
Brothers Promise

The events of the story take place in the land of "Narnia", and 45 years after the execution of the family of Cerberus, a woman and her brother escaped from this massacre, and they are trying to take revenge on the king who killed this rare Family who has the the power of wind in blood

Latef_Chdid · ファンタジー
35 Chs

Art is worth the pain

Damon your father late today strange! A mother tells her son with fear!

Damon: Mom, don't worry, my father is one of the great warriors.

Mother: But didn't you hear?!

Damon: hear what?

Mother: The artist killer!

Damon: Is that a nickname, or what?

Mother: No...

The sound of the door opening

Damon: I told you, here comes my dad!

The mother goes rushing to the door to see why her husband is so late

The door opens, and if the mother falls to the ground, afraid and shivering, her mouth is unable to shout her son's name

The son heard the sound of his mother falling, so he immediately got up and went to be shocked by the horror of the scene

A tall man with a mask on his face, all his clothes stained with blood, and holding his father's head with his hand

Damon: Who are you?

Masked man: I'm the one wearing the mask

Mother: Please sir, we didn't do anything

Damon: (in his head): my hands? my legs ? Why can't I move? Is it a superpower or what? Why can't I take out...

Masked Man: You must be wondering why you can't move! Don't be afraid, it's not an external superpower! You're just afraid.

The masked man enters the house and sits on the table and puts the father's head on the table in front of the mother's eyes. In the blink of an eye, Damon finds himself chained on the table, and his mother is still shocked and crying.

Masked Man: Any last words?

Damon remains silent

The masked man: You should be proud, because your father did not have this honor!

Damon: I will kill you!

Masked Man: Dead? You lack imagination! A learner cannot rise to a teacher!

Damon: Teacher? Take that mask off!

Masked Man: Behind every mask, there is another mask, I just chose to creat my own!

Damon: Golden Devil!

Masked Man: Right!

Damon: How did you get here!?

Masked Man: What a waste of final words! Are you really going to waste your last words asking these questions?

Damon: You..!?

Masked Man: We're done!

The masked man started drawing his bloody art painting, and what a masterpiece Damon is hanging on the wall with his stomach open and his father's head placed on it, while the mother has her eyes in a small bottle placed on a table and her body has the phrase "Art is worth the pain" written on it.

The next morning, King Durbin came to Robin with everything Robin asked for.

"My boys , I will leave you here . Be loyal to Robin," King Durbin tells them.

Sasha: Welcome to your new home! Please, Mr. Robin, we are waiting for you in Razhaal

As the heavy wooden doors of the new castle creaked open. five people stepped inside, their eyes wide with wonder and anticipation. The first man, Sam, was a seasoned warrior with a rugged exterior and a sword at his side. He exuded an air of confidence and leadership, his keen eyes scanning .Beside him was theold man, Elder Suma,the last taecher of the wind style.At the forefront was the master and teacher of Kinko, a seasoned warrior known as kane. His presence demanded respect, and his eyes held the wisdom of a thousand battles. With every step, he exuded an air of authority that made it clear he was a force to be reckoned with.Walking beside Kane was Sifu, a man of slight build but possessing a mind as sharp as a honed blade. Though physically weaker than his companions, Sifu's wit and strategic prowess made him an invaluable.Completing the group was Ryana, a formidable woman whose strength was evident in the way she carried herself. Her muscular frame and unwavering confidence left no doubt about her abilities as a warrior. She wielded her weapon with grace and precision, and her fierce determination was matched only by her loyalty

[Inside the meeting chamber named Razhaal, the five individuals, Kane, Sifu, Elder Suma, Ryana, and Sam, stand in a circle, awaiting the arrival of their king, Robin. Excitement and curiosity fill the air as they prepare to meet for the first time.]

Kane: (looking around at the others) It's an honor to stand with all of you in this esteemed chamber. I am Kane, teacher of Kinko, and I welcome each of you.

Sifu: (nodding with a warm smile) And I am Sifu, known for my intellect and strategic insights. It's a pleasure to meet such esteemed warriors and masters.

Elder Suma: (with a gentle nod) I am Elder Suma, last of the Wind Style Master.

Ryana: (with a confident grin) I am Ryana, the archer. I've heard tales of each of you and the prowess you bring to the battlefield. It's an honor to be in your presence.

Sam: (standing tall with pride) I am Sam, a warrior of great skill. The legends of your feats have inspired many, and I'm eager to fight alongside you.

[Kane's eyes light up as he spots King Robin entering the room, and the others bow respectfully.]

King Robin: (smiling warmly) Welcome, my esteemed companions. I am Robin, your king. I've summoned you all here for a purpose.

Sifu interrupts him: I beg your pardon, who are you?

Robin: Since you entered through that gate, I consider you my brothers, and I do not want to control you. I have prepared five rooms for each one of you.

Suma: Now i know why are you calling me now.

Robin: And without formalities, just consider me your friend. I only want your sincere loyalty to me. We will build a strong civilization offensively and defensively, and prepare to defend Zeon from Neville.

Sifu: (Nods approval) Indeed, we are united in our determination to face any danger that threatens Zeon.

Elder Suma: (with a calm demeanor) My knowledge and techniques are at your disposal, King Robin. I will help hone your skill.

Ryana: (with a firm expression) I'll be there for you

Sam: (clenching his fist) I will do my best, King Robin, for the honor of serving you and protecting our homeland.

Ken: I'm sorry, but what's more important than this nonsense?

Robin: Nonsense?

Sifu: He is interested in killing the golden devil or the artist killer!

Robin: And who is this?

Soma: Let them go and I'll tell you the story

Everyone gets out of Razhal and only Robin and Elder Soma remain face to face

Suma (Beginning of the story): In the eerie shadows of the night, an evil figure known only as the Golden Devil roams the earth, a frightening and mysterious presence veiled behind a frightening mask. He oozes darkness, his twisted mind convinced that murder is an art form, and innocent lives are his canvases. Every life taken is a jab at his sinister masterpiece, and the terror he causes is his twisted expression of emotion.

Kinko's revered teacher, Ken, has devoted himself to hunting down this malevolent ghost for years. However, despite his relentless pursuit, the Golden Devil remains elusive, like a shadow slithering through the Fingers of Light. With each village he visits, destruction and mourning follow, leaving behind a trail of immense suffering and grief.

The nickname "Golden Devil" is gained not only from the mask that adorns him but from the golden thread of malevolence that intertwines with every death he orchestrates. Kane's closeness to capturing the demon is a haunting story. Al Mualim, who was so close to ending his reign of terror, found the Predator slipping through his grasp like water, leaving him gripped with empty air.

The shocking discovery of a student and his mother, lifeless and neglected in their home, sends shock waves through the community. The phrase "Art is worth the pain" etched into the mother's lifeless figure is a poignant reminder of the beast that roams free, striking fear into the hearts of the innocent. Each victim's life becomes a blank canvas, tainted by the cold brushstrokes of Satan's golden malice.

The haunting melody of death reverberates through the village, as its people cling to each other in fear and uncertainty. Keen, driven by fierce determination, redoubles his efforts to put an end to the Golden Devil's rampage, vowing to protect those he holds dear from this abhorrent menace.

The mystery surrounding the masked killer deepens, as no one knows when and where he will strike next. But Kane, fueled by the flames of justice, will not rest until the Golden Devil is exposed and faces the reckoning he rightfully deserves. Kinko's teacher realizes that it is not only his duty to protect his students and the village, but also to end the heinous reign of terror and put an end to the malignant art of the Golden Devil once and for all.