms and gentle melodies of nature surrounded them, creating an idyllic backdrop for their shared moments.

As they strolled along, their conversation flowed effortlessly, weaving a tapestry of connection and understanding. Elsa's laughter danced upon the breeze, a melody that harmonized with the rustling leaves, while John's words carried a sincerity that resonated in the stillness of the garden.

However, as they continued their leisurely pace, the tranquil spell was momentarily shattered by the intrusion of two figures who approached them from a distance. These men exuded an air of arrogance, their steps heavy with boisterous laughter that echoed through the serene ambiance.

Their eyes locked onto John, and their laughter morphed into unkind taunts that reverberated like a discordant note within the tranquil symphony of nature.

"Look here, lads!" one of the men jeered, elbowing his companion as they drew closer. "It appears we have a pair of lovebirds prancing about."

Elsa's grip on John's arm tightened ever so slightly, a subtle display of solidarity that did not go unnoticed.

The second man snickered, his gaze fixated on John. "And what do we have here? A fragile twig of a man, with arms as thin as a sapling!"

The unkind words cut through the air, their cruelty a jarring intrusion upon the peaceful garden. John's expression remained composed, a stoic facade that masked the sting of their remarks.

Elsa's eyes blazed with a mixture of indignation and steely resolve. Her voice, though measured, carried an underlying strength. "Gentlemen, it is unbecoming to mock others for their appearance. Kindness and empathy are the true measures of one's character."

The first man guffawed, undeterred by Elsa's words. "Oh, the Lady has a sharp tongue! But tell us, fair lady, what interest do you have in such a feeble specimen?"

elsa: came dont listen to them . shall we continue our ride?

jhon: Rosalind Abernathy Thaddeus Tinsley and Clementine Channing

elsa: what are you doing?

jhon: i have a list

elsa: a list of people you mean to kill

jhon: for laughin at me. do i look like to Darwin to you . you know death seems a bit extreme. fear of death on the other hand

elsa; you should learn to ignore them

Jhon : My lady, people have been laughing at me far longer than they've been laughing at you. I'm the Pencil , the Demon-Monkey,

Elsa: You're a Vaultwood. I am the disgraced daughter of the traitor,Alaric .

Jhon : The disgraced daughter and the demon monkey. We're perfect for each other.

elsa: sooo.. how should we punish them?

Jhon: who?..hmm

Elsa: Sir Rosalind Abernathy .Thaddeus Tinsley and Clementine Channing

jhon: aah i could speak to Lord jesus and learn the perversions. anyone named Thaddeus Tinsley must be a perver

Elsa : i hear you are the pervert.

jhon: i am the empire of certain standards to maintain

elsa: we could sheep shift lord Abernathy s bet . you cut a little hole in his matress and you stuff sheep dung inside and you sew up the hole and make his bed again his room stink he wont know where its comming frome.

Jhon: Lady Elsa

Elsa: My sister used to do that when she was angry whit me and she was always angry with me

Jhon : why sheep shift?

Elsa: perhaps the vault word for dung

jhon(smile with shyness): My lady..

Elsa: well you asked me...

Their camaraderie was interrupted by the approach of another figure—a man whose purposeful strides conveyed a sense of urgency. Elio Sandborn, the friend of jhon

"My lord Ma Lady ," Elio addressed John, his tone respectful yet urgent. "I apologize for the interruption, but your presence is requested at a small council convened by your father."

As John's footsteps gradually faded into the distance, leaving Elsa alone amidst the tranquil beauty of the garden, her gaze remained fixed on the path he had taken. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant murmur of the stream seemed to echo the quiet contemplation that filled her mind.

Lost in thought, Elsa's thoughts turned to a conversation they had shared earlier. Her mother's name had surfaced.a blend of love and sorrow, floated to the forefront of Elsa's mind. The pain of her absence still lingered.

Elsa's eyes, a reflection of weaknes and vulnerability, met John's with a quiet intensity as they stood amidst the garden's tranquility. The soft rustling of leaves and the distant melody of a songbird seemed to cocoon them in a world of their own,

"Lord John," Elsa began, her voice a gentle yet steadfast plea, "you must promise me that the next time we meet, you'll tell me why my mother want you executed

John's gaze held an unwavering sincerity, a mirror of the understanding that passed between them. "Lady Elsa," he replied, his words carrying the weight of his commitment, "I promise you the next time i meet you I will reveal everything you wish to know. The story behind your mother's actions deserves to be told."

Elsa's lips curved into a genuine smile, her eyes brightening with a mix of gratitude and anticipation. She took a small step closer, the space between them narrowing as she dared to give voice to the happiness that bloomed within her.

"Thank you, Lord John," she said, her voice soft yet resolute.

In that moment, a surge of emotion overtook Elsa—an overwhelming swell of connection and understanding that transcended words. Without a second thought, her heart guided her, and she reached up, her hand tenderly cupping John's cheek.

Their eyes locked, a silent exchange that spoke volumes of their shared day. And then, with a surge of bravery that echoed the strength they had found in each other, Elsa leaned in. Their lips met, a gentle and lingering kiss that spoke of trust, vulnerability.

The kiss was a tapestry woven with the threads of longing and curiosity, a delicate dance of emotions that swirled between them. Elsa's lips were soft against John's, her touch a testament to the connection they were unkowen

As the kiss lingered, time seemed to stand still, the world around them fading into insignificance. And then, as slowly as it had begun, the kiss came to an end, leaving them both breathless and heartened.

Elsa pulled back slightly, her gaze meeting John's once more, her expression a symphony of emotions. With a soft, grateful smile, she whispered, "Until next time, Lord John."

John returned her smile, his eyes holding a promise that mirrored her own. "Until next time, Lady Elsa."

And so, John turned and walked away, leaving Elsa to bask in the afterglow of their shared moment. As he headed toward the Blackhall, he carried with him the memory of their kiss.binding their fates in ways they were only beginning to comprehend.

As John and his trusted friend Elio Sandborn made their way through the stately corridors of the castle, their steps echoed with purpose. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, for a small council meeting was about to convene within the grand halls of the Blackhall. However, before the weight of courtly matters descended upon them, John was determined to infuse a moment of levity into the proceedings.

"Ah, Elio, my good friend," John exclaimed with a playful glint in his eye, "have you ever pondered the utterly perplexing nature of existence?"

Elio chuckled, his expression a blend of amusement and bemusement. "Your penchant for diving into the depths of philosophy at the most unexpected times never ceases to amaze me."

John's grin widened. "Ah, but Elio, isn't it in the depths that we often find the most intriguing discoveries? Consider this: Why is it that a pair of socks, once lovingly united, is doomed to part ways the moment they enter the wash?"

Elio burst into laughter, shaking his head. "Only you could find profound wisdom in the saga of laundry, my lord."

"Indeed, my dear friend," John replied, his tone mock-serious, "for life's enigmas are often nestled in the ordinary."

As their laughter subsided, John's expression turned more contemplative. His thoughts shifted from the whimsical to the pressing matters that had brought them to the Blackhall.

"Speaking of matters that perplex," John began, his voice taking on a more serious note, "do you have any insights into why my father has deemed it necessary to convene this small council meeting?"

Elio's brow furrowed thoughtfully. "The reasons could be manifold, my lord. Matters of diplomacy, concerns from across the realm, or perhaps the announcement of important decrees."

John nodded, his gaze fixed ahead. "True, Elio, but there's an urgency in the air—a sense that this meeting holds more weight than a mere exchange of formalities."

Elio regarded John with a contemplative expression. "You have a keen intuition, my lord. If you sense a deeper undercurrent, it would be wise to heed it."

As they approached the doors of the council chamber, John straightened his posture. "Thank you, Elio. Your insights are always valued, whether we're delving into the mysteries of laundry or navigating the currents of court."

Elio offered a reassuring smile. "It's an honor to offer my perspective, my lord. Your father's trust in my counsel is something I hold in high regard."

John clapped Elio on the shoulder. "Well, my friend, let me step into this chamber and unravel the enigma that awaits. Who knows, perhaps amidst the formalities and discussions, il'll find a hidden treasure of wisdom."

With a shared grin, Jhon entered the council chamber.

As John stepped into the grand chamber of the Blackhall, the air seemed to shift with a weight of anticipation. The polished marble floors echoed with his measured footsteps, a steady rhythm that guided him toward the heart of courtly affairs. The room was adorned with ornate tapestries and intricate sculptures, a testament to the grandeur that surrounded matters of state. he spotted to see who in this council —his father, Lord Salvador, and the Little King, seated side by side.

In the presence of the young monarch, John offered a respectful bow of his head—a gesture that conveyed not only his deference but also his genuine regard for the boy who held a realm's Six kingdoms within his hands. The Little King's eyes met John's briefly, a fleeting exchange that carried the weight of the future.

The Little King was sitting upon an elevated seat, his small form exuding an air of curiosity and wonder. His bright eyes seemed to take in every detail of the chamber, a reminder of the weight of responsibility that rested upon his young shoulders.

jhon:( his voice a measured blend of respect and inquiry) may I inquire about the whereabouts of the other advisors? Lord Jesus, the Grand Master Obryn, Kingsguard Jaime, and Queen Melissa?

Salvador:They are addressing matters that require their attention, my son. The realm's challenges are manifold, and as advisors, it is our duty to navigate them

jhon: so what im doing here?

Salvador: we planing to marry Our King to Lady zaher.

jhon: the girl is not a doll

salvador: if the first try doesnt work . do it again.

The king: I must say that I like her.

Salvador: well

Jhon: i dont care but i care about our Money .

Salvador: dont worry about money.

jhon: okay.

Salvador: now Ishould say the Nightreaper will die tomorrow

the KING Cedric: and why? he is one of the best warriors we have in Narnia

Salvador: the Future is most important .

King Cedric ; BUT...

Salvador: no but here. go to the bed

King Cedric : No.. i want..

Salvador : to the bed now

(The king leaves the Blackhall)

Jhon: [with grudging admiration] You just sent the most powerful man in Narnia to bed without his supper.

Salvadorr: You're a fool if you believe he's the most powerful man in Narnia.

jhon:[sarcastically] A treasonous statement! Cedric is king.

Salvador:You really think a crown gives you power?

Jhon: No, I think armies give you power. (Jhon nods) Rodrcik Legolasa had one, never lost a battle, and you defeated him all the same. [Jhon nods again] Oh, I know. Levander gets all the credit, or the blame, I suppose, depending on your allegiance. [pause] Levander is many things, but a brave man? No. He never would have risked such an action, unless he had certain assurances...

Salvador :Which he got from me. Do you disapprove?

Jhon:I'm all for cheating, this is war. But to slaughter them at a dinner...

Salvador:Explain to me why it is more noble to kill ten thousand men in battle than a dozen at dinner.

Jhon:(sarcastically) So that's why you did it- to save lives?

Salvador:(impatient) To end the war- to protect the family. Do you want to write a song for the dead Legolasaes? Go ahead! Write one. (pause) I'm in this world a little while longer- to defend the Vaultwood, to defend my blood.

Jhon:...The Northerners will never forget.

Salvador:Good. Let them remember what happens when they march on the South. (pause, puts his papers away) All the Legolasa men are dead. Freljord is a ruin. Levander will be named Warden of the North- until your son by Elsa comes of age. (stands up) I believe you still have some work to do on that score. (turns away, Jhon stands up, furious, and follows him across the room)

Jhon :(angrily) Do you think she'll open her legs for me after she knows how we murdered her mother and brother?!

Salvador :One way or another, you will get that girl pregnant-

Jhon :I will not rape her! (pause)

Salvador:..Shall I explain to you in one easy lesson how the world works?

Jhon :(sneering) Use small words- I'm not as bright as you! (Salvador glares at him)

Salvador:The house that puts family first will always defeat the house that puts the whims and wishes of its' sons and daughters first. (Jhon gives him an odd expression) A good men does everything in his power to better his family's position- regardless of his own selfish desires. (Jhon begins to smirk)... Does that amuse you?!

Jhon :No, it's a very good lesson... (turns angry again) Only it's easy for you to preach utter devotion to family, when you're making all the decisions!

Salvador:(angry) Easy for me, is it?

Jhon:When have you ever done something that wasn't in your interest, but solely for the benefit of the family?!

Salvador:(with controlled fury) The day that you were born. (Jhon is caught off-guard, Salvador continues, for once showing grief for the loss of his wife) I wanted to carry you into the sea and let the waves wash you away. Instead, I let you live- and I've brought you up as my son. Because you're a Vaultwood! (storms out, Jhon ponders his words)