
Brothel owner rules the kingdom

In the historical world of ancient China another power lived with humans, which they were completely unaware of, they were spirits. As a test they were sent to earth and there they take control of human body and suffer tribulations in their place. But the host for its body should surrender it willingly and also that person could ask anything to the same spirit. Though the human will die, it becomes duty of spirit to continue the owner wishes. Lee Su Mi stood at the impasse with the same spirit " my body is young, beautiful, without any sickness and virgin, do you expect me to hand it over with just one wish. I want three, if you are willing my body will be yours". Spirit became curious with this bold woman who was selling her virginity and not hesitant to demand more. To appease her interest and curiousity the spirit started its journey as Lee Su Mi, a young girl sold to the brothel and her wishes were "revenge against King and evil prime minister who destroyed her whole family, killing her parents and taking her new born brother captive. But they didn't stop at that. They sold the girl to a brothel and now for the protection of her younger brother and last to salvage her body from the beasts at the brothel. She wanted the spirit to give her justice and rightful position to her brother while salvaging her body from getting ruined". Accepting the challenge, now the new Lee Su Mi entered the same brothel but she will not sell her body there. Though she will ravage this kingdom to the same ashes that the original Su Mi was burning on. Smiling she said , "no problem I will own this brothel and no one would dare to take it from me". But why is the crippled Prince Lee Jong Hyun want to buy her and keep her in his black palace. No I will not go there. But how did I myself go there every night. What compelling power this man has. Why can't she control his mind and he is controlling her body with all that pleasure. Why being human has so many tribulations and what she as future Brothel owner has to do to take the revenge on highest authority of this kingdom and corrupt prime minister. Art work belong to the original creator...It does not belong to me

Notorious_doc · 歴史
24 Chs

Regal enterance

As the Palanquin reached the brothel door, the guards outside banged their rods on the ground loudly " Daughter of treacherous General Yu Jin, is here please the owner of this prestigious brothel Faa Hua accept the gift from Prime minister Go".

Calling out the announcement outside the brothel for Su Mi would be the biggest slap on Su Mi's face if she was alive, but when the door opened and a slender ankle came out with anklets ringing in her welcome made Su Mi's appearance more mystic.

While guard were making the announcement Su Mi calmly stood out, her posture erect and chin tilted to the side. She looked no less than any nobel lady in the whole kingdom. Those lecherous men and women who stood outside looked at the procession, as the fun was made of the daughter of great general, everyone expected tears, biting of tongue as suicide but not this calm and serene behaviour.

There was not a single men that didn't look at her in amazement, her beautiful bare face without any makeup or even a smile attracted men to this extent that they forgot to breathe.

A charming laughter rang out, as another attractive woman walked outside the brothel " Lin Hua welcomes Lady Choi Su Mi in our small house of business. I hope you didn't suffer much on the journey".

Su Mi smiled " thank you Miss Lin Hua for welcoming me to your place, as for the journey it was beautiful in starting, sad in middle and intersting in end".

Listening to the sharp and calm reply from Su Mi made Lin Hua to remain silent for a while. She was never insulted by the new prostitute of her establishment like this little girl did.

"First she addressed her as Lady and in return she was just called Miss Lin Hua.This made her intention to taunt her parents origin land like punches on soft pillow and the welcome she organized by her public announcement increased her charm to many fold. What attracted men was not sad, crying hysterical woman that she expected her to be, but with her demeanor she knew that Su Mi was bound to become the star of her brothel and probable danger to her future".

Still Lin Hua had experience to run this brothel successfully despite being run by a woman. He red lips smiled as she held Su Mi's hands and her nails slowly dug on her wrist. She believed that Su Mi would calmly accept the pain but with a loud " ouch" Su Mi cried pitifully " Miss Lin Hua, I may be your product of this brothel but I am not your property I am the property of men who will come for me,. please don't scar me with your long nails like this or your customer will sue you for damaging their goods".

Lin Hua stood still in shock while smilingly Su Mi entered the brothel with regality that shocked everyone present there. She without telling anyone moved inside the drawing room built to greet customers and decide on purchase of those prostitutes.

Old lady Gong who travelled with Su Mi and cried for her condition while following her when looked at the way Su Mi was acting, she was wide eyed and her heart in knots.

She was old nanny of Su Mi's previous fiance Go Dong Mae and she was sent to keep an eye on her and making her life more miserable. As she was already an old woman she was relatively safe here, as noone desired those old bones for pleasure and living with Su Mi, she would pass every single information about her to people who wanted to harm her.

Spirit residing as Su Mi knew all this and so, the old lady was ignored and made to stand outside while Su Mi sat regally on the drawing room.

Lin Hua sneered in shock by the way this little girl was acting, she huffed and sat across Su Mi. Noone spoke anything for a while, smile on Su Mi's lips widened, but still silence continued.

Feeling angry Lin Hua decided to show reality to Su Mi " you are here to serve men in their physical pleasure, they can do anything to you and you can't complain. Customer are gods here and you are just a vessel for their entertainment. First I will bring a physician to test your virginity and then it will be sold to highest bidder. Following that your nights will be spend on serving second floor".

Brothel like any other business establishment was decided into three floors, third for nobility, second for rich but non noble merchants, first for poor classes and ground was a small restaurant with liquor and business dealing chambers.

Su Mi still continued smiling and finally when she spoke Lin Hua felt hairs rise on her arms and as Su Mi continued speaking Lin Hua agreed to everything that was said like puppet dancing on his master's strings.

Yes, that was what Su Mi was doing, there are many cultivation that spirits did and turned them as their pathway. Some did physical cultivation with increased body strength, while some did wisdom cultivation.

Su Mi's spirit was master of wisdom and voice enchantment. Though it took her energy but when she spoke using her cultivation the other person became compelled to accept it and that's what happened to Lin Hua.

A/N : So, what is it that Su Mi told Lin Hua....any guesses....wait for next chapter..