
Broken Vows -- Military Love

Clara Newin's boyfriend, Daniel, insists he isn't going to die (Of course not). He's being deployed to Afghanistan for a year, after which he will come back to her and they can proceed with the wedding (Yeah sure, so the figures showing that five soldiers die in Afghanistan each day are false. It not like he'll be fighting off terrorists or dancing around flying bullets). South African service member, Daniel Adams(who's honouring his father's dying wishes by joining the army), damn sure is no believer in coincidences. When Thomas starts showing up wherever Daniel is with Clara -- as perfectly innocent as these encounters seem to be -- Daniel digs deep in his foggy memory to unmask the face of the man behind his father's 'suicide'. Thomas kidnaps Clara to lure Daniel into a trap. Daniel puts everything on the line when he commits to rescue her. Thomas captures Daniel and reveals the secret of why he wants Daniel dead. Preferably in pieces. Clara soon realises the only way to save Daniel and her family is to eliminate the threat, and the only way to do that is to kill Thomas(And no, a legal solution is definitely not a smarter choice, especially because Thomas is the son of a Mobster with connections in all the right places). As if that's not enough, Clara still has to convince Daniel to abandon his commission in the army forces.

Qaqamba · 若者
4 Chs


This is not a romance story. It's not a poor attempt at a Juliet and Romeo retelling either, rather, it is, what most cynics and romantics alike would call a tragedy. That being stated, my story is not unique; there is a large number of women that go through this every year. In the event that it were a novel, it wouldn't win awards, nor would the critics commend it for its originality, after all, I am no one you would know; I am just a common woman, who, in this day and age, has had the privilege to experience the high of being loved unconditionally by a man I love most in this world.