

THE BULLIES THE BULLIED AND THE SPECTATORS In a school where social status is important than anything, stating your importance and visibility. Ariana has a tough time fitting in and so becomes one of the outcasts. And even the high and mighty have conflicting circumstances that bring them crumbling down. Will they be able to overcome or will their conflictions overpower their will to find purpose? ______________________ We seem as though we're normal, happy and nothing could possibly be wrong, people look up to us. We walk in pride and esteem to bury the shame beneath our gleaming eyes and smiles. We speak and act gracefully to hide the pain. We laugh to hide the sadness that has engulfed us. "I wish I could be like them." They'd say or whisper. Little do they know, we're just like them. We're not happy, satisfied, blessed or fortunate rather we are all BROKEN and that somehow we wished to live just like them. A sneak peak to BROKEN. _________________

vee_tori · 都市
22 Chs


~•~~•~~•~•~CHAPTER 7~•~~•~••~~•



I didn't bother going out for dinner, I was too angry to. Through out the night I binged on Netflix and read ' The Vipers girl' by hossy rich while listening to Happier than ever by Billie Eilish.

At night I also snuck into the kitchen to grab some chicken and the last bowl of ice cream. Melanie calls me Billie Einstein because I act and dress like Billie and I have a really sharp brain when it comes to academics. My sharp brain was one of the reasons why my parents were always so proud me and I am proud of that part of me at least I wasn't a sore loser.

I guess it was also one of the reasons Selena and her friends hated me. I was always toping the class and teachers would often ask them to emulate me for once and get good grades instead of flunking exams terribly. Selena was different though she always managed to rank second or third.

It was 6:15am in morning and I developed a terrible migraine and had to dress for school. I found this peach T-shirt in my wardrobe, it looked more like a beach wear but at least I didn't have to wear those dresses and the shirt was so free not one part of it stuck to skin. It was almost right.

I briskly made my way to the bathroom, took a few minutes because I washed my hair. I wore the shirt, black jeans and made my hair into a neat bun with a few almost curly stands let down. I used my lip balm since it was the only thing I could apply with my glasses on. I didn't like too much make up like my mom too. It was hard to tell why my sisters spent like an hour on make up.

I used my Cologne the same one that Cole used, lavender perfume and the Arabian perfume I borrowed in quotes from my mother. I liked it when I smelt like him. I wore my white sneakers since there was some white on the peach shirt. I looked... cool like a tomboy, a bossy one but deep down I was a chicken.

I stepped out of my room with my backpack at 7:15, I was so shocked that Esme was ready at that time. She smiled at me like she was impressed, her blazing red lipstick brighter than it used to be or maybe she bought a new one. " Better than a hoodie." I didn't reply her, she didn't bother asking why I didn't bother eating last night neither did she apologize.

"Don't look at me like that. I know you came to the kitchen to sneak some snacks for yourself, you're Ari no matter how upset you are, you'll put food in your mouth." She told me and I rolled my eyes but somehow I felt bad it was like telling me I was fat. I wasn't fat or so I told myself. I was just really chubby though I noticed I began to add some more weight and my cheeks became more plumb.

Dad was too busy to whip up something that morning so Lilly and I had cereal while Heather and Esme had their usual veggie salad and fruits.

"You didn't come for dinner." Lilly spoke up, her honey brown eyes searching my eyes for answers.

"Yeah I slept off." I lied.

"You always talk to me before you sleep, were you that tired? Dad said your glasses got broken."

"Yes. I guessed I neede..."

"We'll be late, let's get going." Heather cut me in grabbing her car key.

I stared at her blankly before nodding my head. "We'll talk after school." I pecked her forehead and she smiled and hugged me back. Lilly's hugs here like you were in heaven, safe in God's arms.

The ride to school was spent in silence as usual, no one said a word. Heather pulled up in the parking lot and I got out without looking at any of them. I didn't really look at what they were putting on, I just left like they weren't there.

The first thing I did was to look for Melanie I had to see Carver and thank him, it'd be wrong of me not to appreciate what he did for me.

I went to her locker but she wasn't there, I checked the school garden too and everywhere I knew she stayed or liked staying. I sighed frustrated. I was about to head to class when I heard a familiar voice scream my name.

It was her, cheerful as always. Her eyes bold as usual. "I'm glad you were able to get a new pair." She said touching my glasses.

"Yeah. Huh well Carver, have you seen him today? I really need to thank him."

"I haven't." She replied shrugging.

We went to class but he wasn't there too after Chemistry, shutting my locker shut I sighted a hot looking dude, moon shadow black haired, his hair fell and stopped a little past his ears almost at his shoulder and he was looking at me weirdly his sea green eyes boring into mine. He leaned on his locker with his ears plugged. He was wearing a red vintage shirt on a white polo shirt, black jeans with a white and black canvas. He definitely was a senior, he looked like one. I weirdly turned away, I felt ugly maybe the shirt looked bad on me or I shouldn't have let my hair down.

The next thing I saw was Melanie waving at him, I wanted to smack her for acting crazy. We usually never spoke to seniors they'd never look at you unless you had the sexiest curves or boobs or were a really popular person in school and outside. Not that Melanie wasn't pretty I mean she was cute with dimples, brown hair like my sisters and almost brown eyes. She also had adorably cute chubby cheeks and plumb round lips sometimes I wondered why they'd even bully her but then she wasn't a popular kid.

It was also very strange that he was walking up to her too. Melanie signaled for me to come over, maybe he asked Melanie out, I couldn't help but feel worried about her most of the seniors were players who just liked to get in between any legs widely spread for them and move on to the next pair of sexy legs, that was all they did.

He walked over to me and offered me a handshake. I looked at him weirdly.

"Ariana, he's Carver from yesterday." Melanie told me. My eyes widened, he couldn't be the one, someone has hot as this would never stand up for someone like me. I looked at him like something was fishy not that I was expecting Carver to be some ugly nerdy looking kid but it was too good to be true I refused to believe he was the one I totally forgot to say thank you to him. I shook his hand so briefly I bet it didn't last two seconds.

I grabbed Melanie's hands without saying a word and we walked away from him. I couldn't just trust him. It was too good to be true. He was too cute and cool to be a saviour what was he ? Lord Jesus? I couldn't help but freak out for no reason at all.


What do y'all think about Ariana's attitude towards Carver? Do you think her reaction was normal?

By the way I want y'all making shout outs to friends who've ever stuck by you, also can you please tell your friends to read the story.