
An Insight to the World of Broken Spear of the Gods

Weapon & Armor Rankings of Broken Spear of the Gods






Heirloom Class




First Forged

Power Scaling

Note: This is pure power of just the Weapon's Rarity. A Wielder's experience drastically changes these numbers

Uncommon = 2 Common

Rare = 3 Uncommon or 6 Common

Epic = 3 Rare or 9 Uncommon or 18 Common

Heroic = 5 Epic or 15 Rare or 45 Uncommon or 90 Common

Legendary = 4 Heroic or 20 Epic or 60 Rare or 180 Uncommon or 260 Common

Mythic = 5 Legendary or 20 Heroic or 100 Epic or 300 Rare or 900 Uncommon or 1800 Common

First Forged = 10 Mythic or 50 Legendary or 200 Heroic or 1000 Epic or 3000 Rare or 9000 Uncommon or 18000 Common


A common weapon functions as a normal weapon with no outstanding abilities besides a passive buff. The further up the ladder a Weapon climbs the more passive and active abilities it gains. Most Weapons gain these abilities through the Wielder's experience. Example: A man who uses a spear fights at a closer range rather than utilizing its length, the chance for the weapon to upgrade into dual spears with one being meant for closer encounters is higher as well as providing a passive buff for dual wielding and close fights. A weapon that has evolved from common to rare will be better than someone who acquired a rare weapon right out of the gate due to personalization and impact the Wielder has had on said Weapon. Weapons can possibly upgrade to Heirloom rarities but must meet certain requirements. After said requirement is met, the Weapon will be given to a special member of the church. Commonly these Weapons prefer specific bloodlines though a Weapon can be very choosy at times. After the Weapon has been inspected and it has been determined what the Weapon prefers, the church will give a decree as well as return the Weapon to its current Wielder.

Ascended Weapons

Weapon keeps its class but dramatically increases in power and latent ability, going up by a Weapon class. The higher the rarity, the longer it takes to ascend. The longer a weapon has existed, the more intelligence and sentience it gains. A common weapon might take shorter to upgrade itself into an uncommon, which boosts its attack power and gains some sentience. No weapon can upgrade itself into a First Forged.


Unlike Weapons that cannot be made or forged by anyone but the Blacksmith, armor can be made by anyone though is typically designated to the Church of the Smith's Forge. Blacksmiths are held in high regard and Armorers hold plenty of sway, depending on the skill of the artisan determines the armor's rarity. Each set of armor just like weapons are considered to hold sentience of some degree. Armor provides certain buffs that are determined by material, skill and blessing. Not a lot is known about armor and how its scaling works.








Some history of Vileres

The Grand Creator is lost to time, their name forgotten, and nothing more than a speck of dust. In this world, the Creator, known as the Blacksmith, bestowed upon Humanity a gift. Though the Blacksmith is classified as a creator, they are not the world's creator for Humanity and its residents. The Blacksmith is responsible for the making of all weapons, the items of which wield incredible power. Weapons take many forms, but the most common are swords, axes, spears, Etc. These weapons of tremendous power shape not only battlefields but kingdoms, capable of cleaving through armies or wreaking Untold destruction upon kingdoms. The world of Vileres (Vil-er-es) Has a long recorded history, but much more has been lost to time. The only thing known is that those who wield the Weapons are known as Wielders. These wielders are said to be powerful and influential people. Most commonly, they are Knights or law upholders, others being mighty warriors or Kings. Magic was said to exist in this world, but the arts have grown convoluted and feared the uncertainty in the unknown about their power. Each weapon chooses its Wielder, the spirits shaping the world's future, and the Wielder itself. The Smith's Forge, and the Church of the Blacksmith, are responsible for conducting the right that allows weapons and Wielders to come together.