

THE BULLIES THE BULLIED AND THE SPECTATORS In a school where social status is important than anything, stating your importance and visibility. Ariana has a tough time fitting in and so becomes one of the outcasts. And even the high and mighty have conflicting circumstances that bring them crumbling down. Will they be able to overcome or will their conflictions overpower their will to find purpose? ______________________ We seem as though we're normal, happy and nothing could possibly be wrong, people look up to us. We walk in pride and esteem to bury the shame beneath our gleaming eyes and smiles. We speak and act gracefully to hide the pain. We laugh to hide the sadness that has engulfed us. "I wish I could be like them." They'd say or whisper. Little do they know, we're just like them. We're not happy, satisfied, blessed or fortunate rather we are all BROKEN and that somehow we wished to live just like them. A sneak peak to BROKEN. _________________

vee_tori · 都市
22 Chs




SONG FOR THE CHAPTER- Go to your playlist and chose your favorite happy song.


school. school... I hated school.



"C'mon Ari, we're gonna be late." Heather yelled. I was really having a hard time deciding on what to wear. My hatred for dresses knew no bounds. I just hated wearing gowns and skirts if you ever found one me trust that my sisters forced me to wear one. They just don't feel comfortable and look like they're meant for me, it was like eating Peanut butter and jelly with pizza when it's supposed to be with bread. Don't cringe, I love crazy food combos.

I ransacked my wardrobe, using one hand to support my loose towel and mentally groaning. My sisters had taken all my hoodies away and replaced them with pink or yellow gowns,worst choice ever. I so wanted to beat them up but well I couldn't. I was so disturbed about what to wear I couldn't wear those clothes, I'd rather kiss the schools Janitor's butt or second thought I would never but still they really shouldn't have.

My head suddenly lit up like a lightbulb appeared in it singing 'halleluyah..... halleeellluuuyyyahhhh...' going on and on with the hallelujah chorus. I remembered I still had Cole's hoodie that he lent to me after Nicole pushed me into a 6feet deep pool at a party. For twins they are very much different.

Nicole, I loathed her school would have been my best place to be if not for her and those other meanies who think the world should revolve around them. I neatly kept it away in a box cause I knew the havoc my sisters could cause, so annoying. Also, they could tease me about it that's why even Lilly doesn't know.

I did a silly happy dance, inhaling the fresh lavender scent that smelt a lot like Cole, maybe that's why I never washed it. The scent.

"Ha! I'm not wearing those silly gowns." A smug smile slowly formed on my lips.

I briskly put on the black hoodie grabbed, a stone washed Jean and white Nike sneakers. I grabbed my glasses. I felt great, I felt like me. I didn't like me though. I was extremely happy that they left my jeans alone.

I came out of my room. "What in Christ's name are you wearing Ari?" Heather said furrowing her brows and narrowing her eyes.

"My clothes durrrhhh." I rolled my eyes.

"Huh? it's like 70 degrees outside Ari." Esme rolled her eyes, she always rolls her eyes. You can't expect less from a drama queen.

" You exaggerate a lot, but anyway So?" I shrugged.

"So? There are clothes for every season you can't just wear the wrong clothes in the wrong seasons that's a huge fashion blunder." Heather told me and Esme nodded her head slowly agreeing with her.

"Wearing hoodies in this weather isn't gonna do you well. I mean I love hoodies but you make me wanna hate them sometimes. There are times to wear particular clothes." Esme butted in.

"Girls eat up! you'll be late." Dad said before I could retort.

We all ate different meals cause Esme and Heather were always on diet cause they wanted to maintain a model like physique and look all chic. So they were eating vegetable salads.

While I didn't, I had no reason to, I couldn't do it. I tried to loose some weight but nope it didn't work out. Well I wasn't chubby and I wasn't thin, something in between but I wish I was thinner like Esme, Heather, Selena, Palome and the others. Maybe I would have been happier with my life but then I guess it's better than having to derive yourself of good stuff to look good all the time but deep down I wished I could at least burn my stomach fat.

I rushed my pancakes adding more maple syrup as I took a bite. Man! do I love maple syrup. Heather and Esme were done with their vegetables before I was done with my pancakes. Lilly had cereal. I love my dad for many reasons but also because he's best cook I've ever known. He makes the best pancakes in the whole wide world. I'm not exaggerating, his pancakes taste like heaven. My mouth watered just smelling them, he whips them up like a professional chef.

"C'mon Ari." Heather grumbled holding her car keys. I dropped my plate on the zinc and picked up my bag pack and lunch.

"Bye Lilly." I said giving my favorite sis a peck on her forehead. She attended a different school close to dad's company.

It was school time. "Someone hold me. I might pass out from fear." I mumbled to myself.

We got into the car and I plugged my earphones in and played some NF music.


"We're here." Heather smiled and said with her voice high pitched so I could hear, taking her sunglasses from her purse she opened the car door. I gulped my saliva and froze.

"Ari!" I jolted back to reality as Heather snapped.

"Y-yeah." I blinked repeatedly.

She rolled her eyes and I got the message, I was the only one left in the car.

"Oh!" I mouthed getting out.

It was at that moment I got to look at my sisters pretty well and I wished I could look just as good cause my sisters looked hot as ever. Heather cladded in a black long sleeved crop top, Black leather short flay skirt and white converses and short black socks dressed like she was already in college. Her curly brown hair..not natural though got blown by the breeze, it was literally flying.

Esme, short pink gown that stopped half way her thighs the top of the gown stuck to her body like it was wet, she had a pink bow on her head with black flats she looked simple yet amazing. Sometimes I wonder if she's really fifteen. They looked like actresses from some cliche high school movie.

Boys swarmed around them like bees and somehow I wished I could be like them, having all the attention like they did. It reminded me of how much I hated myself, poor eyesight, fat, ugly, nerdy and dumb. I hated it. I hated everything. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow and puke me out in some place where no one knew me.



Reminds me of how much high school seemed a bit frustrating, it was totally different from Ariana's but still I relate to her pain. I hope you liked this chapter too... Comments comments .

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